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G* om Pra G8 Pa dey
— , | ™\ ss METROPOLITAN
ee =_—
. mw ht est
ATLANTA, GA. 30301 / JACKSON 585-3481
October 4, 1967
Mr. Duane W. Beck, Executive Director
Comminity Council of Atlanta Area, Incorporated
1000 Glenn Building
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Duane:
In response to your letter of September 6, in behalf of the
organization's participating in the development of a basis public
recreation program for the City of Atlanta, the Community Chest acted
favorably upon our participating in this study in making available
$2,500 toward the cost of this project. It is our understanding these
funds should be used to cover cost of items that could not be provided
from the budgets of the participating organizations.
We are pleased to note that the Community Council will co-ordinate
this activity. The Community Chest, as a major source of operating funds
for the Community Council, is also contributing to the "in kind" staff
services which the Community Council will be providing.
Through the emphasis ofithis study will be on the development of
a public recreation plan for the City of Atlanta, we hope that to the
extent possible, consideration will be given to the private sector.
N. F. Novak, ACSW
Agency Relations Division
NFN/em ¢
ec: Study Participants
March 16, 1967 -
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ivan:
You very kindly agreed to talk with the Board of the Commerce
Club at their next meeting about the Community Council and its role
in the life of the city. You asked me to brief you. Here goes.
The letter attached gives you my general feelings as to past
accomplishments and future purpose of the Council. At a meeting of
leading foundations yesterday and the Council's om Board of
Directors today, the position taken in this letter was reaffirmed
with one exception. Both grouos felt the Council on its own initia-
tive should not be an implementing body in the Future. I very much
agree. The implementing role of the Council was one assumed in the
past because there was no other place to lodge certain ideas for
action. .
The principal implementing forces in ovr commnity should be
local governments and the Community Chest. The War on Poverty
belongs to the local community, not to the Federal Government. It
has been working and should continue to work through local groups.
Officials of the Community Chest, the War on Poverty and some
local governments have spoken out strongly about the need for a
professional fact finding and social planning resource for the
greater Atlanta area, one that is adequately staffed ta do the job
and independent enough to call a spade a spade. This sort of
council not only can help get more federal and state money for the
city but also by good planning can assume that money spent on pro-
grams goes as far as possible.
“Mayor Ivan Allen, dr.
March 16, 1967
Page Two
To keep planning within the control of the local community,
basic operating funds for the Community Council should come from
loeal rather than federal sources. Officials of the Community
Chest in seneral are in agreement with their responsibility for
increasing Chest support and for sharing the Council's basic
aperating budget with local governments. Local gavernments, which
hwo years ago gave no unrestricted funds for the support of the
Council, this year are contributing $27,500. This base mist be
expanded to include other counties and cities in the metropolitan
Atlanta area.
A service you could do the community and the Council is to
affirm the need for a strong professional planning council and the
responsibility of public and private bodies for seeing that the
Council is adequately financed to do its basic job. After the base
budget is funded, the Counetl rapidly will get in a better position
to contract with the city, counties, foundations and other local
groups to do special programming and other work.
Since I shall be out of town the next couple of weeks, Duane
Beek can furnish you other data which you may want before the
meeting of the Commerce Club Board.
* ' James P. Furniss
P. S. Some of the places where the city of Atlanta and Community
Council have worked most closely together are Listed cn the attached
J. P. F.
Principal Areas of Collahoration
l. Design of the ‘Anti-voverty" Program applicetion
2. Social Resources Study wnder C. I. P.
3. Assistance in ceveloping Model Cities application
%. Revision of “Federal Aids Programs - Atlanta”
5. Chronic alcsholism ~-- planning
¢ Cormrmusiity
of the
Atianta Area inc.
_ } a February 15, 1967
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones, President |
Enily and Ernest Woodzuff Foundation
230 Peachtreo Street, N. WV.
Atlanta, Georgi. 29303
Dear Bo:
You ead I talked recently about the Community Council, where it
has been, where it is soing and what it neods. The Council needs
your help now, not to fulfill original wojectives (which it has done
in some reasure) but to fit a new role in the conplex and growing
society which is Atlanta today.
