Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 19, Document 14
Text Item Type Metadata
The Community Relations Commission was established by the Mayor and Board
of Aldermen in November, 1966 and the 20 members were appointed in December,
The Executive Director was appointed in January, end approved by the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen on February 6, 1967.
The first business of the Commission was to hold a Public Hearing in. the
City Hall on February 16, to which individuals and/or representatives of
organizations were invited to appear and state what they felt were their
sin problems or those of the community. More than thirty-five (35) persons
spoke, on matters ranging from the Food Stamp Plan for Fulton County to the
prospect of immediste eviction, from a plea for help in a 15 year old struggle
against water damages to property to the need for recreation facilities, better
sewerage, and help in racial stabilization of neighborhoods.
Two spokesmen presented a petition with more than 200 signatures. A civic
club president, a student, a teacher, an academic Dean, a housekeeper, a
member of the Stets Board of Family. and Children's Services = men and
women, young and old, they pinpointed probleme of their community.
Following is a summary of response to matters brought up:
1. Mine City: As requested by the Vine City Youth Council, the
Vine City Recreation Center has resumed services under Mr.
Eddie Murphy. The city of Atlanta Recreation Department is
paying his salary, along with a supplement from the Boy Scouts
of America. The Boy Schots's supplement came as a result of
NASH=Washington Service Center, EQOA, following suggestion by
the Executive Director of the Commission.
2. General Recreation: Mr. Jack Delius, in reply to many other
recreation requests, reported that the playlot program will
have priority in summer programs, that 21 are now scheduled, an
increase from 7 operated last year. He pointed out that there
are no EDA funds for this, and in order to budget for these he
has had to curtail activities in other parts of the City to
save $48,000 for salaries for playlot personnel.
Existing playlots are located as follows:
Summerhill-2; Mechanicsville-3; Buttermilk Buttoms-1;
Vine City-2; Lightning-1; Edgewood-1; Cabbage Town-13
Park Ave. & Lanaing Stroately Arlington Circle, NoW.=1;
Central Ave., S.eWe-13; Proposed new sites are Lightning-1;
Perry Homes=-13; Edgewood-1; Huff Road, N. W.=-13 Plunkett Town,
Bender St., S.W. and Little Street, S.E. Four (4) portable
swimming pools just acquired through anonymous gift; sites
not yet decided on.
Public Housing: In response to inquiries about Mrs. Murray who
appeared before the Commission, Atlanta Housing Authority -staff
reported that the tenant had been warned last fall about complaints
from neighbors, had been given eviction notice which had been
withdrawn after conferences, that the decision of the manager to
evict was upheld by the central staff, The Authority did, however,
agree to the Commission's request to postpone eviction while the
Commission got more information. (Mrs. Murray plans to move soon;
she was particularly grateful not to have to move during cold
weather which would have been difficult for her elderly mother.)
General information about public housing, requested by the Commission,
is that leases are for a month and are on the form normally used by
public housing units throughout the country; it is not customary in
any public housing to give written notices of reasons for eviction.
Project managers are given maximum authority to make decisions, but
there is a tenant relations officer at the central office, to whom
tenants may go for any business. Funds collected for damages, etc.
go into general operating funds for that project. (Housing Authority
projects receive no operating funds except from rents and the overall
operation must break even.) The receipts should indicate reason
for charge.
Neighborhood Stabilization: Meetings attended in Gilbert Heights
area and in Lynhurst area following appearance of residents at
Hearing. Georgia Real Estate Commission investigator explained
responsibilities of licensed real estate agents and risks of
dealing with unlicensed persons, It was announced that those
agents operating in the Gilbert Heights area had agreed that
anyone who had put his house on the market through a misunder-
standing about the neighborhood would be permitted to rescind
his action.
Individuals in southwest erea in transition have asked for help
along the following lines: all sections of the city must be opened
up to make one housing market, "by opening up other areas to all
people, the tension will be relieved here"; "Negro teachers be
placed in all schools where teachers are needed, so that people
won't have any place to run to avoid contact with Negro citizens;
financing be used te encourage housing market rather than to
Demolition of sub-standard housing: Property referred to on
Markham St., owned by Mr, Joseph Shaffer, is under court order
and the city can do nothing.
Property on Garibaldi Street, damaged by water: Several city
departments have sent inspectors out and each disclaims any
reeponsibility for the situation. Mr. Gleaton has obtained
legal advice and an engineer has been engaged to survey the area.
Five(5) other residents of the same area have signed statements,
describing similar conditions, of damage from water entering
house and being unable to enter front door in times of heavy
rain because of water standing.
Resylutions from the Atlanta Branch, NAACP, asking Housing
Resources Committee to request "Open Housing Occupancy": urging
state tax abatement law; requesting Mayor and Board of Aldermen
to reduce term of Atlanta Housing Authority members from 10 to -
5 years "as in other cities of the country" and to increase
Negro representation on suthority.
