Box 8, Folder 20, Document 16

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Box 8, Folder 20, Document 16

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April 28, 1969

Mr, Clarence G. Ezzard, Sr.
Representative, District 102
245 Atlanta Avenue, S&S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315

Dear Mr, Ezzard:

The Mayor has forwarded your letter of April 18 to me for

I would like to inform you that a sub-committee of the Model
Neighborhood Executive Board was established and is now in
the precess of reviewing various elements of the program,
Upon completion of this review, the committee will make
recommendations to the full Executive Board with reference
to any specific action that should be taken.

With reference to your suggestion that residents of the Model
Neighborhood Area be included on the committee, I wish to
inform you that Mrs. Martha Weems of the Peoplestown area is
a member of the committee.

Should you have any additional questions or comments concerning
this committee, please feel free to contact me.


Johnny C. Johnson

JCJ :vle
ee: Mayor Ivan Allen, ar.7%


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