When. establisied in 1960, the Council was given a grant of
$50,007 a year for fives years by your Foundation, The Community
Chest catched this sum. The goals wore - :
“ to Zind solutions to the provlens of pove-cy
~- to coordinate public and private social uo_...cies
“ ~ to elininate unproductive agencies through norger
- to provide tho Community Chost with a dacision-
paking capacity for its fund allocation problems,
At its inception, the Council was looked upon as a 2
social planning and coordinating force for an area that lacked any
effective organization of its kind. I remember Couscil Soa
bers making speeches at civic clubs, promising all.thinys to all
people even before it had a professional executive or ics had a
chance to truly measure the dimensions of the job. Scaai Skoucht of
social planning as a study of a single social ageacy. Others saw
it as a detailed guide for allocating social welfare programs for a
ten-year period.
Mr. Boisfculllot Jones
February 15, 1957 |
Although effectiva ina nuxber of areas, the Council spent a
good part of the first five years searching for a grip oa social
planning and problems that kept shifting and growing. Since 1960,
the Council has mot a nuuber of tha founders’ objectives. Others
- 4t can moot within the noxt five yoars. Still othors may require
difZeront approaches fron originally envisioncd.
‘Let's look at the record. 5 -
On the score of tho problems of povorty, the Council:
te Experincnted with now ways of delivering sor vices
to the poor in West ond, particularly those
which would Gelp break the cycle of dependency
- Took the lead in planning Econcnie Opportunity
Atlanta, Inc.
= Supplied tho social Zact - finding and planning
aspects of Atlanta's Ccnnunity Inprovenent
Progran, on the basis o2 Which it now is
helping Atlanta apply for funds under the
new liodel Cities denonstration progran
- Hos established an information and referral =e
- service to help people find agency assistance
= Planned the training prozram for EOA aides and
is now operating a training program for volun-
teers willing to serve in low-income areas
~- Was materially involvad in other efforts such as
& work cyvaluction center, jod davolopcent for
and placement of older workers, a comunity
school prozran, developaent of low-cost housing,
lending to businesses in poverty areas and many
In the area of coordinating public and private social agencies,
the Council's efforts have been effective in some cases but failure
in others. The Permanent Conference has beea a primary vehicle for
the Council in the fields of health, recreation and welfare. Sena
of the achiovements have been -
Lir. BoisZcuillet Jones
February 15, 1£57 , 3.
~ Establishment of a $225,000 Hospital and Health
, Planning unit 23 a regular Comecil activity
. = Spade work for a comprehensive mental health
; progres) for Atlanta
= Assistance to tho Mayor's Commission in its
organization to combat Crime and Juvenlie
Delinquency .
~ Assistance in setting up Euory's Comittee
on Chronic Alcoholisn
On elimination of unproductive. agencies throuch merger, the
Council's score is low for reasons outlined later in this lotter.
It was involved in the merger of agencies serving the blind aad
did devise a way to coordinate services for the eldorly (Senior
* Citizen Services of Metropolitan Atlanta). Also, the Council's
broad role has resulted in a number of agencies asking for consul-
tation about their fields to avoid or to recomine duplications.
A nusaber o2 proposed agencies were investigated by the Council, some
of which never got organized when the promoters saw they would be
involving themselves in Zields which were adequately covered.
On tho score of roviding the Community Chest with decision-
maokine capacity for fund allocation problems, the Council has not
yet done the job. A major difficulty here has been that some
persons tend to oversimplify tha task, expecting the Council can do
& conscientious, good job with a stazf that is woefully inadequato
in nimbder and background information. The consmunity as a waole needs
more invoxruation on the basis of which to make better decisions than
it has in the social field, ae
A start was zade with the Council's "Background for Decision
Making," a delineation of major social welfare programs in Atlanta
used by the Comaunity Caest Budget Comaitteo. The Chest also has
had in nand for some tine a Council proposal for an in-depth study
of recreation in Atlanta as the first of a conprehensive series of
studies in the social wolfare and recreation areas. Still, this is
the area where the Council can be faulted most by Council Zounders
-and particularly Chest mexbers who Cesperately want decision-making
he eee
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones | os
February 15, 1957. aS : a . Ae
help. With perspective gained from six years with the Council, I
feel the Council can and nust help the community nake better decisions
but only under differont conditions from those in waich the Council
has been operating.
Today, the Council's role is a changed one. It should bo
looked to for some of the same things envisioned by the founders.
thers should be sought elsewvhorg, Still others which can emanate
froa the Council may have beea only dimly envisioned seven years ago.
This change in role is the product of chances in Atlanta, in society
and in the experience of those of us who have grappled with tha Coun
cii's mission since the beginning.
As backcround for understanding the Council's new role, let ne
cite sono opinions.
Tho Federal Government today is pouring mousy into the social
wolfare field. Though checked some recently by Conzress, this trend -
ean be expected to continus. To justify this shower of money, Federal
agencies must insist on plans against which results nay be evaluated.
