Box 7, Folder 17, Document 9

Dublin Core


Box 7, Folder 17, Document 9

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"A list of the entire faculty--full and part time--of the
Area Technical School, with courses taught, salaries paid,
and the number who are Negroes",

"A listing of the courses currently taught at the Technical
School, the number enrolled, the estimated per pupil cost,
and .the.cost of specific items of equipment; for example,
computers, etc".

"That textbooks be supplied all classes, in all schools,
for all courses which require textbooks".

"Pupil's schedules be ready on opening day, and textbooks
be issued that first day, and no later than the third day
of school",

"That a complete re-study of all textbooks presently used
be made to the end of removing any and all that do not
present the proper perspective on race. We ask that they
be replaced with integrated textbooks".

“If any school is 60 percent or more of a given race, the
Principal of said school shall be of that race. When an
Associate Principal, who is white, is assigned to a Negro
school, we shall expect a Negro Associate Principal to be
assigned to a white school",

"That local Negro banking institutions be used along with
other banks as depositories of school funds. We should
like a list of banks now receiving deposits of Board money".

"The Atlanta Public Ychools have never had a Negro Superinten-
dent - it is about time we had one. With approximately 60
percent of the school population Negro we see no reason why
the Chief Administrative should not be Negro. We are asking
that by January 1, 1968, you will make a Negro first Associate
Superintendent of Schools. If you are wondering where such

a man can be found, we suggest that you look first among your
own staff?!,

"We note that of all the major departments in the System not

one is directed by a Negro. In a system 60 percent this is
unpardonable. We are asking, therefore, that by January 1, 1968,
you name three, but no less than two, Negroes to head departments.
In departments having associates, we ask that a Negro be named

at once to three of these positions".

"The parents of the Negre children on double session are
dissatisfied. They cannot accept the rationale of the
“extended day" when they know their childiren are being
systematically denied equal educational opportunity. We
ask that you, therefore, take immediate action ta eliminate
double sessions",
Page 2

Requests Handed To Atlanta Board of Education By Atlanta Summit Leadership
Conference, Et Al on September 11, 1967 (continued)


"We are asking that the rule passed last year which in effect

denies freedom of speech and information to citizens desiring

to appear before the Board be rescinded. We do not object

to notification of a desire to appear being required of a
citizen, but the denial of the right to be interrogated by
Board members and to ask questions of the Board-with the
Board responding - all of this we reject and see as denial
of freedom of speech and information",


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