Box 7, Folder 19, Document 18

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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 18

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aay - m4 —
PRONG ALY o4, 1907
- , Taka a Pt Aieaeatd ke aes vais Rest A Sar
eee) nwers o CLEaTLONS VOMMLSSLOnD mew on briaaey
sae rh pe ho es A a =a 7 24 oo
Pebrucry pom. in City Nail. The followin
sii ae
“~ a — et re Mh wa + ae:
aw a uk ow a ic Nt de ek
€ 1 Vice a ee a
75 aa at 1 Fe lana
Miss a d Yiee Cheirman
ut “i vs m
Mrs o etary
a nace = Te - ty = ~ 4 a we _.
urs. iiiga Paschal ULLVe siTrecvor

oS ey Talend
HPS. O8APra vaker
how VWew 7 [+ 3 ry ured Io a
Mme. LE LIVOn Lo igaes, Le
7 T ot a —
pit Lis WELges

Mx. AL Kuettner

Mr. ito] Llland Maxwell
Rabbi Jacob M. Roth
Mr. M. 0. "Buga" Ryan
Mrs. Mary Stevens

The Chairman called the meeting to order He commented on the
Public Hearing of the night before and expressed his pleasure

in the interest that was shown by the number of groups present,

35 instead of the expected 20, and also his regret that time did
not permit hearing from all of them.

The Chairman then introduced representatives from three organi-
zations who were not able to speak at the Public llearing. ‘They
were Mr. WV. Wrenns of Equal Health Opportunity, Rev. John Morris

of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial’ Unity, and Mr.
Ralph MeCrotsky of Planned Parenthood Association. They were
given three minutes to speak,

Mr. ¥. Wrenns: Mr. Wrenns serves Region IV of the United States
Department of Health. udu sation, and Welfare, U. 5S. Yublic Service,
including south Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Plorida, and Tennessee.
He gave a brief description of his duties then he told the Commission
what he thought it could do to help: Divide into committees and

conduct a study of the Health, Education, and Welfare programs to

see if they are complying with the rules. Miss Bullard asked if
they deal with Government Agencies, he said yes, federal, state,
and local. He would like to receive a copy of what the Commission
is doing every thirty days. He expressed his support and interest
in the program.

Mr. Ralph MoeCrotsky: Mr. McCrotsky gave a brief situation report
of PPA. It came into being January Ly, £965 Its first year was

dealing with geting organized for developing resources, for
family planning, ana birth control. It worked with various

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eoucer each patient
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ne ; Bing: oe os ees re. ee |
as a LOG BH pCELLAg Lot ble
abs li whiteh health services
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Cultural and tacial Un rity.

meeting of the night befors. the

way the society has involved x cultura
and racial unity. Tie Boned tae the

220° 2-8 on

his diséppointment at Ted ‘of. ecacersaip on the meet of the
religious community in matters of concern to the Commission and
urged that the Commission challange the churches and synagogues
to participate in its prograns.
The Chairman opened the mouse for business: Mrs. Pascnall called
the roll, the following members were not able to attend:

Mr. C. G. Ezzard

Mr. A. L. Feldman

Mr. T. MN. Alexander, Sr.

Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan

Mr. Tobert Dobbs

Mr. James 0. Moor
The Chairman called for ayproval of the minutes of the lest meeting
which were passed to each member at the beginning of the meeting.
It was movec that the reading of the minutes be waived. The
following correction was made: The salary of the Executive
Director listed at $12,000 should have been recorded at 312,500.
After the correction it was moved that the minutes be received.

than one many par t he
know that two additional Teotios officers


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Guarpers G sown
: a J
purcekas bucge eUMaaATLC Director,
a fe . 44 i > wpa Ty i F oe te eh as whe La ing TF =F .
after consultation with tue Cissy Compbroller ots Office, tre Loliowing
5 ee eS e 1 ee
LEtLOn Was Taisen;
: ms 7 Fe ag r views oe 1 PE a ea ice | ile Sees oe Sa gaa: oY
de The Cssitel Aree waranch ofthe Cityeens..& Southern national
Toa at ee | = aol . Qn
ve GeSLENRAtTEea as ve Ulli Lor ~ae we
% er a sab a sar {Silase r Tat 4 ane 4 \ * Tas eo a
—o he oecre View hia -_ oe ite bas vert 2 OL; Oz Tale ‘ae at ho
Va -” =“ 4 fs 74 = ie . F co = 4 7 a 5 Tas 7 ra - :, id tT
ywLTecvot Girs. tad dein Lig 2aSenals) shall ve “UWP LsEec to
sign checits.
2 bb amae Tay oe ee a ue welastasg cone ta a ae final
D>» sh VETIDA . ee emCRe ie Wie GLO pucu, SUYIECT VO L1ihse
At ete cp see mart nie, be *. . apy ee ig cs stpauan 5 one Ve ase deer
GGGRULGH ie women, after matters of Ppersonner., ete. nave
T. i ~ | nee rl am rs ob} J. 3 Ms bay . : ple to ee
been cleared up with the City Attorney's office.
el we ey Ty salta 1 aa aa ot
It wa Lasehalil'): appointment
skhriil mer 7 rs Tyas =b9- ea aa
shoul approval by the Board of
A = 2 sige - aS oe
Alder such as leave, benefits,
f, a. ia Conia . 7 sae
QtC., » retrouctive to the time
a = + Tonk So ee - — le
of ap rector relative to city
The te rT Rath eaksa ren La ce ery, f pl. 44 mn pa ok of a
Rabbi Jacob UWothschild gave his report of the Committee on
nL, 2 at sa ask +> + eon wade 2 ‘ 4 Pe mde em Al a
This report was adopted, <A copy is attached,

efficagcious i
one group; that
person would de

he Chairman appointed the Committee on Committees, which was
empowered to ask people to serve on the committees and was asked
to report at the next meeting of the Commission. The committee
consisted of the following:

o.7 2a tawasa 1% bh at were
moLland taxwell, Chairman
‘ | nT Tan + Ws Ci S sara nt
« Wa wud & Yan, vice aairmean
ete a EL Tha ew lee T.
sachin pe vOT) af OUR LAS 3 gv e
Spear a ae as
« Alexander, or
en Bullard
Hkh 2 3
cob Rothschild

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GLOMEW urget

in scheduling

ALL Bats



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wt a] x ft 2 fi oO & wh-1 Jd o od em oO Oo,

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eird Ort Wat Oo O MN fo Ord = x4 ted & fir ooo oo eo mt.
‘rif SAHA Gone oO bow bie 2 OF de PP ed oo
Qo a cd d OG Ha oO i ‘ribo wo a+ $04 yt242 oO oO O faerd
ae OAsiu o OOS b ooo OoodP O8 on Ord Git ond
iM 3 YO Lord O a -4 tH Any flere AO EHNA ePP a By fy






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SRP OrMAtLOU Loz vioe Commission.

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Wee ke Seth Ssaat ¥F2e. hela od
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(Shes ol) Meet Bie,
Kedetae J eth illli ae
> fe eee ae ae F TBs sg opti in das RN etn ee ae, She
Pee LNRvES Cf s LeSDin yy 20D SUAvE
+b se ee
Ovmer OPrlCanzanvions. :


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