In most coxmunities, there are no effective local planainz units,
encouraging Fedoral agencies to do thoir own planning rather than rely~
ing on local zroups. Even if there wore efZective local planning unita,
each agency must do some of its own planning or be derelict.
If Atlanta's own citisens are to have a real voice in hov this
Federal money is to be spcnt in their own commumity, they need effective
mediums Zor wxpression. Our elected representatives are one mediun,
The Council can be another—one throuzh waich Adlanta leaders can dis-
cover the social facts about their community ant have a say cs to the
type of programs they will or will not supzort. In some senso, the
Council has played this role but not to the deprea that it can or should.
The Council, then, must first be a source of information. Its .
Social Research Center is the key to any other effectiveness the Council
may have. It must build up a bank of timely and reliable information,
as well as techniques for ceotting other inforzation quickly when neoded,
This sort of community resource is vital to federal, state and local
governments, to public and private agencies, to foundations and to an
* informed public. Part of the jod here is not waly gathering the infor
mation but disseminating it in useful Zorm, a job which the Council has
not done adequately up to this time.
.facts of a probdlen, such as it now does throuck
Mr. Boisfeulllot Jones ' ;
February 15, 1967 | ; 5,
Second, the Council must be the vehicle throuch which Atlanta
eitizens can begin to do their own comunity planning. A major and
difficult task ahead is what some describe as developing o conspectus
of Atlanta's social welfare needs, an overview or a sketch sinilar to
that produced by physical planning groups. Without it, the city may
continue to ameliorate symptoms, mistaking thea for causes of some of
our most pressing needs. Thus the Council beesmes not only the
planner'’s planner but a planning organization in its own right. It
can and must abate a common misconception that planning a progran
for an individual agency is comprehensive social planning
Third, the Council must take the initiative in seeing that plans
are discussed and implemented. Since it is not a funding body, it
must be able to speak with a voice that is respected by those who
dispense funds to public and private agencies s ins our comunity.
It must use the technicue of exposing egencies and others to tho
the Permanent Confer-
ence 2nd as it intends to do with businessmen on the subject of
Anc finally, it must be a consultive, evaluation and pro ran
development source for agencics and others. Ii is this last servico
which many in the community socom to want nest from the Council and
which, uncer its present organization a fucding, it is least capable
of doings without divertinz stafi from the first three. nd without
the first three jobs under coatrol,-. the Council is not capable of
doing the kind of work which the comnumity shouid demand of it.
Today, the Council is underfunded to do its basic jobs—Zact-
finding, fact dissemination and planning. We have estimated t they
would require about $200,009 a year invested in a core staii primarily.
devoted to thoss purpeses. LEaving a core stazz, the Council then
would be in position to teke on the job of consulting, evaluation and
program development for fees which vould pay for the eit start
requirod and attendant overhead. The sta2f, wmder this arrangenent,
would be large enough to give the Council flexibility. It now does
not have this mancuverability when it must divert someone fron a
basic job to do 4 special jod Which may or may tot be consistent wit
the cors job. We have had to do more and more of these special ska
because they have given the Council a means of contracting for work
which in turn hes meant income needed just to keep the core staff
together. This vicious circle in tho long run will lead to the
destruction of the Council as an effective agency.
Mr. BoisZoulllet Jones
February 15, 1987 3 6.
Right now, the Council needs rolie? fron chasing special
agsionucnts that produce income. It needs to have at least two
yearso—preferably throe—during which it can
~ Got the core job well underway without
diverting personnel to other work
"~ Broaden financial support from Chest and local
G0vernnent sources for its core work
“ Add staff and capacity to take on the special
jobs which so uany agencies and porsons want
the Council to do now, but only add people
as the level of funded work would justify
-~ Build a much stronger base of understanding
and support through the involvement of a
more varied and intorested Bearéi of Directors.
~ a
These directors whea oereente to serve nust
agree to take on active assiznzents a3 well
as set policy
- Involve younser persons fron all parta of the
community in Council work, ecesy serving
as a source of future Council directors.
Bo, wa need the help of you and your Foundation now. We need
your advice, assistance, influence and we need monsy which I don't
6ee coming from any other source in the community with the speed or
in the quantity needed if the Council is goings to go forward fron
its preseat plateau, .
Because of my involyeront in Jamaica, I'm asking Duane to get
with you at the earliest opportunity to settle on what you think
should be our next step in working out those thinzs which the Council
needs so very much now.
