Box 7, Folder 17, Document 38

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Box 7, Folder 17, Document 38

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June 19, 1967

Hearing on Dixie Hills, Wednesday, June 19, 1967, EOA Center, 2193 Verbena St.

The Executive Committee of the Commission met at the request of the Mayor.


CHAIRMAN: Mz. Irving K. Kaler
FIRST VICE={CHAIRMAN: Rev. Samuel Williams
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Mrs. Eliza K, Paschall

Also present were Senator Leroy Johnson, Alderman Q. V. Williamson, Rep.
J. D. Grier, Rep. J. C. Daugherty, Mr. Cecil Alexander, Mr. Johnny Robinson,
and Mr. B. L. Lowery, City Inspection Department.

Mr. Kaler explained that the session had been called at the request of the Mayor
to hear from residents about the events of the past few days, and invited anyone
to speak.

SPEAKERS: (In Order) Mr, Howard Watson Mr. Willie Fordan Mr, Charles’ Weber
49 Shirley Place 346 Wadley St. Am, Frds, Ser.
Miss Dorothy Shaw Mrs. Albert Ford Mr. C.W. Smith
2232 Verbena St. 2235 Verbena St. 2261 Verbena St.
Mr. Marion Ward Mr. Jerry Carlton Mrs, V..A,Jackson
31 Shirley Pl. 31 Shirley Pl. 2150 Verbena St,

Mr. William H. Furlow Mr. Johnny Billingsley Willie Glaze
2166 Vesta Ave., #8 2225 Verbena St. #5 155 Wadley ¢

Mz. Howard Watson, the Youth Corps Co-chairman, was the first speaker, He expresse
his complaints, and what he thought precipitated the rioting was (1) inadequate
play lots for the immediate area, (2) better treatments in the stores, (3) apart-
ments, (4) police brutality, and (5) unpaved streets, with holes in them.

The apartments are owned by private owners, and the owners should be made
to repair the apartments, and rents are too high for the way they are unkept by
the owners. Streets need paving, some large holes are in the middle of them.

The sewage is very bad, when it rain, water floodsup in the streets, He felt
that the stores in the Center, should treat the children, as well as others
with respect, The brutality is another factor for unrest = when the official
was arresting the girl they used brutality with her, and the people didn't
want their women treated that way. The policemen seem to feel that the people
in the low-income bracket, can be treated anyway, and talked to anyway. The
rioting did not just stem from the trying to get recreation facilities, but
mostly "police brutality".
Page 2 Minutes, Commission Hearing in Dixie Hills, -.:..,

. Wed., June 21st
DOROTHY SHAW: She stated that her grievances, or complaints were (1) play-
lots for the children, (2) E.0.A. should have field trips for the smaller
children (3) the selling of beer and wine to our children in the store
should be stopped (this complaint had not been formally reported to the

BULLARD: (Question) Do you think that Mr. Carmichael's presence precipitated -
this rioting? Do you think this would come about anyway?

SHAW: The disturbance would come about sooner or later, mainly because our
kids are on the streets.

MARION WARD: the man who was shot, treated, and released, stated that.he waited
in the streets in order to help the fellow who was shot (later he died), After
waiting on the police, he went to get his superior offecer ( the police), he
never came back to help the other man, He told the Commission that he heard
four Shots, that the officer pump the gun four times, That the man who threw
the fire bomb (Molotov Cocktail) was not near them. The Molotov Cocktail

went just a few feet in front of the officer who shot these people. He saw

the police start to shoot, the police was under a street light. He stated

that he could identify him if he saw him again. The other man (who died)

was just lying in the streets "face down", and the boy was not bleeding,

unless he was bleeding on the inside, both unattended. He stated that he

was treated and released at Grady's Hospital. The ambulance took about

two hours to come He said he had started to bleed again, that it was

about 30 minutes after he got to the hospital before he received any service.
He was asked to make a statement to detectives before he began to get


There are no playlots for our children, the rent is tao high, and nothing
is offered for them. ("I pay $65.00 per month; no utilities are included")
He has three children himself, and that the apartments are infested with
roaches, rats, and other insects: that the owners should get rid of.

WILLIAM H. FURLOW: Feels that previous problems cause this thing to come
to a point. After the rioting he came back to this area to see what was
happening, he feels that this situation came about because of the brutality
of the police arresting of the girl (Georgia). This community this large
do not need a Jew Store, with prices skyhigh, and little quality. A
community this sige needs a store like A & P or one similar. The city
should make the owners repair the apartments. There are holes in the

wall, where children get into them to play. This is dangerous. Also

play lots are needed for our children.

