Box 7, Folder 18, Document 33

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Box 7, Folder 18, Document 33

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sexeruncreer: caemmbesaee eee warn

The Community Relations Commission met on Friday, April 28, 1967 in
Committee Room #2 of City Hall. The following members were present:


Mr. Irving K. Kaler, Chairman
Miss Helen Bullard, “Secon ae Vice Chairman
Mrs. Eliza K. Paschall, Executive Director

Mr. T. M. Alexander
Mir. Byron Attridge
hirs. Sara Baker

Mr. R. J. Butler
Mr. Robert Dobbs
ir. C. G. Ezgard
Miz. Joseph Haas

Mr. Al Kuettner

Dr. Robert H. Lee
Rabbi Jacob Rothschild
Mr. M. G. Ryan

Mr. Jack Sells

Mrs. Mary Stevens

or OF the Southern

Visitors, Mr. Paul Anthony, Executive Direc
az ad.

Regional Council, Mr. Id Si

Mr. Irving Kaler, chairman presiding. Min
were adopted as circulated. Report of th


Mr. Joseph Haas, chairman of the Ad Hec Committee reported that the
committee LTeels the most eriective worl of the Commission will be in
preventive efforts. Once any disturbance actually breaks out, it is

a police function. If the committee is asked to come in and help, it
would respond. In the event of any disturbance the Committee would be
convened and would be expanded to include the Team from the area in
Question. Other members of the Committee are Rabbi Jacob Rothschild,
Archbishop Paul Hallinan, Rev. Samuel Williams and Mr. Robert Dobbs.

Mr. Ealer called on chairmen of the Neighborhood Teams for reports
as follows;

Mrs. Stephens, iideewood-Kirkwood: Report attached.

Mr. C. G. Ezzard, Summerhill Peoplestoyn: Reported that majority of

robiens brought up at meeting on March 28 concerned street, etc. and

housing, including code enforcement, stadium parking and model neigh-

borhood program. He then called on Kr. Haas, a member of the Team, to
report on the meeting on Housing on April 25,

Mr. Haas reported that at the meeting several serious problems were
brought out - lending agencies are reluctant to lend in this area
because of uncertainties; insurance companies will not insure a house


under $8,000; individuals are told by the Inspection Department to make
Commission Minuves Pare 2

repairs when they are uncertain about future plans. Recommendations were:

1. Newspapers print platt of Modei Neighborhood areas.
2. City consider neighborhood offices where citizens can make complaings

about inspection notices, etc. It is hard to get off grom work in
time to get to City Hall, etc. Uaving someone in the neighborhood
would make it easier and show that the city cared about making it


83. Board of Aldermen should be asked to review policies to make sure
that there is the least difficulty for people in this erea, There
must be assurance that if the planning grant is given for the Nodel
Neighborhood Program, before the final program is adopted there will
be public hearings and those in the areas will be allowed to parti-


At the April 25 meeting, Mr. Rich
that they must add 3,600 parking
power of condemnation. There is
more parking should go up or out.

dson oz the Stadium Authority said

Spaces by 1979, but that they have no
a difference of opinion about whether

City services should be kept at absolute optimum in this area.

ort on the
bout public
manager to evict
is now being litigated.

Miss Helen Bullard, Mechancisville.-Pittsburh: 6
meeting; most anxiety abou liodel Neighborhood and

Mr. T. M. Alexander, Vine City-Lightnine: It had been important at Hearing
to establish fact that the Committee had not come to cover up for the city.
There is a feeling thet there is a policy of “protective custody" given

to slumlords. In the Vine City area, where there are many tenant occupied

houses, complaints are about lack of code enforcement, whereas in areas

of home ownerships there are complaints about too stringent code enforcenant
It should be determined if there are two standards of inspection and
enforcement. Complaints about public housine, of not being up to standard
and the power and manner of the manager. The action of the Board of
Education in the school site selection gives validity to the contention of
protective treatment of slumlords. Need more job opportunities. This is
fertile grougd for those who would-cteate tension.