Best eserds ,
“Gab P. Furniss
P, S. Am sending a copy of this ‘
to Billy Sterne who has azreed
to help on the nominations to the
Council Board this year.
March 15, 1967
Mr. A. H. Sterne, Chairman
Nominating Committee
Community Council of the Atlanta Area
One Thousand Glenn Building
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Billy:
I should like to again appoint Dan Sweat as the
City of Atlanta representative on the Board of
the Community Council of the Atlanta Areaginc.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Cc: Mr. Dan Sweat
JAMES P. FURNISS, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Community CECIL ALEXANDER, lice Chairman
. MRS. RHODES L. PERDUE, Secrerars
Council of the ae
4area inc. DUANE W ERO, Execume Dieeoroe
March 6, 1967
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ivan:
I've agreed to serve as Chairman of the Council's Nominating
Last year, the bylaws were changed so that the financially
supporting local governmental bodies could appoint a representative
to the Council Board.
You appointed Dan Sweat, and he is a good man. Do you wish
to reappoint him for 1967-68? If so, we need a note to that effect.
Best regards.
A. H. St e
Nominating Committee
AHS: j
Cecil Alexander
Luther Alverson
Edward H. Boxter
Tully T. Blalock, M. BD.
Joseph C. Bransby
Mrs. William R. Bridges
Nopier Burson, Jr, M. DBD
W. L. Calloway
Campbell Dasher
James H. Aldredge, Sr-
J. G. Bradbury
J, V. Carmichaal
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr
Edwin |. Hatch
Cleveland Dennard
Herbert J, Dickson
Jomes P. Furniss
Mrs. Thomas H. Gibson
Elliott Goldstein
George E, Goodwin
J. Winston Huff
Joseph W. Jones
Vernon E. Jordon
Boisfeuillet Jones
Milis B. Lane, Jr.
Lucien E. Oliver
W. A. Parker, Sr
W. A. Pulver
Albert Love
Mrs. Louis Montag
T. F. Morrow
A. B. Padgett
Mrs. Rhodes L. Perdue
William |, Roy
Al B. Richardson
E. L. Simran
James M. Sibley
Richord H. Rich
James D. Robinson, Jr.
John A. Sibley
Carl N. Singer
Lee Talley
Hughes Spalding, Jr
Fred R. Stair, Jr, D. D.
A. HL Sterne
Don E. Sweat, Jr
Marton L. Weiss
John iC. Wilson
Asa G, Yancey, M. DB.
Clayton R. Yates
Elbert P_ Tuttle
Preston Upshaw
William C. Wardlaw, Jr.
George W_ Woodruff
=! pe
z cl
Mh brligers | and alder) Vhiondl Bonk,
Werte, Goreia 30302
December 28, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ivan:
The other day, the Community Council and certain outsiders
listened to EOA's discussion of a proposed corporation in the
Summerhill=-Mechaniecsville area. Purpose of the corporation would
be to provide employment for adult semi-skilled and unskilled
workers in the demolition, cleaning and boarding up of substandard
housing and properties.
Those attending had several observations, one of which was
that a new corporation of this sort with untested leadership would
have difficulty making a go of this venture if it had to bid in
the open market for demolition work. There was a hope that the
city of Atlanta might be able to direct contracts to the group at
a negotiated price.
I'd like to urge your consideration of this idea. Never-
theless, I feel the city could do a lot to help make a corporation
of this sort successful if it put certain strings on its willing-
ness to negotiate.
The sort of strings I have in mind are that a negotiating
group would indicate to your satisfaction that it was properly set
up with reasonably experienced management, that it would have to
operate within a pricing structure fair to the city and that the city
would have assurance that the work would be done well.
Among the outside observers at the Council meeting were a
couple of men from our bank who were attempting to appraise EOA's
lending and development program for small business. Due to EOA
Mayor Ivan Allen
December 28, 1966
Page Two
cutbacks in funds, both these programs have been transferred out of
EOA to the Small Business Administration. We were wondering if there
were a place where private enterprise could step in and take over
some of the functions which government had been asked to do.
As bankers, my two associates and I saw some potential merit in
this particular application. Compared with some of the loans which
we have made, this one might be shaped into something which could be
handled provided the whole enterprise were set up right in the first
place. The advantage to the city would be to create a new way in
which people in poverty areas could gain useful work as they built an
organizationwhich ultimately could compete in the open market for
business. It would be a fairly dramatic way of demonstrating that
because one is poor does not necessarily rule out economic opportunity.
In thinking about this particular proposed company, it would be
helpful to know if the city would entertain a negotiated price for
some of this demolition and repair work.
| )
James P.
