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Box 7, Folder 18, Document 19
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Acting early to keep the
city’s summer a “cool” one,
City Moves to Avert Summer Unrest
| The task torece will he re
‘sponsible for the spending of
‘all funds that become available
‘for community projects.
| “We want to be sure that we
: {
‘member of the task foree, be-|Themas A. Van Sant of the Board
cause, Mr.
perience has shown that even)
Lindsay said, “ex-! of Education.
James W, Smith, assistant to the
reater control of a summer! Mayor for Community Relations.
Mayor Lindsay yesterday ap-iare getting the maximum value] activities is needed.”
pointed a Summer Task Force |for each dollar spent and that,
‘of top city officials to coordi-
nate recreation and community-
‘development programs in de-
pressed neighborhoods.
The 22-member group, which
includes nine Negroes and one
‘Puerto Rican, will supervise
one that range from the
placement of play streets and
fire-hydrant sprays to the
spending of antipoverty funds
jand the arrangement of walk-
jing tours by Mayor Lindsay
through ghettos.
In a statement announcing
ithe appointment of the group,
i Mr. Lindsay noted that the city
‘had gotten through the sum-
mer of 1966 without any major
racial disturbances. Summers
are particularly touchy because
‘slum dwellers escaping from
itheir stifling apartments gather
jin the streets, where even a
‘small incident might lead to
The generally peaceful sum-
mer of 1966 was due in part,
jthese funds are going into the
‘areas where there is the great-
est need,” Mr, Lindsay said.
Another assignment of the
task force will be to attract
Federal funds to support the
program. Last year, New York
City received nearly $12-million
for the Federal Government,
through the Office of Economic
Opportunity, for summer ac-
But the prospects for another
such allocation do not appear
The chairman of the coor-
dinating task force will be
| Barry H. Gottehrer, an assistant
ito the Mayor. Mr. Gottchrer,
who is 32 years old, has served
‘on the Antipoverty Operations
Board and the Special Summer
+1966 Subcommittee,
A former reporter, Mr. Gotte-
ihrer was a trouble shooter for
the Mayor in city neighborhoods
‘this winter.
The Summer Task Force is
tscheduled to hold weekly meet-
‘ings until the hot weather
slarts. After that it will meet
bright at the moment, the." ofion as is necessa
Mayor said. It was hoped that ¢.4+ meeting will, be neta
ja well-developed plan, prepared \woanes day attemnoon at City
jbeforehand, might influence 5,,))
ones ph RReemarete money! ‘rhe members of the task
o support it. . : .
Finally, the task force wi|fOre, 2upreseat mune city de
coordinate appeals to founda-\" the Mayor named Cyril D.
tions and business groups for Tyson of the Human Resources
ee to pay for summer pro-| Kdmininteation:. agp vice chairs
Mr. Lindsay recalled the pri-|
vately financed Rheingold Sum-:
mer Concert Festival, which!
attracted large audiences at
jazz, folk music, and rock 'n’
Others appointed to the task
force were:
the Mayor said, to the “ex- roll performances in Central
traordinary efforts” of scores of Park last year. He also cited
icity officials and private volun-
“From this experience we
‘learned many lessons,” the May-
‘or went on. “Most important,
‘we learned that coordination of
‘the work of key agencies—-the
‘police, fire, education, anti-
\poverty, and the Mayor's office
|—wags needed at the highest
‘level. This is the job the task
force will do.”
! One of the first efforts of
ithe task force will be to develop
la citywide network of adults
jand youngsters who are re-
igarded as the leaders in their
‘a sports festival for youths
jsponsored by Old London Foods
at Prospect Park and Randalls
Island. Pisa
Last summer the city's anti-
poverty program reached into
the communities fer the par-
ticipation of “indigenous groups"
in organizing day camps, voca~-
tional-training courses, and trips
to the country for slum children
\who had never been out of
ithcir own neighborhoods.
These efforts were considered
successful. But former Parks
Commissioner Thomas P. F.
\Hoving said afterward that
lwhat was needed was a co-
jordinating group, “headed by
jone strong inan,” to steer these
diverse efforts and utilize all
leity agencies that could con-
tribute to them.
| Mr. Lindsay said that Mrs.
'Thelma Johnson, an official in
ithe Human Resources Adminis-
tration, would head a summer
iantipoverty program. Mrs.
|Johnson will also serve as a
Robert O. Lowery, Fire Commis-
Robert Shrank, Mrs, Johnson and
Frank Espada of the Human
Resources Administration,
Walter E. Washington, chairman:
of the Housing Authority. i
William H. Booth, chairman of
the Human Rights Commission. |
Sidney Davidoff, assistant to the;
Mayor for Neighborhood Pro-'
prams, ;
Robert M. Blum, assistant to the;
Mayor for Neighborhood Little!
City Halls. ;
Peter Aschkenasy, deputy execu-|
tive director, Department of:
John Foley, executive director, !
Police Athletic League. |
David L. Garth, special consultant
to the Mayor,
Lillian Lampkin, executive direc-,
tor of the Youth Board.
Representing the Police De-
partment will be:
Sanford D. Garelik, chief inspec-
tor, Franklin A. Thomas, deputy '
commissioner for legal matters,
and Lloyd G. Sealy, assistant)
chief inspector.
A member from the Council
Against Poverty and two mem-
bers from other cily agencies
will be named later.