WILKIE JORDAN: Get property owners ta fix up the property, keep places
clean. Felt that if the policemen were to parole the area, it should
be in such a large quanity, and not harass the people. As long as the
people are treated like people, there will be peace. If the officials
are mean to them, they will continue to gather in crowds as such. There
should be an effort if the policemen are needed they should be able te
xeach the area in 5 to 8 minutes. The people feel. that the thing whish'-caused
the rioting was: (1) when ti.e police used brut * gn arrasting the
woma1. A meeting was called on Sunday to find out the people grievente,
and to stop the past troubles of the community with the security quards,
play lots for our small children. He thought that this thing would come
Page 3 Minutes, Commission Hearing in Dixie Hills,
Wed., June 2lst

about eventually, even if Mr, Carmichael did not come into the area,

fiRS, ALBERT FORD stated that these problems were here before this

thing happen. She felt that the City transit gave good bus service

in the area. A bus comes in here every five minutes, and during the
Xmas holidays, one came about every minute. The police brutality is

not wanted in the area. The community decided that they will not shop
at the store (Dixie Hill Store). She stated that, "We are not violent
people", if some of the police is taken from the area, the people could
go back to their normal way of living. She s ys that she realize that

a lot of people do not have respect for the law, but this comes from the
brutality from the policemen,

‘IKIE JORDAN said that the people held a meeting that night, (Monday)
We called this meeting to hear from tiie people their complaints. A
community preacher made arrangements as to where this meeting was to

be held. Their complaints were as follows: (1) work, (2) the stores
in the Center, (3) EOA, they are not helping the people with their
problems, (4) Poor Sewage, (5) Play lots, and recreation are not doing
what could be done with the apartment. We would like someone from the
Cit: to guard this area as a regular beat, someone who knows everyone.
And they should take a human-relations course, similar to the one given
in colleges. Then the, would know how to handle these people. Also
ENA do not show to much interest to the people in the area, and are not
really giving assistance to them. The counselors do not take interest.

MRS. ALBERT FORD: Police brutality is drawing attention from the people.

JERRY CARLTON: The police are not protecting the people, and they should
be gotten out. He stated further that he saw the little boy who was shot,
in the hospital, and that the kid wants to kill every cop that comes into
his sight -- that this is the reaction a small child has from such
brutality --- and that he is too young to think like that --- but the
police are teaching hi this way because of the way they treat people.

The security guards are given a gun and a badge and that is their license
to kill, or harass anyone they want.

Q. V. WILLIAMSON: "The only thing the police are there for is to protect
life and property. If they are taken out now what will happen"?

JOHNNY BILLINGSLAY: "This community once had a fellow who was real nice,
but the city took him away, and gave us another person here who tried to
bully everyone. He was removed after he shot a man here. Then the store
and the grill hired a Security Guard . The man who everyone liked was
Mr. Collier".

CHAIRMAN: "Could this man be brought back to help us with the peopic.
and their problems"?

3ILLINGSLAY: "The only thing we want here is 'peace'".

THARLES WEBSTER, AFSC: "Chairman, I agree with Mr. Billingslay, =
“re, Carlton. This community needs someone who the peopl? ec. | om trust."
Page 4 Minutes, Commission Hearing in Dixie Hills
Wed., June 2lst

C. if. SMITH: "We have a number of complaints". He works with

EQA as Area Block Chairman of their lighting committee. He states
that they had a number of complaints, in addition to the other
complaints, is proper lighting in the area. This complaint has been
brought up before the proper autherities, but nothing has yet been
done about it.

VIRGINIA JACKSON: works with Anderson School's PTA, and talk to the
boys in the area. The people here feel that the people with the EDA

are better than them, the way they are treated. Since most of these
people are not high-school graduates, they (E0A) in counselling them
should tell these kids, not to expect to make a lot of money on the
jobs that they are sent out on. Some of them have yotten into the
training program, but this makes them frustrated, because if they

have families, the salary they are given are not enough. The counselors
should let them know what is to be expected.

HELEN BULLARD: "Some people will not respect the policemen if the
children are told that the policemen go about and beat up the people.
What could be done about this"?

VIRGINIA JACKSON: "My suggestion is, as I tell my children, (and I

have five) that whenever a policeman urders you to do something, do it.
If you are arrested go with them peacefully, wheter you are wrong or
right. Then this is when you exercise y ur righis by hiring a lawyer".

CHATRWAN: “If the City removes the policemen from the area, will it
make this area less disturbed"?

VIRGINIA JACKSON: "We don't need anyone here, who cannot get order.
The policemen are causing disorder."

WILLIE GLAZE: "Some of the peaple-in the area feel that the people
who the cops shot are either their friend or relative".

CHARLES B. HART: Asked what would their reactiins be if Mr. Carmichael
came back into the area, once the policemen are removed. Wo:ld they

be able to guarantee anyone that they would not be motivated by his
speeches and riot again? He alsa stated that he is a volunteer worker
with EQOA, as an area representative, and that about three months ago
they expressed a desire for a "good Guy" to patrol this area. We have
not had full cooperation with the community working with EOA. We had
also tried to get the City to cuild two playlots for our children.

Mr. Hart is to submit a written report to the committee on these efforts.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P. M., in order to meet with the
Mayor at City Hall.


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