Box 8, Folder 19, Document 32

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Box 8, Folder 19, Document 32

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ilitalenlenettcharea ieeeshadilliiemminntaiemmsaentinel


The purpose of this program is to build- the capacity of Medel Cities

residents in _te respond knowledgeably and effectively to

the requirements of the Model Cities Program by establishing responsible
neighborhood organizations se that they can assess their problems and can
work effectively with city government and other local institutions in the
planning, execution and evaluative of pregrams, It is our understanding
that the Modet Cities Administration and OEO wili join in this project as
part of an effort to build effective and responsible community participation

and to make available funds and assistance to model neighborhood groups in

both First and second roundcities,.

Two major objectives of the program are:

1. To provide citizens with a diversity of exoeritence and capability
in local institutional planning, program implementation and
program evaluation.

2. To foster maximun feasible intepration of organization and
function by CAA and CDA neighborhood groups and to plan and
move toward the eventual consolidation of resident participation
organizations covering the model neighborhood area.

Inherent jn making their training, ‘echnical assistance, and planning

funds available is the assumption by OFO and HUD that citizens have a

major role to play in both the Community Action Program and the

Model Cities Program. Further, both O£O'’s and HUD's philosophy

wracknowledges the right of people affected by public programs
to have access to and influence on the process by which decisions

about their lives are made;

--accepts that many of the best intentioned officials and
technicians are often, by their training, experiences, and
life-styles, unfamiliar with or even insensitive to the
problems and aspirations of model neighborhood residents;
therefore, resident ideas and priorities can result in more

relevant, sensitive, and effective plans and programs;

~-recognizes that the process of participation makes it possible
for those citizens formerly outside the system to learn how it
functions and how to make it function in their interest-and
that dhe peveeee makes it possible for residents to strengthen
existing skills and to develop the kind of new skills needed
for effective abeduenstilp beyond as well as within the Model

Cities Program.

in light of the above and in order to overcome these problems, OEO
and HUD are encouraging CAA's, CDA's and the neighborhood groups to test this
technical assistance strategy through the use of these funds. Funds

allocated to neighborhood groups under these grants may be used to

provide planning, training and technical assistance services to
neighborhood residents tricluding but not limtted to the Following:
1. Full-time staff for neighborhood groups to pian and
develop services under these programe.
°2,. Wormal training prograns for neighborhood resident groups and
staff, 7
oo Collection and dissemination of rvelevant information about Model
‘Cities and related programs to ncighborhood residents,
4a Retaining consultants. {iowyers, community organizers, planners,
programmatic spectalists, etc.) to advise on substantive programs
and planning.
5.4. To develop and carry out citizen evaluation of the Model Cities
and all other planning activities that affect the neighborhood,
6. A portion of grant funds may be used by netghborhood groups to
contract directiy with oreanizations eof their own choosing which
are regularly efgaged in providing TATA,
I. The CAA and CDA will discuss this program. (delete remainder of
sentence, )
2, They will discuss their commitment for the next twelve months of

funds for training and technical ‘assistance services Lo

neighborhood groups.


Designation of neighborhood groups to plan the program and
receive funds by the CAA and CDA.
The neighborhood group with assistance acceptable to it from
the CAA and CDA will decide what training and Lanbntcel
assistance they require for the dauedo geen of the proposal
for neighborhood group support Funds.
If this assistance is not available in the city, the CAA and
CDA will make every effort to obtain it. We hope OEO and the
other Federal, state and local agencies swelaead in the Model
Cities Program will make it available to the neighborhood
group ~- assistance which is acceptable to the group.
If the neighborhood group or groups feel that promised training
and technical assistance is not being received or is inadequate,

we, the CAA and CDA will use our good offices to remedy the


III. Work Program,


The neighborhood group with the above technical assistance will
prepare a formal written application. They wil) also prepare

a summary of that application for circulation to residents of

the model neighborhood.

seek the interim board and/or membership of the neighborhood
group has approved the application it should be submitted through
the CAA and CDA to OFO and a copy sent to HUD. If CDA funds are
not included in the application, they must be intesrated

into the application. Prior te this submission, the CAA, CDA

eee aie

and resident groups shall mect together to discuss their

relationships within the framework of the proposal.
Included in the final application will be a descriptive
history of the ways in which the steps in the work process
outlined above have been met.
The application will also indicate the ways CDA funds and
assistance will be made avajiable to the neighborhood group.
The application will show as specifically as possible what
kinds ef activities will be undertaken, when and how.


The. application will also describe what, when and how of
training during the program year.

The application will also specify how consultants hired by

the neighborhood group will be sgéebunteblic to the neighborhood
Eroup or groups,

The application will also describe how this training and
technical assistance is related to CDA and CAA plans and programs,
The work program will spell out hiring procedures: particularly
the rights and responsibilities of the neighborhood group,

the CAA and CDA,

The work program will also indicate by name wherever possible

specific CAA-CDA staff and staff of neighborhood organizations

who will be involved in implementing the program. .

10. We are committed to observing the terms of the HUD/OEO

Agreement on local coordination in the development and

_ implementation of this work progran.
IV, Tine Tele
Sid iBeetgnatton of the neighborhood groups wii! occur ne later
chen 30 days after the grant funds have been obligated.
2. The neighborhood group will complete the training plan no
later than 69 days after.the funds have been obligated.
a. The first draft ee the proposal and the summary for
communication to neighborhood residents should be completed
no later than 75 days after the funds have been obligated.
4, The final work program will be submitted no later than 90
days after the grant funds have been obligated.
Vv. Budget
Sample CAP 25
80% Staff

20% space, overhead


The Region may want te special condition the grant to insure periodic
progress raports, Other desirable special conditions which Regions

may want to consider are:

‘1, No funds under this grant ought to be expended until O£0 approved

the 90 day proposal which emerges from the work program described
in this grant.
‘ :
2. Sucorporatton is not necessary for release of funds from OFO
provided. thst the CAA in coniunction with CDA agree te spend the
_funds as requested by the neighborhood group a0 indicates the
mechanism with which it will make fiscal accountability to and

for the group.


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