Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 13, Document 44
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ae eae
JANUARY 31, 1968
IA Guaranteed Job |
For EveryoneUrged
By Urban € Coalition
nfpos + tr bo!
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 ian
—The Urban Coalition urged
Congress yesterday to guaran-
tee a job for everyone willing
and able to work. It said that
President Johnson’s new job
|proposals for the poor were!
only a partial answer to the
employment problem. i
The coalition is a group of
leaders in city governments,|
business, labor, religion and|
civil rights. Mayors and!
jrepresentatives from 37 cities
|attended a coalition session
jhere yesterday.
Alluding to rioting in many.
|American cities, the coalition
said in a statement, “The needs!
lare massive and urgent, the!
‘hour is late and the times are
The group said, “Congress
must pass legislation in this
session to provide Government-
generated employment to every
citizen able and willing to work
but unable to find private em-
ployment.” |
Instead of make-work proj-
ects, the coalition said, the,
Government should guaran-|
tee “socially useful jobs, which!
would provide public services|
now lacking in hospitals,
libraries, recreation programs
and other civic services."
President Johnson has pro-
posed that the Government pro.)
vide more reimbursement of
private employers for the added
expense of training and employ-
ing the hard-core unemployed. |
He set a goal of 500,000 such @
Leaders cf the coalition,
acknowledged at a news con-|
ference that they would have
difficulty persuading Congress
to enact their proposals.
But Andrew M. Heiskell,
chairman of the board of Time,|
Inc., and co-chairman of the)
coalition, said, “When the cities!
blow — if they blow — large @
sums will be allocated.” And
he said much of the money
then would be wasted because
it would be spent in a hurry
without adequate preparation.
A relatively: small allocation)“
of funds now would be more
effective, Mr. Heiskell said.
JANUARY 31, 1968
IA Guaranteed Job |
For EveryoneUrged
By Urban € Coalition
nfpos + tr bo!
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 ian
—The Urban Coalition urged
Congress yesterday to guaran-
tee a job for everyone willing
and able to work. It said that
President Johnson’s new job
|proposals for the poor were!
only a partial answer to the
employment problem. i
The coalition is a group of
leaders in city governments,|
business, labor, religion and|
civil rights. Mayors and!
jrepresentatives from 37 cities
|attended a coalition session
jhere yesterday.
Alluding to rioting in many.
|American cities, the coalition
said in a statement, “The needs!
lare massive and urgent, the!
‘hour is late and the times are
The group said, “Congress
must pass legislation in this
session to provide Government-
generated employment to every
citizen able and willing to work
but unable to find private em-
ployment.” |
Instead of make-work proj-
ects, the coalition said, the,
Government should guaran-|
tee “socially useful jobs, which!
would provide public services|
now lacking in hospitals,
libraries, recreation programs
and other civic services."
President Johnson has pro-
posed that the Government pro.)
vide more reimbursement of
private employers for the added
expense of training and employ-
ing the hard-core unemployed. |
He set a goal of 500,000 such @
Leaders cf the coalition,
acknowledged at a news con-|
ference that they would have
difficulty persuading Congress
to enact their proposals.
But Andrew M. Heiskell,
chairman of the board of Time,|
Inc., and co-chairman of the)
coalition, said, “When the cities!
blow — if they blow — large @
sums will be allocated.” And
he said much of the money
then would be wasted because
it would be spent in a hurry
without adequate preparation.
A relatively: small allocation)“
of funds now would be more
effective, Mr. Heiskell said.