Box 7, Folder 14, Document 1

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Box 7, Folder 14, Document 1

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oe ve Urban Coalition / Federa/ Bar Building West [1819 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. { 20006

Steering Cammittee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell [A Philip Randolph

December 15, 1967



So many of the principals on the Steering Committee encountered
unavoidable scheduling problems that it was necessary to postpone
the meeting scheduled for December 18 in Detroit. The meeting
will be held on January 8 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.
The new date will permit a broader representation of principals
from the various segments making up the Coalition. The Washing-
ton location will simplify the administrative aspects of holding
this particular meeting, at which the Committee members will be
considering details of future organization and programs. A la-
ter Steering Committee meeting will be held in Detroit.


The Task Force held a highly successful meeting in Atlanta on
December 13 for businessmen in the eastern and southern states.
More than 200 participants heard hard-hitting and inspiring
speeches from Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. of Atlanta, William Flynn,
director of the STEP Program for the National Association of
Manufacturers, Dr. Lawrence D. Reddick, executive director of
the Opportunities Industrialization Center Institute of Phila-
delphia, Augustus H. Sterne, president of the Atlanta Chamber
of Commerce, and Gerald L. Phillippe, chairman of the board of
the General Electric Company and Co-Chairman of the Task Force.
At workshop sessions smaller groups exchanged information and
discussed solutions to problems.

Mr. Phillippe's excellent address at the luncheon session is
being printed and will be mailed to everyone on the Coalition
mailing list.


Advance commitments indicate that the regional meeting on
organizing local urban coalitions to be held in New York City
on January 12 will be well attended. The session will be held
at New York University's Loeb Center.

National Coordinators: John Feild / Ron M. Linton
Telephone 293-1530
Big news from two of the nation's larger cities: Last week
Baltimore held its organizational meeting for a local coalition,
and on Thursday Mayor Walter E. Washington announced the formation
of a coalition for the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area.

In his announcement, Mayor Washington said citizens have called
for a local urban coalition in terms of urgency generated by the
August Emergency Convocation. Mayor Washington emphasized that
tne coalition must have the participation of the Virginia and
Maryland suburbs, and said he had already talked to several heads

of the neighboring jurisdictions. He set a November 16 organiza-
tional meeting.


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