Box 7, Folder 18, Document 22

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Box 7, Folder 18, Document 22

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Community Relations Commission
1203 City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Northwest Area Neighborhood Hearing, Wednesday, April 19, 1967 at
Allen Temple AME Church, 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Charles Hart, chairman of the EOA CNAC, who had arranged for
the meeting, had served on the Human Relations Committee appointed
by the Board of Aldermen, which preceded the Commission. He ex-
plained the formation of the Commission, and said it was "designed
to find out needs and problems of the city".
Commission members present - Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman; Rabbi Jacob
Rothschild, Mr. Byron Attridge, Mr. R. S. Butler, and Mrs. Eliza
Paschall, Executive Director.

Ll. Mr. William Brown, 847 Gertrude Place.

Polluted stream between Gertrude Place, and Hortense Place; offensive
odors, have to close windows. Had contacted Mr. Respress, who had
replied that he needed a bond issue for new sewers; wrote Mayor;
Health Department said to write city; nothing done.

2. Mrs. Gaynelle Byrd, 1894 Tremont Drive, N. W.
Street paving problems on Anderson and Simpson; Dixie Hills Circle
too narrow; need turnaround paved; area confusing and street signs
confusing, almost impossible to give directions.

3. Mrs. Mary Williams, 2041 Morehouse Drive, N. W., 799-8001.

Dixie Hills Civic Club: need cross walk at Newberry Chapel, at Spelman
and Simpson Road; need "Slow School" sign on west side of Simpson Road
from Dixie Hills Circle to protect children going to W. White School;
Parks Department promised 2 years ago to fix Recreation Center at

Anderson Park; need police protection at Dixie Hills Plaza against
teenagers who gang up against people trying to get through the
Rothschild, etc. asked if they have tried to solve the problem;
Attridge asked if they are local teenagers; Mrs. Williams said they
don't know. Mr. Dobbs said it takes police 15 minutes to arrive when
they are called, “why so long?"

4. Mr. John Howard, 2105 Baker Road.
Teenagers in park near his home throw trash in his yard; urges play-
lot at Baker and North Avenue. | .

5. Mrs. Judge Barlow, 60 Edwin Place, N. W., 794-1224.

Put trash on streets, stays 2 to 3 weeks, wants schedule; teenagers
siphon gas out of car, takes police “an hour to comet; big boys at
Perry Homes run off small children from playlots.

6. Mr. Andrew Hill, 1623 Westview Drive, S. W., 753-0132. Former
Manager of apartments, dismissed because he checked the buildings;
agents don't care, just so they get their money; people should not
be “afraid to the truth."

7. Mr. Robert Baldwin, 264 Richardson, N. W., 794-7901.

Turner High PTA; understands Turner High going on double session.

Dr. Bowen says they will know about it. This would mean 1000 children
in the streets. Mr. Davis says 330 seniors, 370 llth graders, 320
LOth graders dismissed at 12; 500 8th graders, 490 9th graders in
streets until noon. Teenagers do not have enough constructive things
to do. 300 girls did not finish at one high school on double session
last year because of pregnancy. With LO portable units could avoid
double sessions.

Mr. Dobbs said Archer will go on double session in September too.

‘Rabbi Rothschild asked if there were objections to portable units.
Group agreed would prefer portable units to double session.

8. Mrs. D. Shaw, 2232 Verbena Street, #10, Dixie Hills Apt.,
Complained of rats, has called Rodent Control, still bad.

9. Mr. Otis Montgomery, 730 Hortense Place, N. W. (Hortense
Community Club).
Steel cable tower in middle of street; city owns land, Ga. Power
owns tower, can't get anybody to take it down; sewerage inadequate,
can't walk in street when it rains; Hortense and Florence Streets
. heed resurfacing; dogs run Loose.
(Commission members Jack Sells and T. M. Alexander arrived; also
Alderman 0. V. Williamson).

