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Box 7, Folder 13, Document 6
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1819 H STREET, N. W.
. WASHINGTON, D, C. 20006 20 June 1968
(Current as of June 20, 1968)
The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968
(Public Service Employment Bill)
Senate hearings have been completed.
Subcommittee Chairman Clark expects to complete mark-up the
week of June 24th of a bi-partisan public service employment
bill. No decision has been made on strategy - whether to
amend the Manpower Act extension or test Emergency Employ-
ment in a vote strictly on its merits.
Status of House Legislation
The Select Subcommittee on Labor has scheduled its
last hearings for June 26th and 27th. No decision
has been made on marking up the bill.
The Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968
(formerly the Tax Adjustment Act of 1968)
The bill contains a ten percent tax surcharge and $6 billion
in budget cuts.
The House passed the Conference report (the bill as agreed
to by the Conferees) on June 20th by a vote of 268 to 150.
The Senate completed favorable action on it on the 21st,
clearing it for the President's signature.
The President has reluctantly agreed to accept the $6 billion
in budget cuts. Indications are a substantial amount of this
will be out of non-essential defense and space programs. Al-
though Ways and Means Committee Chairman Mills informed us
that the full $6 billion of cuts could he taken without affect-
ing the urban and poverty programs, the House Appropriations
Committee is proceeding =e make significant cuts in these
vital programs.
TELEPHONE: 202 293-1530 <a
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
The Senate filed a clean bill, S.3497, and passed it
substantially as introduced on May 28th.
The bill has been ordered reported by the full
committee and the report should be filed on
Tuesday, June 25th.
The House Committee dropped Title IV (bonding
for New Communities) which the Senate had re-
tained at a $250 million level. This is one
issue to be resolved in Conference.
Target date for House action is still mid-July.
The Status of Appropriations Measures
The proposed schedule of action on the part of the
Appropriations Subcommittees concerning legislation of
interest to the Action Council is:
The Housing and Urban Development Appropriations
bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on
May 8th. It is in the Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee on Independent Offices. Final
hearings are scheduled for June 24th to hear
NASA officials. The Subcommittee will then
begin mark-up.
The appropriations process for HUD is complicated
by the fact that HUD is asking the Senate Commit-
tee to approve appropriations which are authorized
in this year's pending Housing Act: $1.4 billion
for Urban Renewal (including projects in Model
City areas) for Fiscal Year 1970 plus $350 million
in renewal grants for Model City areas for Fiscal
Year 1969.
To avoid the need for a supplemental appropriation,
the Administration would prefer holding up action
on the Appropriations bill until the Housing Act
of 1968 is passed and signed.
The Labor-HEW (including OEO) Appropriations bill
has been completed by the full Committee in the
House and is scheduled for House action on June
25th. Congressman Jamie Whitten (D-Miss.) amended
the bill in the Committee to prohibit use of funds
appropriated by the bill to force busing of school
children, to abolish any school or to force
secondary school students to attend a particular
school against the choice of parents. Every effort
should be made to strike this amendment on the
floor of the House.
Severe cuts were made in the bill that will affect
efforts in ghetto schools. One of these is the’
cut in the Teacher Corps, $2.3 million below the
approved level in 1968.
The Administration budget request was $31.2 million
(the House Committee approved $15 million), but the
Teacher Corps could continue its programs (including
forward funding) with $24 million.
The Regular Supplemental for Fiscal Year 1968 passed
the House and has been reported by the Senate
Appropriations Committee. Senators Yarborough and
Javits successfully managed to amend the bill in the
Committee to provide $25 million for Head-Start and
$75 million for Summer Jobs programs.
Many Coalition members assisted this effort by
wires and telephone calls to key Committee members.
The bill is scheduled for Senate action after the
Military Construction bill - probably June 25th.
The House killed funding for these two programs
when money for them was put in the Urgent Supple-
mental two months ago. Key members in the House
who will likely be Conferees are Representatives
Flood, Natcher, Neil Smith, Hull, Casey, Mahon,
Laird, Michel, Shriver, and Bow.
If the Senate does not retain funds for these two
programs in the Supplemental appropriations bill,
it is unlikely any other effort will succeed.