Acting early to keep the
city’s summer a “cool” one,
City Moves to Avert Summer Unrest
| The task torece will he re
‘sponsible for the spending of
‘all funds that become available
‘for community projects.
| “We want to be sure that we
: {
‘member of the task foree, be-|Themas A. Van Sant of the Board
cause, Mr.
perience has shown that even)
Lindsay said, “ex-! of Education.
James W, Smith, assistant to the
reater control of a summer! Mayor for Community Relations.
Mayor Lindsay yesterday ap-iare getting the maximum value] activities is needed.”
pointed a Summer Task Force |for each dollar spent and that,
‘of top city officials to coordi-
nate recreation and community-
‘development programs in de-
pressed neighborhoods.
The 22-member group, which
includes nine Negroes and one
‘Puerto Rican, will supervise
one that range from the
placement of play streets and
fire-hydrant sprays to the
spending of antipoverty funds
jand the arrangement of walk-
jing tours by Mayor Lindsay
through ghettos.
In a statement announcing
ithe appointment of the group,
i Mr. Lindsay noted that the city
‘had gotten through the sum-
mer of 1966 without any major
racial disturbances. Summers
are particularly touchy because
‘slum dwellers escaping from
itheir stifling apartments gather
jin the streets, where even a
‘small incident might lead to
The generally peaceful sum-
mer of 1966 was due in part,
jthese funds are going into the
‘areas where there is the great-
est need,” Mr, Lindsay said.
Another assignment of the
task force will be to attract
Federal funds to support the
program. Last year, New York
City received nearly $12-million
for the Federal Government,
through the Office of Economic
Opportunity, for summer ac-
But the prospects for another
such allocation do not appear
The chairman of the coor-
dinating task force will be
| Barry H. Gottehrer, an assistant
ito the Mayor. Mr. Gottchrer,
who is 32 years old, has served
‘on the Antipoverty Operations
Board and the Special Summer
+1966 Subcommittee,
A former reporter, Mr. Gotte-
ihrer was a trouble shooter for
the Mayor in city neighborhoods
‘this winter.
The Summer Task Force is
tscheduled to hold weekly meet-
‘ings until the hot weather
slarts. After that it will meet
bright at the moment, the." ofion as is necessa
Mayor said. It was hoped that ¢.4+ meeting will, be neta
ja well-developed plan, prepared \woanes day attemnoon at City
jbeforehand, might influence 5,,))
ones ph RReemarete money! ‘rhe members of the task
o support it. . : .
Finally, the task force wi|fOre, 2upreseat mune city de
coordinate appeals to founda-\" the Mayor named Cyril D.
tions and business groups for Tyson of the Human Resources
ee to pay for summer pro-| Kdmininteation:. agp vice chairs
Mr. Lindsay recalled the pri-|
vately financed Rheingold Sum-:
mer Concert Festival, which!
attracted large audiences at
jazz, folk music, and rock 'n’
Others appointed to the task
force were:
the Mayor said, to the “ex- roll performances in Central
traordinary efforts” of scores of Park last year. He also cited
icity officials and private volun-
“From this experience we
‘learned many lessons,” the May-
‘or went on. “Most important,
‘we learned that coordination of
‘the work of key agencies—-the
‘police, fire, education, anti-
\poverty, and the Mayor's office
|—wags needed at the highest
‘level. This is the job the task
force will do.”
! One of the first efforts of
ithe task force will be to develop
la citywide network of adults
jand youngsters who are re-
igarded as the leaders in their
‘a sports festival for youths
jsponsored by Old London Foods
at Prospect Park and Randalls
Island. Pisa
Last summer the city's anti-
poverty program reached into
the communities fer the par-
ticipation of “indigenous groups"
in organizing day camps, voca~-
tional-training courses, and trips
to the country for slum children
\who had never been out of
ithcir own neighborhoods.
These efforts were considered
successful. But former Parks
Commissioner Thomas P. F.
\Hoving said afterward that
lwhat was needed was a co-
jordinating group, “headed by
jone strong inan,” to steer these
diverse efforts and utilize all
leity agencies that could con-
tribute to them.
| Mr. Lindsay said that Mrs.
'Thelma Johnson, an official in
ithe Human Resources Adminis-
tration, would head a summer
iantipoverty program. Mrs.
|Johnson will also serve as a
Robert O. Lowery, Fire Commis-
Robert Shrank, Mrs, Johnson and
Frank Espada of the Human
Resources Administration,
Walter E. Washington, chairman:
of the Housing Authority. i
William H. Booth, chairman of
the Human Rights Commission. |
Sidney Davidoff, assistant to the;
Mayor for Neighborhood Pro-'
prams, ;
Robert M. Blum, assistant to the;
Mayor for Neighborhood Little!
City Halls. ;
Peter Aschkenasy, deputy execu-|
tive director, Department of:
John Foley, executive director, !
Police Athletic League. |
David L. Garth, special consultant
to the Mayor,
Lillian Lampkin, executive direc-,
tor of the Youth Board.
Representing the Police De-
partment will be:
Sanford D. Garelik, chief inspec-
tor, Franklin A. Thomas, deputy '
commissioner for legal matters,
and Lloyd G. Sealy, assistant)
chief inspector.
A member from the Council
Against Poverty and two mem-
bers from other cily agencies
will be named later.