— , | ™\ ss METROPOLITAN
ee =_—
. mw ht est
ATLANTA, GA. 30301 / JACKSON 585-3481
October 4, 1967
Mr. Duane W. Beck, Executive Director
Comminity Council of Atlanta Area, Incorporated
1000 Glenn Building
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Duane:
In response to your letter of September 6, in behalf of the
organization's participating in the development of a basis public
recreation program for the City of Atlanta, the Community Chest acted
favorably upon our participating in this study in making available
$2,500 toward the cost of this project. It is our understanding these
funds should be used to cover cost of items that could not be provided
from the budgets of the participating organizations.
We are pleased to note that the Community Council will co-ordinate
this activity. The Community Chest, as a major source of operating funds
for the Community Council, is also contributing to the "in kind" staff
services which the Community Council will be providing.
Through the emphasis ofithis study will be on the development of
a public recreation plan for the City of Atlanta, we hope that to the
extent possible, consideration will be given to the private sector.
N. F. Novak, ACSW
Agency Relations Division
NFN/em ¢
ec: Study Participants
March 16, 1967 -
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ivan:
You very kindly agreed to talk with the Board of the Commerce
Club at their next meeting about the Community Council and its role
in the life of the city. You asked me to brief you. Here goes.
The letter attached gives you my general feelings as to past
accomplishments and future purpose of the Council. At a meeting of
leading foundations yesterday and the Council's om Board of
Directors today, the position taken in this letter was reaffirmed
with one exception. Both grouos felt the Council on its own initia-
tive should not be an implementing body in the Future. I very much
agree. The implementing role of the Council was one assumed in the
past because there was no other place to lodge certain ideas for
action. .
The principal implementing forces in ovr commnity should be
local governments and the Community Chest. The War on Poverty
belongs to the local community, not to the Federal Government. It
has been working and should continue to work through local groups.
Officials of the Community Chest, the War on Poverty and some
local governments have spoken out strongly about the need for a
professional fact finding and social planning resource for the
greater Atlanta area, one that is adequately staffed ta do the job
and independent enough to call a spade a spade. This sort of
council not only can help get more federal and state money for the
city but also by good planning can assume that money spent on pro-
grams goes as far as possible.
“Mayor Ivan Allen, dr.
March 16, 1967
Page Two
To keep planning within the control of the local community,
basic operating funds for the Community Council should come from
loeal rather than federal sources. Officials of the Community
Chest in seneral are in agreement with their responsibility for
increasing Chest support and for sharing the Council's basic
aperating budget with local governments. Local gavernments, which
hwo years ago gave no unrestricted funds for the support of the
Council, this year are contributing $27,500. This base mist be
expanded to include other counties and cities in the metropolitan
Atlanta area.
A service you could do the community and the Council is to
affirm the need for a strong professional planning council and the
responsibility of public and private bodies for seeing that the
Council is adequately financed to do its basic job. After the base
budget is funded, the Counetl rapidly will get in a better position
to contract with the city, counties, foundations and other local
groups to do special programming and other work.
Since I shall be out of town the next couple of weeks, Duane
Beek can furnish you other data which you may want before the
meeting of the Commerce Club Board.
* ' James P. Furniss
P. S. Some of the places where the city of Atlanta and Community
Council have worked most closely together are Listed cn the attached
J. P. F.
Principal Areas of Collahoration
l. Design of the ‘Anti-voverty" Program applicetion
2. Social Resources Study wnder C. I. P.
3. Assistance in ceveloping Model Cities application
%. Revision of “Federal Aids Programs - Atlanta”
5. Chronic alcsholism ~-- planning
¢ Cormrmusiity
of the
Atianta Area inc.
_ } a February 15, 1967
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones, President |
Enily and Ernest Woodzuff Foundation
230 Peachtreo Street, N. WV.
Atlanta, Georgi. 29303
Dear Bo:
You ead I talked recently about the Community Council, where it
has been, where it is soing and what it neods. The Council needs
your help now, not to fulfill original wojectives (which it has done
in some reasure) but to fit a new role in the conplex and growing
society which is Atlanta today.
When. establisied in 1960, the Council was given a grant of
$50,007 a year for fives years by your Foundation, The Community
Chest catched this sum. The goals wore - :
“ to Zind solutions to the provlens of pove-cy
~- to coordinate public and private social uo_...cies
“ ~ to elininate unproductive agencies through norger
- to provide tho Community Chost with a dacision-
paking capacity for its fund allocation problems,
At its inception, the Council was looked upon as a 2
social planning and coordinating force for an area that lacked any
effective organization of its kind. I remember Couscil Soa
bers making speeches at civic clubs, promising all.thinys to all
people even before it had a professional executive or ics had a
chance to truly measure the dimensions of the job. Scaai Skoucht of
social planning as a study of a single social ageacy. Others saw
it as a detailed guide for allocating social welfare programs for a
ten-year period.