1819 H STREET, N. W.
. WASHINGTON, D, C. 20006 20 June 1968
(Current as of June 20, 1968)
The Emergency Employment and Training Act of 1968
(Public Service Employment Bill)
Senate hearings have been completed.
Subcommittee Chairman Clark expects to complete mark-up the
week of June 24th of a bi-partisan public service employment
bill. No decision has been made on strategy - whether to
amend the Manpower Act extension or test Emergency Employ-
ment in a vote strictly on its merits.
Status of House Legislation
The Select Subcommittee on Labor has scheduled its
last hearings for June 26th and 27th. No decision
has been made on marking up the bill.
The Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968
(formerly the Tax Adjustment Act of 1968)
The bill contains a ten percent tax surcharge and $6 billion
in budget cuts.
The House passed the Conference report (the bill as agreed
to by the Conferees) on June 20th by a vote of 268 to 150.
The Senate completed favorable action on it on the 21st,
clearing it for the President's signature.
The President has reluctantly agreed to accept the $6 billion
in budget cuts. Indications are a substantial amount of this
will be out of non-essential defense and space programs. Al-
though Ways and Means Committee Chairman Mills informed us
that the full $6 billion of cuts could he taken without affect-
ing the urban and poverty programs, the House Appropriations
Committee is proceeding =e make significant cuts in these
vital programs.
TELEPHONE: 202 293-1530 <a
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
The Senate filed a clean bill, S.3497, and passed it
substantially as introduced on May 28th.
The bill has been ordered reported by the full
committee and the report should be filed on
Tuesday, June 25th.
The House Committee dropped Title IV (bonding
for New Communities) which the Senate had re-
tained at a $250 million level. This is one
issue to be resolved in Conference.
Target date for House action is still mid-July.
The Status of Appropriations Measures
The proposed schedule of action on the part of the
Appropriations Subcommittees concerning legislation of
interest to the Action Council is:
The Housing and Urban Development Appropriations
bill for Fiscal Year 1969 passed the House on
May 8th. It is in the Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee on Independent Offices. Final
hearings are scheduled for June 24th to hear
NASA officials. The Subcommittee will then
begin mark-up.
The appropriations process for HUD is complicated
by the fact that HUD is asking the Senate Commit-
tee to approve appropriations which are authorized
in this year's pending Housing Act: $1.4 billion
for Urban Renewal (including projects in Model
City areas) for Fiscal Year 1970 plus $350 million
in renewal grants for Model City areas for Fiscal
Year 1969.
To avoid the need for a supplemental appropriation,
the Administration would prefer holding up action
on the Appropriations bill until the Housing Act
of 1968 is passed and signed.
The Labor-HEW (including OEO) Appropriations bill
has been completed by the full Committee in the
House and is scheduled for House action on June
25th. Congressman Jamie Whitten (D-Miss.) amended
the bill in the Committee to prohibit use of funds
appropriated by the bill to force busing of school
children, to abolish any school or to force
secondary school students to attend a particular
school against the choice of parents. Every effort
should be made to strike this amendment on the
floor of the House.
Severe cuts were made in the bill that will affect
efforts in ghetto schools. One of these is the’
cut in the Teacher Corps, $2.3 million below the
approved level in 1968.
The Administration budget request was $31.2 million
(the House Committee approved $15 million), but the
Teacher Corps could continue its programs (including
forward funding) with $24 million.
The Regular Supplemental for Fiscal Year 1968 passed
the House and has been reported by the Senate
Appropriations Committee. Senators Yarborough and
Javits successfully managed to amend the bill in the
Committee to provide $25 million for Head-Start and
$75 million for Summer Jobs programs.
Many Coalition members assisted this effort by
wires and telephone calls to key Committee members.
The bill is scheduled for Senate action after the
Military Construction bill - probably June 25th.
The House killed funding for these two programs
when money for them was put in the Urgent Supple-
mental two months ago. Key members in the House
who will likely be Conferees are Representatives
Flood, Natcher, Neil Smith, Hull, Casey, Mahon,
Laird, Michel, Shriver, and Bow.
If the Senate does not retain funds for these two
programs in the Supplemental appropriations bill,
it is unlikely any other effort will succeed.