Box 7, Folder 18, Document 25

Dublin Core


Box 7, Folder 18, Document 25

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Community Relations Commission, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta Ga. 30303


Name of Neighborhood - Pittsburg
Description of Neighborhood:
Geographic Boundaries N) Southern W - Stewart Ave.
E RR S - University Ave.
Development Programs - Model cities
Zoning Classifications - Residential, mostly owner occupied (55%)
Condition of streets - Fair, some unpaved and narrow
Racial patterns - Negro

Political Representation:

City Ward + lst County - Fulton

Alderman - Dennis, Griggs Commissioners - Aldredge, Mitchell.

Gate Senate District - left blank State Legislative Dist. 124

senator - Cozzins Representative - John Hood, 124

U.S.Congressional Dist. - 5th G.D.Adams, 125

Bad. of Education - Ed 8. Cook

Educational Services:
Atlanta Public School Area - 5 Supt. - G@ Y. Smith, Ele.
Public Schools in Area - Gideon Ele., Crozman Ele., Parks Jr. High
Closest ones are Roosevelt High, Washington High, Price High
Vocational Schools in Area - None
Nurseries - None
Private Schools in Area - None
Libraries in Area - None

Recreational Services:
Parks in Area - Pittman
Recreational Centers in Area - Wesley House, Frazier YMCA
Parks serving area - Pittman

Social Welfare Services in Area - Pittsburg Neighborhood Center

Health Services in Are - None

Business enterprises in Area - Grocery stores, barber shops, wine

Public Services:
Police Services - Patrol, detective, juvenile & crire cars in and
out 24 hrs. daily
Fire Protection services - As all other residential areas
schedule for Sanitary Collections - Twice weekly
Housing Inspection Schedule - Monthly
Public Transportation - Satisfactory

Civic, Political and Religious Organizations:
Name Chairman

Pittsburg Civic League Mr. Vaughan
Democratic Women's League

** Approximately 14 churches, majority Baptist or Methodist
April, 1967.


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