Box 8, Folder 20, Document 20

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Box 8, Folder 20, Document 20

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Tuesday, March 11, 1969
10:00 a.m.

The regular meeting of the Model Neighborhood Executive Board was
held on Tuesday, March 11, 1969 at 10:00 a.m. in Committee Room #2,
City Hall. S

The following members were present:

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman
Alderman E. Gregory Griggs
Representative John Hood
Alderman G. Everett Millican
Mr. Wlater Mitchell

Mr. J. D. Newberry

Dr. C. Miles Smith

Mrs. Martha Weems

Mr. J. C. Whitely


Mrs. Mattie Ansley

Mr. Sam Caldwell

Mr. Clarence D. Coleman
Deacon Lewis Peters

Mr. Bill C. Wainwright

Other city department heads, representatives of neighborhood organi-
zations, the Atlanta Housing Authority and the press were also pre-


Mrs. Xernona Clayton-.gave a report on the status of the accounts
for the citizen participation funds. This report was requested by
Mr. Whitley at the last meeting. She discussed the procedure for
withdrawing these funds through the Neighborhood Councils and gave
the balance for each neighborhood's account as of March 10, 1969.
The funds in the citizen participation account were used for trans-
portation, babysitting, refreshments, distribution of flyers in the
communities and in any other manner that would facilitate citizen
participation. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Clayton's report
be accepted as information. A copy of the report was distributed
to all Board members.
Page Two

Contract for Execution

Mr. Johnson stated that Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD), George Rummney, was expected to sign the Atlanta Model Cities
Program contract and that it should be tendered by the end of the
week. He said that the contract would be open-ended without yearly
close-out. The City will received the appropriate funds through a
Letter of Credit that can be drawn upon from a designated bank. The
agencies receiving. supplemental funds will be required to designate
a bank so that the city can transfer funds to their accounts on a
reimbursable basis. This method of funding is being used because

of the difficulty in ascertaining financial needs for a given period
of time.

Introduction of New Personnel
Mr. Johnson introduced the new members of the Model Cities staff

and explained their positions in relationship to their division.
The new staff members are:

Mr. Davey L. Gibson Mr. Howard Turnipseed

Social Planning Coordinator College Intern

Mrs. Frances Eizenstat Mr. Louis Orosz

Social Planner II Physical Planning Coordinator
Mr. Joseph A. Stroud Mrs. Roslyn Walker

Program Specialist Evaluation )Analyst

Mr. Mitchell A. Mitchell Mr. Donald Holland

Senior System Analyst Senior Budjet Analyst

Mr. Michael Lewallen
Graphics Specialist

Mr. Johnson asked the Board to recommend people to fill the remaining
positions of Director of: Plans and Evaluation, Director of Program
Management, and Director of Economic Development. Mr. Millican then
welcomed the new staff members on behalf of the City and the Executive

Multi-Purpose Center

Mr. Johnson brought the Board up to date on the remodeling activities
of the present Model Cities office. The office building has been
partitioned to allow for more enclosed offices. '

Mr. Johnson stated that arrangements had been made with the Atlanta
Housing Authroity to lease the land needed for the Multi-Purpose Cen-
ter, and that several floor plans were being considered for the
building. It is expected that the Center will be completed by April 30.
Page Three

Letters of Commitment

A booklet containing the Letters of Commitment from all the agencies
carrying out projects in the first year action program was given

to all of the Board members. The booklet also contained the Revised
Grant Budget Summary. Mr. Johnson pointed out that there had been
some changes in the budget--administrative changes and project
changes--resulting from a decrease in funds. Mr. Shimjus discussed
some specific changes made in the Health Component. He indicated
that some projects had been deleted andothers had been combined.

The number of projects had been cut down, but the functions included
in the project will still be carried out. Mr. Hood expressed con-
cern about the Unwed Mothers' Project being deleted. Mr. Shimkus
assured him that the project was still being carried out by Economic
Opportunity Atlanta, but that it was being carried out on a smaller


Mr. Griggs reported on the land proposal for the Temporary
Multi- Purpose Center. He stated that the land proposed for the
multi-purpose center would not hold up the closing out of the
Rawson-Washington Urban Renewal Project. There are other tracts
of land involved that will keep the project opened.


Mr. Edward Moody of Model Neighborhood, Inc. stated that he and
his Board had had difficulty in getting cooperation from the

Model Cities Staff. He said that they felt distrust and fear.

Mr. Millican suggested that he and Mr. Griggs meet with Mr. Moody
and representatives of his Board to discuss their grivances.

Mr. Millican and Mr. Griggs would then make a recommendation to the
Board as a result of the meeting. Mr. Moody agreed to contact

Mr. Millican to set a time for a meeting.

Mr. Clarance Ezzard spoke to the Board concerning the proposed
rehabilitation and clearance areas. He said that many citizens were
disturbed because their homes were located in an clearance area.

He also asked why agencies outside of the area had been funded to
carry out projects that existing agencies were already doing. It
was suggested that Mr. Ezzard arrange to meet with the Model Cities
staff to discuss his questions.

The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.


Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman
Model Neighborhood Executive Board


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