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Box 8, Folder 17, Document 12
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MAT PP TPT Sonne CAI Tee pir
’ d ’ .
ve Ah Ak OTe TAA
PAN te 75 19en
é oe ee ae - Hy
aztcendance: “rs. Posa 7. n-' yo Me. Willtam Com, “r. Joe
Wnttley, "er. vacvin Crata, re. “. LL. Weems, “x,
Robert Dokson rs. C. B. Wright, “rs. Ida Yright.
“ye. Leuts Peters. rs. “attte Analey, Mr. Jcun Hood.
ihe board of Direotors met on the above date with the chairmen
“eaecon Peters presiding tn @ gall sasaton to talk on the ¥, 1, P.
cttvities areas for 1970 . Aqancy Inveottqation. also Senior
Citizens of Atlanta and Salary for Day Cara Employees.
Doctor Coz was askee to lead us in prayer
fhe ehairman Deacon Peters asked that tie acanda be apnvoved.
ie. Johnny Johnson the @zecutive Director oF Atlanta “odel Ctittes
orogram dtseusaed the if. BD. P. for 1970 he showed us the
elearence and relocation site for the stx (f) Model Cities areas.
Ve were also gtven a ligt wit the comnonet vriorities wit a
pattern for provress. Rea stated that activittes that weren't
geeompitehet tw 1969 will ave to be ecommletel in 1970. They were
20% indieated on the oetority itet. “ny. Johnson spoke about
te Southern Pattivoad which has purchased homea & anartment
in the Pittsburgh area and has completely overlooked the “Model
Cietes citizens & the PP plan for this in the Ptttaburgs community.
He also spoke of the Janqer of the “eNaniel erossing, he satd the
vestdents ef ‘odel Ctttes vitil not recetve any asatstance from ° ..
Soutzern Patlroad such as moving cost, and ether things that they
would have receive from “cdel Cittes.
He aleo stated that ve need legal advise on Emient Domain to see
where we etand tn this matter.
Deacon Peters requested that att stm (8) Netqhborhoods unite
behind todel Cittes in voteing disapproval of Southern Railway
in ourshase of land in Pitteburah for rattlroad e: sepanston,.
mveebirayht prrse
te satd that we need to call all the residents of Pittsburgh and
Mechantesvttlle together to stand up for their rights because
the Model Cittes offiee received nonotificatton about what was
happentng in their area.
The report from the Housing ¢ Relocation committee was presented
‘by Representative John Hood. It was approved for aectton by
the Exeeutive Board. (See attached report)
Mrs. Bunnte Jackson from EOA discussed the training proposal from
05, Ex Os Nodel Cittes Mass Convention, Inc,: ts the
delegate agency for thts program.
A motion was made & seconded & approved that a letter be sent to atl
agenotes funded by “odel Cities requesting the qualificattons of
their employeee & the number of restdents an thetr staff.
It was mottoned & seconded & approved that tuo (2) attizens,
‘mn, Dokson, &@ "nr, Seott attend a Housing conference in Washington
on December 8,
Deacon Lewts Peters, Chairman
’ d ’ .
ve Ah Ak OTe TAA
PAN te 75 19en
é oe ee ae - Hy
aztcendance: “rs. Posa 7. n-' yo Me. Willtam Com, “r. Joe
Wnttley, "er. vacvin Crata, re. “. LL. Weems, “x,
Robert Dokson rs. C. B. Wright, “rs. Ida Yright.
“ye. Leuts Peters. rs. “attte Analey, Mr. Jcun Hood.
ihe board of Direotors met on the above date with the chairmen
“eaecon Peters presiding tn @ gall sasaton to talk on the ¥, 1, P.
cttvities areas for 1970 . Aqancy Inveottqation. also Senior
Citizens of Atlanta and Salary for Day Cara Employees.
Doctor Coz was askee to lead us in prayer
fhe ehairman Deacon Peters asked that tie acanda be apnvoved.
ie. Johnny Johnson the @zecutive Director oF Atlanta “odel Ctittes
orogram dtseusaed the if. BD. P. for 1970 he showed us the
elearence and relocation site for the stx (f) Model Cities areas.
Ve were also gtven a ligt wit the comnonet vriorities wit a
pattern for provress. Rea stated that activittes that weren't
geeompitehet tw 1969 will ave to be ecommletel in 1970. They were
20% indieated on the oetority itet. “ny. Johnson spoke about
te Southern Pattivoad which has purchased homea & anartment
in the Pittsburgh area and has completely overlooked the “Model
Cietes citizens & the PP plan for this in the Ptttaburgs community.
He also spoke of the Janqer of the “eNaniel erossing, he satd the
vestdents ef ‘odel Ctttes vitil not recetve any asatstance from ° ..
Soutzern Patlroad such as moving cost, and ether things that they
would have receive from “cdel Cittes.
He aleo stated that ve need legal advise on Emient Domain to see
where we etand tn this matter.
Deacon Peters requested that att stm (8) Netqhborhoods unite
behind todel Cittes in voteing disapproval of Southern Railway
in ourshase of land in Pitteburah for rattlroad e: sepanston,.
mveebirayht prrse
te satd that we need to call all the residents of Pittsburgh and
Mechantesvttlle together to stand up for their rights because
the Model Cittes offiee received nonotificatton about what was
happentng in their area.
The report from the Housing ¢ Relocation committee was presented
‘by Representative John Hood. It was approved for aectton by
the Exeeutive Board. (See attached report)
Mrs. Bunnte Jackson from EOA discussed the training proposal from
05, Ex Os Nodel Cittes Mass Convention, Inc,: ts the
delegate agency for thts program.
A motion was made & seconded & approved that a letter be sent to atl
agenotes funded by “odel Cities requesting the qualificattons of
their employeee & the number of restdents an thetr staff.
It was mottoned & seconded & approved that tuo (2) attizens,
‘mn, Dokson, &@ "nr, Seott attend a Housing conference in Washington
on December 8,
Deacon Lewts Peters, Chairman