Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 19, Document 20
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Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
July 9, 1969
Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director
Model Cities Program
673 Capitol Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Johnny:
This letter is in response to your verbal request back in the spring
for more participation by the Planning Department stoff in the Model Cities
physical planning effort. However, to meet our 1969 program, we must
have in writing exectly what tasks you wish us to perform, whet manpower
you think It will require, and when the work must be accomplished. Without
such information, it will be very difficult for us to respond any further than
we already have.
As you know, the physical planning efforts should mesh closely within
the proposed 1970 Neighborhood Development Program activities and your own
1970 action year program development. Since Neighborhood Development
Program deadlines are approaching with bewildering speed, every day that
passes makes the time factor more critical. We wish to do all we can to
help but our other commitments must be met also. So it is essential that we
receive a concrete expression of your needs right away.
| As we have said before, we will do everything we can to assist the
physical planning efforts In Medel Cities in achieving the maximum benefit
for that area and the entire city. There is, however, one limitation which
Mr. Johnny Johnson -2- duly 9, 1969
we have expressed before. The department will be unable to accept total
responsibility in the area of citizens’ involvement. The responsibility of
obtaining citizen review and approval must continue fo rest with your agency
which was staffed for this purpose during at feast the 1969 planning year.
Other than this single limitation we are willing to do everything we can to
support the Model Cities Program.
Sincerely yours,
Collier B. Gladin
Planning Director
ec: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Rodney Cook
Mr. Gregory Griggs
Mr. Everet? Millican
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
July 9, 1969
Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director
Model Cities Program
673 Capitol Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Johnny:
This letter is in response to your verbal request back in the spring
for more participation by the Planning Department stoff in the Model Cities
physical planning effort. However, to meet our 1969 program, we must
have in writing exectly what tasks you wish us to perform, whet manpower
you think It will require, and when the work must be accomplished. Without
such information, it will be very difficult for us to respond any further than
we already have.
As you know, the physical planning efforts should mesh closely within
the proposed 1970 Neighborhood Development Program activities and your own
1970 action year program development. Since Neighborhood Development
Program deadlines are approaching with bewildering speed, every day that
passes makes the time factor more critical. We wish to do all we can to
help but our other commitments must be met also. So it is essential that we
receive a concrete expression of your needs right away.
| As we have said before, we will do everything we can to assist the
physical planning efforts In Medel Cities in achieving the maximum benefit
for that area and the entire city. There is, however, one limitation which
Mr. Johnny Johnson -2- duly 9, 1969
we have expressed before. The department will be unable to accept total
responsibility in the area of citizens’ involvement. The responsibility of
obtaining citizen review and approval must continue fo rest with your agency
which was staffed for this purpose during at feast the 1969 planning year.
Other than this single limitation we are willing to do everything we can to
support the Model Cities Program.
Sincerely yours,
Collier B. Gladin
Planning Director
ec: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mr. Rodney Cook
Mr. Gregory Griggs
Mr. Everet? Millican