Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 19, Document 26
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H I G H Vi E W MVarsing Lome for Ase and Convaliscent
Atlonta, Georgia 30315
February 27, 1967
Mrs. Eliza Paschall xy | fl
Executive Director V4 VE 2Z_
Community Relations Commission
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia be 6 y
Dear Mrs. Paschall: oe
Thank you for your letter of February 22, 1967 regarding a—~
statement made by a Mrs. A. J. Dempsey before the new Community
Relations Commission.
TELEPHONE 767-7407
Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of meeting the com-
plainant; nor do I recall any incident referred too in her complaint.
For your information Highview does not operate under Hill-Burton
funds. Original construction, however, was financed partly with funds
secured under the Hill-Burton Act.
Highview has no rules regarding admission of patients which ex-
clude admission of negroes.
Highview has fulfilled all requirements of the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, as set forth under Title VI and has so advertised
in the community news media, by letter to the county governments of Ful-
ton and DeKalb, and orally to all others interested.
Neither the undersigned nor any member of the Highview staff has
ever, with my knowledge, made any statements to anyone which would be
contrary to the Highview board's expressed admission policies.
Highview does not have on hand any requests for admission of a negro
to the institution; nor has Highview ever received an application for ad-
mission of a negro. (See enclosures)
Respectfully request you disseminate this information to all persons
or interested agencies not listed below.
AGE? T. Ward
For the Board of Highview.
HIW/as Haro
Enel: (2) Administrator
Mr. J. W. Stephenson (Pres. of Board)
Mr. James.Aldredge
Mr. Brince Manning
Mayor Ivan Allen
COPY, i ‘ ‘“ ——4 COPY se
Ee * ; m=
Atlonta, Georgia 30315
February 27, 1967
Mrs. Eliza Paschall xy | fl
Executive Director V4 VE 2Z_
Community Relations Commission
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia be 6 y
Dear Mrs. Paschall: oe
Thank you for your letter of February 22, 1967 regarding a—~
statement made by a Mrs. A. J. Dempsey before the new Community
Relations Commission.
TELEPHONE 767-7407
Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of meeting the com-
plainant; nor do I recall any incident referred too in her complaint.
For your information Highview does not operate under Hill-Burton
funds. Original construction, however, was financed partly with funds
secured under the Hill-Burton Act.
Highview has no rules regarding admission of patients which ex-
clude admission of negroes.
Highview has fulfilled all requirements of the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, as set forth under Title VI and has so advertised
in the community news media, by letter to the county governments of Ful-
ton and DeKalb, and orally to all others interested.
Neither the undersigned nor any member of the Highview staff has
ever, with my knowledge, made any statements to anyone which would be
contrary to the Highview board's expressed admission policies.
Highview does not have on hand any requests for admission of a negro
to the institution; nor has Highview ever received an application for ad-
mission of a negro. (See enclosures)
Respectfully request you disseminate this information to all persons
or interested agencies not listed below.
AGE? T. Ward
For the Board of Highview.
HIW/as Haro
Enel: (2) Administrator
Mr. J. W. Stephenson (Pres. of Board)
Mr. James.Aldredge
Mr. Brince Manning
Mayor Ivan Allen
COPY, i ‘ ‘“ ——4 COPY se
Ee * ; m=