Box 7, Folder 19, Document 36

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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 36

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February 21, 1967

Mr, Jack Delius

Parks & Recreation
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Delius:

At. the public hearing held on February 16 by the new Community Relations
Commission, a delegation of young people from the Vine City area presented
a petition with 202 signatures and a strong plea for help in keeping in
operation the Recreation Center at 141 Walnut Street, staffed by Mr.

Eddie Murphey, who I understand has been paid by EOA funds.

I know that you are aware of the need in this area and of the urgency

of this request, and also that you are familiar with any resources beyond
the immediate budget of your department. Is there any way in which the
Commission can be of help in obtaining additional help, for example, through
the Federal Executive Board, which I understand is interested in youth
programs in Atlanta? Also, I have heard from a representative of the
Trinity Presbyterian Church, who was at the hearing and thinks 4 group

of churches might be able to help with salary for a recreation worker.

I have urged her (Mrs. F. Levering Neely) to contact you and work with

your department to formulate any plans.

This was one of the most urgent needs brought to the Commission and I
would like to be able to make some report about it at the Commission
meeting on Friday, February 24, 1967 at 1:30 o'clock P.M.


A Wisys Roehl

(Mrs. ) Bligza Paschall
Executive Director
Community Relations Commission

EP ssf.
ce: “Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Hon. Sam Massell, Jr.
Alderman Charles Leftwich
Vine City Youth Couneil o/o
Mr, Charles Black, Nash Washington BOA Center
Miss Virginia Carmichael
Mrs. F.C. Neely


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