Box 7, Folder 17, Document 1

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Box 7, Folder 17, Document 1

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Minutes of Commission Meeting, October, 27, 1967

Members present: Butler, Hallinan, Sells, Alexander, Baker, Maxwell
Patterson, Stephens, Attridge, Lee, Ezzard, Ryan,
Pilcher, Paschall and Kaler.

Mx. Irving K. Kaler, Chairman presided. He presented Mr. Reginald
Carter, Community Relations Assistant, and Mr. Jim Lindskoog, SIMS
Intern, to the Commission and commended them on the job they are doing.

Mr. Kaler then introduced a delegation of Teacher Corps trainees from
the University of Georgia under the leadership of Dr. Harry B. Williams,
Archbishop Hallinan introduced his visitor, Father Joe Connoly, a member
of the agency for Baltimore, Maryland, similar to the CRC. Mr. Bob
Hughes, Atlanta representative for the Community Relations Service of
the U.S, Department of Justice, gave a brief explanation of his job.

Mr. John Evans, chairman of the Kirkwood Chapter of the Georgia
Council on Human Relations, commended the Commission on its efforts
to date, said the Commission is needed and hopes as years go by,

it will become more forceful.

Mr. Edward Moody, Mechanicsville Civic League: "Concur wholeheartedly
in part with what has been said. CRC will probably get criticism from
Aldermanic Board, but if they're going to condone evil but give you
power to fight it - makes no sense, Discriminatory practices basis of
all problems. If you're (CRC) going to be the organization to bring
problems to, we are going to expect you to do something about it."

Mr. Alexander said he agreed, that when CRC started out, "Said not
going to be a popularity contest, must be trouble-shooting. At every
meeting there might be controversy, should have somebody from the staff
or from the Commission there to see what happens." He moved that any
time there is controversy or controversy expected, some member of staff
or Commission be there to observe.

Discussion of this: Mr. Attridge stressed ---"Not participate, observe",
Mrs. Patterson said she was asked not to come to Vine City; Mr. Butler
said he “wouldn't want to go out and arbitrarily represent" the
Commission. Rabbi Rothschild referred to the “Ad Hoc Committee that
already exists", Mr. Kaler asked that the motion be deferred until a
later meeting when job descriptions for the staff would be considered,

in light of the first year's experience. He said staff participation
should not be rigid, matter of judgement; no disparity between points

of view expressed. Mr. Alexander agreed to table the motion. Archbishop
Hallinan expressed need for clarification of role of staff and Commission
and his concern for the Commission to act preventively in the interest

of justice.
Page 2 Minutes 10-27-67

Mr. Kaler introduced Mr. Tom Oxnard, editor of the Weekly Star, and
praised his courageous fight against the "flight of citizenry". Mr.
Oxnard said he had been asked to serve on a temporary sub-committee
to try to get education about neighborhood stabilization through the
mass media, would like to say they have the support af the Commission
and not "just Tom Oxnard and Jim Costen sticking our’ necks out".

Mr. Kaler asked that the question be delayed until next month. Mrs.
Paschall explained that at the monthly informal meetings of persons
working in the field of housing, it had been agreed that a great need
is for education of the total community about the problems of neighbor-
hood stabilization and Mr. Oxnard had agreed to serve as chairman of a
‘temporary committee to suggest plans for that.

Mrs. Xerona Clayton gave a brief explanation of SWAP for the benefit of
the Teachers Corps group.

Mr. Maxwell reported on progress in the establishment of advisory
committees with persons from the business community, "“ave 30 who

have agreed to serve, trying to arrange a meeting with the Mayor;

plan to form 3 committees - housing, education, and employment. There
would be at least 1 member of the Commission on each committee".

Mr. Moody reported that in the Model Neighborhood area, houses are

being torn down and before the federal programs get funded, the land will
be bare. "What can the Commission do to help"? Mr. Ezzard confirmed
these reports. f

The Reverend Clyde Williams, Chairman of the Grass Roots Council,
made remarks as follows: "He came to the meeting out of real concern, to
get the Commission to look at some of the problems:

1. Whole matter of police-community relations, not saying police
brutality but relationship between police and the citizens.

2. Housing - places both fire traps and health hazards, even though
some property tied up in injunctions, could they be approached from
fire and health standpoints?

-3. What are the contractors doing business with the city? Need
to know the companies so can determine if there is discrimination."

Senator Sells said, "The contractors doing business with the city are
a matter of public record." .Mr..Wyant said, "This is a function of
the City Attorney, Commission not enforcing or investigation body."
Rev. Williams said, "If it is a matter of concern to the Commission,
then Commission should be concerned", Mr. Alexander said lots of
things on the books not being implemented. This group (Grass Roots
Council) is entitled to the list and if they have complaints which
are not satisied by appealing to the City Attorney, then they should
come to the Commission,
Page 3 Minutes 10-27-67

Rabbi Rothschild asked whose concern it is to implement the ordinance.
Mr. Pilcher said no means for implementation, it is anticipated that
the aggrieved person will bring charges; only thing contractor required
to do is to sign affidavit. Mr. Wyant said not the business of this
body to check, Rabbi Rothschild said it is the business of the
Commission to resolve problems before they become problems. Mr. Attridge
said we don't want to assume discrimination. Rev. Williams said,
"We've had a history of discrimination", Rabbi Rothschild moved that

a resolution be sent to the Aldermen commending them for passing the
ordinance but urging provision for it's implementation. Passed Mr.
Kaler urged Rev. Williams to come back to the Commission if he had
trouble with the City Attorney.