Mr. Robert Dobbs, Northwest Area: This meeting was arranced by the EOA
committees for that area and My. Dobbs said they should be commended for
the fine way in which they planned the meeting. There were two (2) basic
issues - the extended day in the schools and public housing policies.

he extended school day will be hard not only for the children but on
Working parents. Those present stated that they would much prefer por-
table units at the schools with a full day than double session with
presont facilities.
The uonthily lease, the annual income review, and the disparity between
charges at the various projects are primary concerns of public housing
tenants. Rabbi Rothschild, a member of the Team said there were complaints
about the school transfer method, that by the time notice that transfer
request cannot be approved is received, it is too late to make another
request. He was “impressed with the reasonableness of the people in
regard to schools, they made the request that if the school conditions
require double session, supervised recreation should be available; used
to be able to tell when children were seen walking the streets that they

=< ™ oo.

Conmission Minutes Paze 3

Should be in School. Now they might be on the way to or from school.”

Mir. Kaler then asked for action on the following recommendations, each
of which was adopted:

Ll. t should be aneeesee to ir. Wotftord, Director of the Inspection
Department, that there be established either neishborhood offices
or a schedule (winlar to voting registration schedule) whereby
Questions can be brought after the regular office hours. Ur.
Wofford and others attending the April meeting should receive
expressions of appreciation for their willingness to attend.

2. In scheduling Commission meetings with Gepartment and agency heads,

q the first one should be on management-tenant relations in public
housing. (Mrs. Stephens emphasized the difference between the coope~
ration of the two tenant selection offices. Need to find out if
there are different Standards of inspection for different areas

was noted).

3. Second meeting to be with Board of Education representative; third
Inspection and Code Enforcement.

4. Board of Education to be called on to see that wrovisions are made
for recreation at extended session schools, communication to be
carried to Superintendent's office by 2 committee from Commission.

5. Residents of the area be included in policy making body for Model
Neighborhood program.

6. Commission should point out any discrepancies in services in the
several areas.

nings other

Kir. Ezzard pointed out that there are complaints about t

than inspection. Mr. Kaler suggested that the Community Relations
Commission and the Mayor's office might work out a joint program.

The matter of duplicating EOA services was brought up. Mr. Bobbs,

a member of the EOA Board, said it may or may not; it would depend on

how ht was workéd~ out

ission be
tne Board of

iiss Bullard moved that a night meeting of the full Com
called to assemble the Commission's recommendations to
Aldermen. Passed.

Mr. Kaler called on tir. Ed Shukraft, who had requested time to speak
about conditions in West End. He said they need new housing, new
cevelopment in the area, which provides an apportunity to t a fine
example of people living together,





Mv. Kaler called on Mr. Paul Anthony, Executive Director of the

Southern Regional Council, whom he had invited to speak oa the role

of the Commission, etc.. Mr. Anthony emphasized the communication
function of the Commission; the need for coordination of the Commission's
activities through the staff; the importance of keeping an attitude of
Commission Minutes page 4

agreement among the members of the Commission. He complimented the
Commission on having gotten off to a vigorous Start; citcd as the

most importand duties as follows - help the poor and disadvantaced,
encourage sense of self-help; interpret for and educate waite middle

class about problems. When asked about “summer trouble", he said there

is a small group of people in almost every city who would welcome
violence, but we must all work on preventive measures.

There was additional discussion about West End. lir. Tom Gunard, editor

of The Weekly Star, said people are getting discouraged, Signs of interest
from the larger community would help, aiso information about what is going
on out there in the metro press would help. Mrs. Pascheail reported on
several meetings with West End residents and real estate representatives.
Mr. Butler said would help to “set the Urban Renewal program off the
ground." Mr. Kaler pointed out the Commission cannot deal with the

economic factors of new business, etc. iix. Oxnard said there is “nothing
Special the Commission can do. Several months ago he went to metro-
politan papers and urged report but they would not do it. WNews uedia
must report it.. up to residents to work out individual relationships."

Mr. Kuettner moved that a committee be appointed to work with residents.

The Chairman appointed the following:

Mr. R. J. Butler, Chairman
Mr. Al Kuettner

Dr. Robert EH. Lee

Mr. Clarence G. Ezzard
Miss Helen Bullard

Mr. Haas noted that one solution to the problems of this area is to open
up other areas. ,

The meeting was adjourned at 4:90 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


(lirs.) Fred W. Patterson

(In the absence of Nrs. Patterson
the minutes wére taken by the
Executive Director.)


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