Mr. Boisfculllot Jones
February 15, 1957 |
Although effectiva ina nuxber of areas, the Council spent a
good part of the first five years searching for a grip oa social
planning and problems that kept shifting and growing. Since 1960,
the Council has mot a nuuber of tha founders’ objectives. Others
- 4t can moot within the noxt five yoars. Still othors may require
difZeront approaches fron originally envisioncd.
‘Let's look at the record. 5 -
On the score of tho problems of povorty, the Council:
te Experincnted with now ways of delivering sor vices
to the poor in West ond, particularly those
which would Gelp break the cycle of dependency
- Took the lead in planning Econcnie Opportunity
Atlanta, Inc.
= Supplied tho social Zact - finding and planning
aspects of Atlanta's Ccnnunity Inprovenent
Progran, on the basis o2 Which it now is
helping Atlanta apply for funds under the
new liodel Cities denonstration progran
- Hos established an information and referral =e
- service to help people find agency assistance
= Planned the training prozram for EOA aides and
is now operating a training program for volun-
teers willing to serve in low-income areas
~- Was materially involvad in other efforts such as
& work cyvaluction center, jod davolopcent for
and placement of older workers, a comunity
school prozran, developaent of low-cost housing,
lending to businesses in poverty areas and many
In the area of coordinating public and private social agencies,
the Council's efforts have been effective in some cases but failure
in others. The Permanent Conference has beea a primary vehicle for
the Council in the fields of health, recreation and welfare. Sena
of the achiovements have been -
Lir. BoisZcuillet Jones
February 15, 1£57 , 3.
~ Establishment of a $225,000 Hospital and Health
, Planning unit 23 a regular Comecil activity
. = Spade work for a comprehensive mental health
; progres) for Atlanta
= Assistance to tho Mayor's Commission in its
organization to combat Crime and Juvenlie
Delinquency .
~ Assistance in setting up Euory's Comittee
on Chronic Alcoholisn
On elimination of unproductive. agencies throuch merger, the
Council's score is low for reasons outlined later in this lotter.
It was involved in the merger of agencies serving the blind aad
did devise a way to coordinate services for the eldorly (Senior
* Citizen Services of Metropolitan Atlanta). Also, the Council's
broad role has resulted in a number of agencies asking for consul-
tation about their fields to avoid or to recomine duplications.
A nusaber o2 proposed agencies were investigated by the Council, some
of which never got organized when the promoters saw they would be
involving themselves in Zields which were adequately covered.
On tho score of roviding the Community Chest with decision-
maokine capacity for fund allocation problems, the Council has not
yet done the job. A major difficulty here has been that some
persons tend to oversimplify tha task, expecting the Council can do
& conscientious, good job with a stazf that is woefully inadequato
in nimbder and background information. The consmunity as a waole needs
more invoxruation on the basis of which to make better decisions than
it has in the social field, ae
A start was zade with the Council's "Background for Decision
Making," a delineation of major social welfare programs in Atlanta
used by the Comaunity Caest Budget Comaitteo. The Chest also has
had in nand for some tine a Council proposal for an in-depth study
of recreation in Atlanta as the first of a conprehensive series of
studies in the social wolfare and recreation areas. Still, this is
the area where the Council can be faulted most by Council Zounders
-and particularly Chest mexbers who Cesperately want decision-making
he eee
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones | os
February 15, 1957. aS : a . Ae
help. With perspective gained from six years with the Council, I
feel the Council can and nust help the community nake better decisions
but only under differont conditions from those in waich the Council
has been operating.
Today, the Council's role is a changed one. It should bo
looked to for some of the same things envisioned by the founders.
thers should be sought elsewvhorg, Still others which can emanate
froa the Council may have beea only dimly envisioned seven years ago.
This change in role is the product of chances in Atlanta, in society
and in the experience of those of us who have grappled with tha Coun
cii's mission since the beginning.
As backcround for understanding the Council's new role, let ne
cite sono opinions.
Tho Federal Government today is pouring mousy into the social
wolfare field. Though checked some recently by Conzress, this trend -
ean be expected to continus. To justify this shower of money, Federal
agencies must insist on plans against which results nay be evaluated.