Police protection in Pittsburg: Police added, although records
show not as much crime there as in some other areas,
Inadeguate maintenance, etc., in private apartments: reports
have resulted in inspections and in some cases, the apartments
have been found unfit and residents are now on the priority list
for relocation.
Sewerage and drainage problems: Individual locations reported
to Construction and Sanitary Departments, and in several cases
Sidewalks; Property owners must sign for new sidewalks, 51% of
the owners of the property frontage must sign a petition requesting
paving and agreeing to pay for same.
Proctor Creek: Mr. Nixon says property lines extend to middle
of creek and it is responsibility of property owners to fence
property and parents to keep children away from creek if it
is dangerous.
Food in neighborhood stores: Investigations by Health Department.
Civil Defense: General Woodward states no discrimination, says |
records are not kept by race, so cannot report on participation
of Negroes; 14 employees (No Negroes) Mr. Sterrs Johnson is
now on state merit system register for Deputy Civil Defense
Nursing Homes: Administrators of 3 facilities mentioned
(Wesley Woods, Hillhaven, and Highview) all have expressed
policies of no discriminations; Mrs. Dempsey has been so advised.
Hillhaven reports one Negro patient; Highview reports no
applications; Wesley Woods says they have always offered
services to all. (Highview receives $500 from the city
certain percent of space reserved for patients receiving
public welfare assistance.)
Planning and Zoning: Planning department says area in
East Lake Heights, where residents are concerned about
possibility of zoning for business is zoned R4-single family
residentialzand there are no zoning changes projected.
General statement at Hearing that Planning and Zoning still
according to 1956 format "is inaccurate", Planning Department
zsays present format is multiple, with formats varying from
area to area, and changing as the need arises.
Sanitery Department—-garbage collection: City of Atlanta is
responsible for all collections in Fulton County and for all
within city limits, even if in Dekalb County. For portions
of East Lake Heights not in city limits, Dekalb County is
responsible. All collections for private residencesare on
twice weekly schedules, with 2 or 3 days lapse between colliec-
tions, Business collections are done nightly.
No report yet on City Personnel Department; CIP, UA agencies
city contracts require equal opportunity. To be taken up at
meetings to be scheduled with various department heads.
Food Stamp Plan: Inquiry directed to EOA; response that
inquiry should be made of state Family and Children's Services.
This has been done; report pending.
Delay: in: Court cases}: «Student-cemplained of having to appear i
as a witness and case postponed; lawyer, etc. say this is in- 1
convenient for everybody but see no remedy.
March, 1967
The Community Relations Commission was established by the Mayor and Board
of Aldermen in November, 1966 and the 20 members were appointed in December,
The Executive Director was appointed in January, end approved by the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen on February 6, 1967.
The first business of the Commission was to hold a Public Hearing in. the
City Hall on February 16, to which individuals and/or representatives of
organizations were invited to appear and state what they felt were their
sin problems or those of the community. More than thirty-five (35) persons
spoke, on matters ranging from the Food Stamp Plan for Fulton County to the
prospect of immediste eviction, from a plea for help in a 15 year old struggle
against water damages to property to the need for recreation facilities, better
sewerage, and help in racial stabilization of neighborhoods.
Two spokesmen presented a petition with more than 200 signatures. A civic
club president, a student, a teacher, an academic Dean, a housekeeper, a
member of the Stets Board of Family. and Children's Services = men and
women, young and old, they pinpointed probleme of their community.
Following is a summary of response to matters brought up:
1. Mine City: As requested by the Vine City Youth Council, the
Vine City Recreation Center has resumed services under Mr.
Eddie Murphy. The city of Atlanta Recreation Department is
paying his salary, along with a supplement from the Boy Scouts
of America. The Boy Schots's supplement came as a result of
NASH=Washington Service Center, EQOA, following suggestion by
the Executive Director of the Commission.
2. General Recreation: Mr. Jack Delius, in reply to many other
recreation requests, reported that the playlot program will
have priority in summer programs, that 21 are now scheduled, an
increase from 7 operated last year. He pointed out that there
are no EDA funds for this, and in order to budget for these he
has had to curtail activities in other parts of the City to
save $48,000 for salaries for playlot personnel.
Existing playlots are located as follows:
Summerhill-2; Mechanicsville-3; Buttermilk Buttoms-1;
Vine City-2; Lightning-1; Edgewood-1; Cabbage Town-13
Park Ave. & Lanaing Stroately Arlington Circle, NoW.=1;
Central Ave., S.eWe-13; Proposed new sites are Lightning-1;
Perry Homes=-13; Edgewood-1; Huff Road, N. W.=-13 Plunkett Town,
Bender St., S.W. and Little Street, S.E. Four (4) portable
swimming pools just acquired through anonymous gift; sites
not yet decided on.