Rev. Williams commended the Commission as a good sounding board and
said, "We need the Commission, the Commission needs us".

Mr, Kaler asked what he meant about police-community relations. Rev.
Williams said, "There is a breakdown in communication between citizens
and police". Mr. Attridge referred to the program of the Atlanta Bar
Association. Rev. Williams said he was familiar with that and has
attended their meetings.

Mr. Alexander asked that the Executive Director check on situation
regarding civil defense employment. Mr. Kaler said that is being explored.

Mr. Ezzard said he wanted to report an incident in which a courteous
police officer, at the Greyhound Bus Station, averted trouble. He
called attention to the fact that about a year ago a meeting was called
by the Chairman of the Grass Roots Council, Mr. Benny T. Smith, and

the idea of this Commission was formed. Grass Roots organization should
be given report of year's activity. Mr. Kaler said the November meeting
will be an anniversary meeting and the Grass Roots Council will be

Mr. Ezzard raised a question about the Wren's Nest, but was asked to
to withdraw it in the absence of Miss Helen Bullard, Chairman of that
committee, until Miss Bullard's report.

Mz. Kaler reported several requests for public meeting on the school
issues, He said that in the absence of Rev. Samuel Williams, who had
been so active in those matters, would delay discussion, but that he
wanted it "clearly understood that the policy position of the Chamber
of Commerce is the position of the Chamber of Commerce, that the
position of the Commission will be delineated after a meeting about
Page 4 Minutes 10-27-67

Mr. Kaler announced appointments to three year terms ta the Commission
those who had been appointed last November for 1 year terms, namely,

Mrs. Sara Baker, Miss Helen Bullard, Mr. R. J. Butler, Mr. Robert Dobbs,
Mr. C. G. Ezzard and Mr. Joseph A. Wyant.


1. Meeting was held with Legislators on October 11; November meeting
of the Commission will be changed to November 17th due to Thanksgiving.

2. The CEO Multi-purpose Training Center at Atlanta University, headed
by Dr. Tilman Cothran, has contacted the Commission office with a pro-
posal that a graduate sociology student be placed in our office as an
intern later this year. Approved.

3. Mrs. Minnie Thomas has resigned to accept a secretarial position at
Morris Brown College. The Director was authorized to write her a letter
of thanks on behalf of the Commission. The Personnel Department is
helping with personnel changes.

4. The new Information Desk in the lobby of City Hall is under Mr.
Monroe, the Superintendent. The Commission has provided information
and will continue to work cooperatively with this.

5. Mr. James Parham of EOA and General Sutherland, City Personnel
Director, have expressed willingness to meet with the Commission and
plans are being arranged with them.

6. The Commission was asked last summer by the Mayor's office to assist
2 families trying to find space in trailer parks, o family of a veteran
and the other of a service man. Both families are Negro; neither has
been able to find space; both feel they are being discriminated against
on the grounds of race. The Commmssion staff has visited all trailer
park managers association, suggested need for an additional park, which
would be built "integrated",

7. In the area of housing/we have continued the monthly meetings of
persons working with housing. Mrs. Mary Stephens, Commission member
who works with housing at Pittsburgh EOA Center, said she had found
the meetings most helpful; (2) Continued calls for emergency housing
beyond limited facilities of Salvation Army; (3) Continued problems
of evictions from private property code enforcement in Model Neighbor-
hood area has resulted in demolishing homes, still uncertainty over
plans, difficult to get loans to rehabilitate homes.

8, Schools = Total increase in enrollment in high schools in October
School Board report - 186; 377 decrease in total enrollment at Archer,
Price, West Fulton, Turner; Protests have been made against portables
being built at these schools, some demonstrations against efforts to
build them at Turner.
Page 5 Minutes 10-27-67

9, Vine City - Mr. Carter went to "riots" at request of Mr. Alexander
Chairman of the Team for that area. (Written report attached).

10. Employment meeting, October 26th, had very good response. Persons
working in programs of employment were invited, about 100 attended
morning session and 50 in afternoon. Director requested report from
Mr. R. J. Butler, who presided at the meeting.

Mr. Butler reported that those attending included the EOA Administrator
the Atlanta Director of the Georgia State Employment, the President of
Clark College, Staff members from EEDA Regional office. He said he felt
the meeting was helpful, that the interest was so great the meeting
continued until 5, instead of adjourning at 4. Mrs. Paschall said a
detailed report of the meeting will be sent to Commission members and
that the findings of the meeting will be used in making recommendations
about a Commission program in employment.

Office Space ~ Mr. R, Earl Landers, Administrative Assistant to the
Mayor, has said space is available in the old City Auditorium , at no
expense to the Commission. Some remodeling would be done, and it would
provide ample quarters for the proposed program for next year. It is
suggested that the Youth Council and the Commission might share the
space to advantage of both. Mrs. Paschall recommended that this be
done. Mr. Kaler said he was to see the Mayor and would talk with him
‘tain about space in the City Hall before any final decision.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.


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