10. Mrs. Ed. W. Hall, 1999 Baker Road, N. W. 794-3949,
Blind curve, children playing in streets; vacant house, yard grown
up, abandoned station wagon on Arlington Circle; her son, along with
other teenagers, gets out of school at 12:20 (Fulton High), “used to
know a child was out of schoo. when you saw him in the streets, now
you don't know if he is coming or going to school; nothing to do
but break windows.

ll. Mrs. Daisy B. Stinson, 2056 Arlington Circle, N. W.
Need trees trimmed and Light in middle of street, would help women

coming home from work.

12. Mr. Sidney T. Dennis, 645 S. Evelyn Place, S. W. 794-1236.

Has 4 children in school, refused to sign school assignment form
for next year; no use for parent and child to make request if area
Supt. and Principal can make assignment too late for an appeal; should

be notified of assignments in time to request another one, not just

sent back to present school; when school goes on double session
(extended day''), should have supervised recreation program.

Mrs. English, assistant Principal at West Fulton, explained that

the school assignment form “is part of the law; ask to return forms

as soon as possible; those requesting transfers sent to area Supt.;

if request transfer to another area, sent to Supt. of that area; noti-
fied "as soon as processed". | |

Mr. Dobbs asked if other area Supt. has authority to decide. Mr.
Williamson asked if decision may be appealed to Supt. Mrs. English
said she did not know.

13. Mrs. Pearlina Jones, 1153 Wilkes Circle, N. W., #176.
Pipes burst on Wilkes Circle, sewerage odor bad; need light behind
apartments; are all projects costs the same? Prices for screen
doors vary, some $1.50, some $3.50; she has reported to the manager.
Mr. Attridge asked if she was satisfied with public housing? Mrs.
Jones said she is interested in other people, particularly older
people; is it possible to have copies of rules and regulations?

14. Mrs. Lewis Johnson, 1193 Wilkes Circle, #148.

Rent has increased twice within a year; income has stayed the same.

15. Mrs. Margaret Phillips, 1193 Wilkes Circle, #143, 792-8742.
Charged $12.50 for % a screen door; cashier said should have had
correct change for paying rent.

16. Mrs. Blanche Matthews, 1275 Wilkes Circle, N. W. #81.

$2517.70 income, manager says it is $3,598; says it is “anticipated
income''-how does he know how much to anticipate?

17. Mr. Wesley J. Mapp, 1240 Wilkes Circle, N. W.
New rent charges are more than he makes a month, moved into public

housing fairly recently; will move out as soon as he can.
18. Mrs. Mary E. Peek, 1165 Wilkes Circle, #164.

Husband disabled, Live on social security and her salary as a
Nurse's Aide; income same in April as last September, rent went up.

19. Mrs. Frankie M. Deans, 1207 Walden Street, #432.

As supply in school cafeteria, makes $37.50 a week. Husband
started driving cab (?); rent increased from $37 to $80; has 2
teenage daughters. "Go to bed early, nothing to do; if I can't
take care of them, I wish somebody would take them and give them
a good home."

20. Mrs. Ernestine Price, 1056 Chivers Street, 799-8317.
Husband died; charged back rent; present rent “couldn't base it
a what she is making"; asked manager about it and he said "I
still have authority to put you out."

21. Mr. Edward Young, 2279 Hill Street,-N. W.

Center Hill area, transition area for 2 years; "new people but

old houses, owners are "chisleing", 3 houses in area were condemned,
came out and did little bit of repairs, after they were "fixed",
tenants spent "their time emptying basins when it rains."

22. Mrs. Bobbie Mathis, 1140 Wilkes Circle, #204.

Rent increased, she does not understand why.

23. Mrs. Daley, Bowen Homes.

Works at Hillhaven Homes, had 3 different notices of income, none
of which she says is right.

24. Mrs. Ernestine Pope, 99 Chivers Street, 3282.

Says she was charged for paper on grass; excess gas bills but she

doesn't see how it could be that much.

Mr. Hart then read a long list of additional requests drawn up by re-

sidents, which he said he would turn off to the Commission office.


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