Dublin Core
Box 7, Folder 19, Document 34
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February 27, 1967
Mr. Charles L. Davis
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 36303
Dear Charles:
Mrs. L. F. Manning of the Women's Missionary Union has
contacted me end says her organizetion would be willing
to sell us the house at 558 Magnolia Avenue which
happens to be next to our playlot at Magnolia and Maple.
Mrs. Manning séys that her organization is moving over
to Weverly Way and they would therefore be willing to
sell us this structure for a little less than $10,000,
As you know, we are frying to provide temporary emergency
type recreation in the slum areas and I was wondering of
the possibility of perhaps advance acquisition of this
house since Urban Renewel may ultimately need it.
Please give me your thinking on this and thanking you for
your continued services, I am
Jack C, Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ec: Hon. Ivan Allen, Tes Mayor »~
Hon. Charlie Leftwich
Mr, Collier B, Gladdin
Mrs. Eliza Paschall
Mrs. L. F. Manhing
2418 Bollingbreok Dr,, 5.W.
Mr. Charles L. Davis
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 36303
Dear Charles:
Mrs. L. F. Manning of the Women's Missionary Union has
contacted me end says her organizetion would be willing
to sell us the house at 558 Magnolia Avenue which
happens to be next to our playlot at Magnolia and Maple.
Mrs. Manning séys that her organization is moving over
to Weverly Way and they would therefore be willing to
sell us this structure for a little less than $10,000,
As you know, we are frying to provide temporary emergency
type recreation in the slum areas and I was wondering of
the possibility of perhaps advance acquisition of this
house since Urban Renewel may ultimately need it.
Please give me your thinking on this and thanking you for
your continued services, I am
Jack C, Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ec: Hon. Ivan Allen, Tes Mayor »~
Hon. Charlie Leftwich
Mr, Collier B, Gladdin
Mrs. Eliza Paschall
Mrs. L. F. Manhing
2418 Bollingbreok Dr,, 5.W.