Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 16, Document 9
Text Item Type Metadata
Office of Ue Mayor
To f Hci
, ¢
Telephone No.
[_] Wants you to call [_] Is here to see you
[_] Returned your call Came by to see you
(_] Left the following message:
Mrs. Paschall sent him in here to see about
getting a letter from the Mayor to Fort
McPherson requesting the use of a bus to
transport some children to the ball game
tomorrow. He will come back later with
more details.
Date: fn 3. Time #230 -avm./ p.m.
ég is
FORM 25-5
a Se) ae ie ae Ser a
gl OP Bites PIA
gr a oO ) ae e40 ae
To f Hci
, ¢
Telephone No.
[_] Wants you to call [_] Is here to see you
[_] Returned your call Came by to see you
(_] Left the following message:
Mrs. Paschall sent him in here to see about
getting a letter from the Mayor to Fort
McPherson requesting the use of a bus to
transport some children to the ball game
tomorrow. He will come back later with
more details.
Date: fn 3. Time #230 -avm./ p.m.
ég is
FORM 25-5
a Se) ae ie ae Ser a
gl OP Bites PIA
gr a oO ) ae e40 ae