Public Housing: In response to inquiries about Mrs. Murray who
appeared before the Commission, Atlanta Housing Authority -staff
reported that the tenant had been warned last fall about complaints
from neighbors, had been given eviction notice which had been
withdrawn after conferences, that the decision of the manager to
evict was upheld by the central staff, The Authority did, however,
agree to the Commission's request to postpone eviction while the
Commission got more information. (Mrs. Murray plans to move soon;
she was particularly grateful not to have to move during cold
weather which would have been difficult for her elderly mother.)
General information about public housing, requested by the Commission,
is that leases are for a month and are on the form normally used by
public housing units throughout the country; it is not customary in
any public housing to give written notices of reasons for eviction.
Project managers are given maximum authority to make decisions, but
there is a tenant relations officer at the central office, to whom
tenants may go for any business. Funds collected for damages, etc.
go into general operating funds for that project. (Housing Authority
projects receive no operating funds except from rents and the overall
operation must break even.) The receipts should indicate reason
for charge.
Neighborhood Stabilization: Meetings attended in Gilbert Heights
area and in Lynhurst area following appearance of residents at
Hearing. Georgia Real Estate Commission investigator explained
responsibilities of licensed real estate agents and risks of
dealing with unlicensed persons, It was announced that those
agents operating in the Gilbert Heights area had agreed that
anyone who had put his house on the market through a misunder-
standing about the neighborhood would be permitted to rescind
his action.
Individuals in southwest erea in transition have asked for help
along the following lines: all sections of the city must be opened
up to make one housing market, "by opening up other areas to all
people, the tension will be relieved here"; "Negro teachers be
placed in all schools where teachers are needed, so that people
won't have any place to run to avoid contact with Negro citizens;
financing be used te encourage housing market rather than to
Demolition of sub-standard housing: Property referred to on
Markham St., owned by Mr, Joseph Shaffer, is under court order
and the city can do nothing.
Property on Garibaldi Street, damaged by water: Several city
departments have sent inspectors out and each disclaims any
reeponsibility for the situation. Mr. Gleaton has obtained
legal advice and an engineer has been engaged to survey the area.
Five(5) other residents of the same area have signed statements,
describing similar conditions, of damage from water entering
house and being unable to enter front door in times of heavy
rain because of water standing.
Resylutions from the Atlanta Branch, NAACP, asking Housing
Resources Committee to request "Open Housing Occupancy": urging
state tax abatement law; requesting Mayor and Board of Aldermen
to reduce term of Atlanta Housing Authority members from 10 to -
5 years "as in other cities of the country" and to increase
Negro representation on suthority.
Police protection in Pittsburg: Police added, although records
show not as much crime there as in some other areas,
Inadeguate maintenance, etc., in private apartments: reports
have resulted in inspections and in some cases, the apartments
have been found unfit and residents are now on the priority list
for relocation.
Sewerage and drainage problems: Individual locations reported
to Construction and Sanitary Departments, and in several cases
Sidewalks; Property owners must sign for new sidewalks, 51% of
the owners of the property frontage must sign a petition requesting
paving and agreeing to pay for same.
Proctor Creek: Mr. Nixon says property lines extend to middle
of creek and it is responsibility of property owners to fence
property and parents to keep children away from creek if it
is dangerous.
Food in neighborhood stores: Investigations by Health Department.
Civil Defense: General Woodward states no discrimination, says |
records are not kept by race, so cannot report on participation
of Negroes; 14 employees (No Negroes) Mr. Sterrs Johnson is
now on state merit system register for Deputy Civil Defense
Nursing Homes: Administrators of 3 facilities mentioned
(Wesley Woods, Hillhaven, and Highview) all have expressed
policies of no discriminations; Mrs. Dempsey has been so advised.
Hillhaven reports one Negro patient; Highview reports no
applications; Wesley Woods says they have always offered
services to all. (Highview receives $500 from the city
certain percent of space reserved for patients receiving
public welfare assistance.)
Planning and Zoning: Planning department says area in
East Lake Heights, where residents are concerned about
possibility of zoning for business is zoned R4-single family
residentialzand there are no zoning changes projected.
General statement at Hearing that Planning and Zoning still
according to 1956 format "is inaccurate", Planning Department
zsays present format is multiple, with formats varying from
area to area, and changing as the need arises.
Sanitery Department—-garbage collection: City of Atlanta is
responsible for all collections in Fulton County and for all
within city limits, even if in Dekalb County. For portions
of East Lake Heights not in city limits, Dekalb County is
responsible. All collections for private residencesare on
twice weekly schedules, with 2 or 3 days lapse between colliec-
tions, Business collections are done nightly.
No report yet on City Personnel Department; CIP, UA agencies
city contracts require equal opportunity. To be taken up at
meetings to be scheduled with various department heads.
Food Stamp Plan: Inquiry directed to EOA; response that
inquiry should be made of state Family and Children's Services.
This has been done; report pending.
Delay: in: Court cases}: «Student-cemplained of having to appear i
as a witness and case postponed; lawyer, etc. say this is in- 1
convenient for everybody but see no remedy.
March, 1967