In most coxmunities, there are no effective local planainz units,
encouraging Fedoral agencies to do thoir own planning rather than rely~
ing on local zroups. Even if there wore efZective local planning unita,
each agency must do some of its own planning or be derelict.
If Atlanta's own citisens are to have a real voice in hov this
Federal money is to be spcnt in their own commumity, they need effective
mediums Zor wxpression. Our elected representatives are one mediun,
The Council can be another—one throuzh waich Adlanta leaders can dis-
cover the social facts about their community ant have a say cs to the
type of programs they will or will not supzort. In some senso, the
Council has played this role but not to the deprea that it can or should.
The Council, then, must first be a source of information. Its .
Social Research Center is the key to any other effectiveness the Council
may have. It must build up a bank of timely and reliable information,
as well as techniques for ceotting other inforzation quickly when neoded,
This sort of community resource is vital to federal, state and local
governments, to public and private agencies, to foundations and to an
* informed public. Part of the jod here is not waly gathering the infor
mation but disseminating it in useful Zorm, a job which the Council has
not done adequately up to this time.
.facts of a probdlen, such as it now does throuck
Mr. Boisfeulllot Jones ' ;
February 15, 1967 | ; 5,
Second, the Council must be the vehicle throuch which Atlanta
eitizens can begin to do their own comunity planning. A major and
difficult task ahead is what some describe as developing o conspectus
of Atlanta's social welfare needs, an overview or a sketch sinilar to
that produced by physical planning groups. Without it, the city may
continue to ameliorate symptoms, mistaking thea for causes of some of
our most pressing needs. Thus the Council beesmes not only the
planner'’s planner but a planning organization in its own right. It
can and must abate a common misconception that planning a progran
for an individual agency is comprehensive social planning
Third, the Council must take the initiative in seeing that plans
are discussed and implemented. Since it is not a funding body, it
must be able to speak with a voice that is respected by those who
dispense funds to public and private agencies s ins our comunity.
It must use the technicue of exposing egencies and others to tho
the Permanent Confer-
ence 2nd as it intends to do with businessmen on the subject of
Anc finally, it must be a consultive, evaluation and pro ran
development source for agencics and others. Ii is this last servico
which many in the community socom to want nest from the Council and
which, uncer its present organization a fucding, it is least capable
of doings without divertinz stafi from the first three. nd without
the first three jobs under coatrol,-. the Council is not capable of
doing the kind of work which the comnumity shouid demand of it.
Today, the Council is underfunded to do its basic jobs—Zact-
finding, fact dissemination and planning. We have estimated t they
would require about $200,009 a year invested in a core staii primarily.
devoted to thoss purpeses. LEaving a core stazz, the Council then
would be in position to teke on the job of consulting, evaluation and
program development for fees which vould pay for the eit start
requirod and attendant overhead. The sta2f, wmder this arrangenent,
would be large enough to give the Council flexibility. It now does
not have this mancuverability when it must divert someone fron a
basic job to do 4 special jod Which may or may tot be consistent wit
the cors job. We have had to do more and more of these special ska
because they have given the Council a means of contracting for work
which in turn hes meant income needed just to keep the core staff
together. This vicious circle in tho long run will lead to the
destruction of the Council as an effective agency.
Mr. BoisZoulllet Jones
February 15, 1987 3 6.
Right now, the Council needs rolie? fron chasing special
agsionucnts that produce income. It needs to have at least two
yearso—preferably throe—during which it can
~ Got the core job well underway without
diverting personnel to other work
"~ Broaden financial support from Chest and local
G0vernnent sources for its core work
“ Add staff and capacity to take on the special
jobs which so uany agencies and porsons want
the Council to do now, but only add people
as the level of funded work would justify
-~ Build a much stronger base of understanding
and support through the involvement of a
more varied and intorested Bearéi of Directors.
~ a
These directors whea oereente to serve nust
agree to take on active assiznzents a3 well
as set policy
- Involve younser persons fron all parta of the
community in Council work, ecesy serving
as a source of future Council directors.
Bo, wa need the help of you and your Foundation now. We need
your advice, assistance, influence and we need monsy which I don't
6ee coming from any other source in the community with the speed or
in the quantity needed if the Council is goings to go forward fron
its preseat plateau, .
Because of my involyeront in Jamaica, I'm asking Duane to get
with you at the earliest opportunity to settle on what you think
should be our next step in working out those thinzs which the Council
needs so very much now.
Best eserds ,
“Gab P. Furniss
P, S. Am sending a copy of this ‘
to Billy Sterne who has azreed
to help on the nominations to the
Council Board this year.
