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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 29
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March 6, 1967
Mrs. Bliza Paschall, Executive Director
Comunity Relations Commission
City Hali, 68 Mitchell Street, 8. W.
Atlante, Georgia 30303
Dear Mrs. Paschali:
This is a reply to your recent letter concerning the problem of nursing home
services for negroes brought to the attention of the Community Relations
Comission by Mrs. A. J. Dempsey. From its inception Wesley Homes, Inc. has
always offered its facilities and services to persons without regard to race,
color, creed or national origin. As a Methodist sponsored institution,
Wesley Woods operates under policies consistent with the tenents of the
Methodist Church.
We hope that Mrs. Dempsey's statement to the Community Relations Comission
did not intend to imply that anyone at Wesley Woods had said to her that we
would not admit her mother as a patient in our Health Center because she is a
negro. Apparently Mrs. Dempsey experienced difficulty in gaining edmittance
for her mother to a suitable nursing facility, but from the first inquiry about
Wesley Woods on her behalf by Dr. W. §. Jackson of Atlanta University and con-
tinuing through contacts with Mrs. Dempsey herself, we have indicated that
Mrs, Dempsey's mother is eligible for admission provided a physician on our
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