Box 7, Folder 19, Document 41

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Box 7, Folder 19, Document 41

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City Hall

February 22, 1967

Manager, Hillhaven Nursing Home
265 Boulevard Dr., N. H.
Atlanta, Georgia 30312

Dear Sir:

At the public hearing held by the new Community Relations Commission of
the city of Atlanta, the matter of admittance of Negroes to Nursing Homes
in the area was brought before the Commission. Mrs. A. J. Dempsey, 1495

Mozley Dr., 5S. W., ene eel ee

Request for admission, filing application in writing, going to the
facility, being shown around courteously with the notation that I
would be notified of an opening, as soon as the next floor was made
available the following week; after repeated requests be telephone
(not having heard from the Director as promised) I was informed
that nobody seemed to have known anything about the initial
application form made in writing.

We will appreciate information from you about the number of Negroes who have
applied to the Hillhaven Nursing Home, the number who have been admitted,
the average time between being placed on a list and being admitted.



(Mrs. ) Bliza Paschall
Executive Director
Community Relations Commission

ece:Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Hon. Sam Massell, Jr.
Dr. W. S. Jackson, Atlanta School of Social Work
Mr. Wrenn, Equal Health Opportunity Officer, Health, Education, and Welfare.

Mrs. A. J. Dempsey
Mr. Duane Beck, Community Council


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