Box 7, Folder 18, Document 3

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Box 7, Folder 18, Document 3

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eis y RR;

Mr. Irving K. Kaler,/Chairmaa, :
Community Relations Commission,
City of Atlanta, E
Fultoa National Baak Bldg.,

Atlanta, Ga, 30303.

Dear Irving, §

I have accepted the Senior Editorship of Pace Magazise,
published ia Los Amgeles, aad I will be moviag to the weat
Coast duriag the summer. This, of eourse, makea it aecessary
for me to resign as a member of the Commusity Relatioas

While it will be several weeka before I make thia
move, I am tex¢ering my resignation at this tims, to be
accepted at your pleasure, so that you may be free to
ehoose s replacement whea you see fit.

Phe short associetioa I have had with thie Commission
leaves m with very high hopes that it wiil be succeasful
in solving some of the bagie problems ia this city. I
have never s¢en a group of people -- all of them busy at
Many taske -~ go devoted to the purposes and work of an
agency ae are the members of thie body.

i have also been extremely impressed with the quality
of leaéeréhip you have exerted es chairman,

With thie reluctazt resignatioa go my prayers and
best wishes for this work so robly begus.

why ; jie,

ec: The Hom. Ivan Allea


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