March 15, 1967
Mr. A. H. Sterne, Chairman
Nominating Committee
Community Council of the Atlanta Area
One Thousand Glenn Building
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Billy:
I should like to again appoint Dan Sweat as the
City of Atlanta representative on the Board of
the Community Council of the Atlanta Areaginc.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Cc: Mr. Dan Sweat
JAMES P. FURNISS, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Community CECIL ALEXANDER, lice Chairman
. MRS. RHODES L. PERDUE, Secrerars
Council of the ae
4area inc. DUANE W ERO, Execume Dieeoroe
March 6, 1967
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ivan:
I've agreed to serve as Chairman of the Council's Nominating
Last year, the bylaws were changed so that the financially
supporting local governmental bodies could appoint a representative
to the Council Board.
You appointed Dan Sweat, and he is a good man. Do you wish
to reappoint him for 1967-68? If so, we need a note to that effect.
Best regards.
A. H. St e
Nominating Committee
AHS: j
Cecil Alexander
Luther Alverson
Edward H. Boxter
Tully T. Blalock, M. BD.
Joseph C. Bransby
Mrs. William R. Bridges
Nopier Burson, Jr, M. DBD
W. L. Calloway
Campbell Dasher
James H. Aldredge, Sr-
J. G. Bradbury
J, V. Carmichaal
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr
Edwin |. Hatch
Cleveland Dennard
Herbert J, Dickson
Jomes P. Furniss
Mrs. Thomas H. Gibson
Elliott Goldstein
George E, Goodwin
J. Winston Huff
Joseph W. Jones
Vernon E. Jordon
Boisfeuillet Jones
Milis B. Lane, Jr.
Lucien E. Oliver
W. A. Parker, Sr
W. A. Pulver
Albert Love
Mrs. Louis Montag
T. F. Morrow
A. B. Padgett
Mrs. Rhodes L. Perdue
William |, Roy
Al B. Richardson
E. L. Simran
James M. Sibley
Richord H. Rich
James D. Robinson, Jr.
John A. Sibley
Carl N. Singer
Lee Talley
Hughes Spalding, Jr
Fred R. Stair, Jr, D. D.
A. HL Sterne
Don E. Sweat, Jr
Marton L. Weiss
John iC. Wilson
Asa G, Yancey, M. DB.
Clayton R. Yates
Elbert P_ Tuttle
Preston Upshaw
William C. Wardlaw, Jr.
George W_ Woodruff
=! pe
z cl
Mh brligers | and alder) Vhiondl Bonk,
Werte, Goreia 30302
December 28, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Ivan:
The other day, the Community Council and certain outsiders
listened to EOA's discussion of a proposed corporation in the
Summerhill=-Mechaniecsville area. Purpose of the corporation would
be to provide employment for adult semi-skilled and unskilled
workers in the demolition, cleaning and boarding up of substandard
housing and properties.
Those attending had several observations, one of which was
that a new corporation of this sort with untested leadership would
have difficulty making a go of this venture if it had to bid in
the open market for demolition work. There was a hope that the
city of Atlanta might be able to direct contracts to the group at
a negotiated price.
I'd like to urge your consideration of this idea. Never-
theless, I feel the city could do a lot to help make a corporation
of this sort successful if it put certain strings on its willing-
ness to negotiate.
The sort of strings I have in mind are that a negotiating
group would indicate to your satisfaction that it was properly set
up with reasonably experienced management, that it would have to
operate within a pricing structure fair to the city and that the city
would have assurance that the work would be done well.
Among the outside observers at the Council meeting were a
couple of men from our bank who were attempting to appraise EOA's
lending and development program for small business. Due to EOA
Mayor Ivan Allen
December 28, 1966
Page Two
cutbacks in funds, both these programs have been transferred out of
EOA to the Small Business Administration. We were wondering if there
were a place where private enterprise could step in and take over
some of the functions which government had been asked to do.
As bankers, my two associates and I saw some potential merit in
this particular application. Compared with some of the loans which
we have made, this one might be shaped into something which could be
handled provided the whole enterprise were set up right in the first
place. The advantage to the city would be to create a new way in
which people in poverty areas could gain useful work as they built an
organizationwhich ultimately could compete in the open market for
business. It would be a fairly dramatic way of demonstrating that
because one is poor does not necessarily rule out economic opportunity.
In thinking about this particular proposed company, it would be
helpful to know if the city would entertain a negotiated price for
some of this demolition and repair work.
| )
James P.