Box 8, Folder 20, Document 28

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Box 8, Folder 20, Document 28

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Tuesday, February 11, 1969
10:00 a.m.

The Model Neighborhood Executive Board held its regular monthly
meeting at City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. on Tuesday,

February 11, 1969 at 10:00 a.m. The Chairman, Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.,
presided. Other members present were:

Mrs. Mattie Ansley

Mr. John Hood

Alderman Gregory Griggs
Alderman Everett Millican
Mr. J. D. Newberry

Deacon Lewis Peters

Dr. C. Miles Smith

Mr. Bill C. Wainwright
Mrs. Martha Weems

Mr. Joe Whitley


The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The recommended
agenda was followed.


The Chairman entertained a motion for the adoption of the December 10
Minutes. It was so movéd and unanimously approved.


Deacon Peters reported that the Mass Convention held its quarterly
meeting in January and that all Mass Convention officers, Steering
Committee members and Executive Board representatives were re-elected
to another term of office. A written report of the Mass Convention
will be given at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Millican reported on the ruling of the City Attorney concerning

the legality of the Mass Convention to require all elected neighbor-
hood area representatives to receive unanimous approval of the Mass


Convention before the delegate is allowed to be seated as a neighbor-
hood area representative. Mr. Millican read the reply from the City
Attorney which in essence stated that the vice-chairman of the
Steering Committee and the neighborhood representative: for the Execu-
tive Board of the Model Neighborhood Program are elected by their
respective neighborhood caucuses subject to approval by a majority
of qualified members of the Mass Convention present and voting.

(Copy of letter attached). This ruling was accepted as information
and is to be used if there are conflicts or questions arising in the
future concerning the seating of neighborhood representatives.

Status of the Program

Mr. Johnson conveyed to the Board that on January 8, 1969 the Secretary
of Housing and Urban Development, Robert Weaver, announced that
Atlanta's program had been approved and that funds had been set aside
for the implementation of the program.

Mr. Johnson referred to the letter from Earl Metzger, Assistant
Regional Administrator, of which copies were sent to all Board mem-
bers, that listed the other requirements that the CDA must meet before
the contract agreement can be completed. Mr. Johnson informed the
Board that the CDA had submitted answers to the questions and com-
plied to the requirements contained in the letter. It is expected
that sometimes during the first week in March, the city will be
offered a grant contract to be executed by the Mayor and the Board

of Aldermen.

The Model Cities Planning Program initially extended to January 31, 1969.
Since that time the CBA has received an extension of its planning
contract until the new contract for implementation has been executed.

The CDA is now operating under a letter to proceed from the Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Mr. Johnson briefed the Board members on the staffing requirements

-of the program for the implementation phase. He stated that 28 new
positions had been created to facilitate the 3 new divisions that were
necessary. to implement the program. The Division of Program Manage-
ment addresses itself to implementing, executing and monitoring con-
tracts with the agencies involved in the program. The division will
have the responsibility of seeing to it that all requirements of

HUD, the Executive Board and theCity are met and carried out as
described in the projects. The Plans and Evaluation Division will
oversee the evaluation phase of the program as required by HUD. The
purpose of this division isto develop and implement the mechanics to
evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The Division of Economic
Development, as recommended by the reports from the Research Group,
has been established to monitor the economic development activities

of the program. All of the positions needed in the three new divisions
have been approved by the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee

of the City.
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Mr. Johnson stated that Letters of Agreement or executed contracts
must be received from all of the agencies that are taking part in
the implementation of the program. Mr. Griggs asked if any diffi=
culty was expected in receiving these letters of agreement.
Mr. Johnson said that he expected no difficulty because all of the
agencies and city departments were involved in drawing up the program
and are already familiar with their commitments. All of the letters
of agreement and contracts from the agenices must be received and
executed by the time the contract agreement in entered into with HUD.

Board Action Required

Mr. Johnson called on Mr. David Caldwell, the Assistant Director

for Administration, to report on the administrative and financial
status of the program. Mr. Caldwell stated that about $40,000 was
left in planning funds that had not been utilized and that authori-
zation from HUD had been received to continue to use these funds.

In the utilization of these funds, the CDA request authority to enter
into contract with Arthur Andersen & Company for an amount not to
exceed $4,000 to prepare a work schedule for 78 projects included

in the 1969 implementation program. The work program would indicate
to the staff where the 78 projects funded by Model Cities supplemental
funds should be on certain dates to meet the goals and objectives

set up in the document. This work chart will then be used as a
management tool in seeing that all projects are carried out on sche-
dule. After all questions were answered, the Chairman called for

a vote on the request. It was unanimously approved to give the

Mayor authority to sign the contract with Arthur Andersen & Company.

Mr. Caldwell also requested authority from the Board to enter into
contract with the Georgia State College Urban Observatory not to
exceed $8,000 to begin the initial development of a Standard Study.
The purpose of this study will be to develop a tool for measuring
social standards and patterns of the people of the area. Mr. Wain-
wright moved that the Mayor be given the authority to sign the con-
traet with the Georgia State College Urban Observatory. The motion
was seconded and received unanimous approval.

Mr. Caldwell also asked the Board for authorization of a 15 percent
shift in any line item within HUD guidelines to account for unexpected
expenses. Mr. Hood moved that the staff be given this authority.

The motion was seconded by Mrs. Weems and received unanimous approval
by the Board. a
Mr. Caldwell discussed the revisions in the Revised Administrative
Budget which included an increase of $27,000 under Consultants and
Contractual Services for the continued use of three representatives
from the Georgia Department of Labor. Mr. Millican moved that the
Revised Administrative Budget be approved. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Griggs and received unanimous approval by the Board.

Mr. Millican asked whether money left over from one year's budget
can be carried over to the next year. He asked that the staff get a
definite ruling on this question from the Regional HUD office.


Mr. Johnson provided a list to all Board members which listed the
agencies that will be operating program in the Model Neighborhood
central facility. All of these agencies had agreed to decentralize
and to place ‘personnel in the multi-purpose center. Hud approved
funds in the budget to provide this multi-purpose center in the amount
of $180,000, however, this amount does not include the purhase of
the land. The site that has been chosen for the center is adjacent
to the existing Model Cities Office. This land is included in

the Rawson-Washington Urban Renewal area and is zoned for commer-
cial use. A discussion followed on the re-use of the land after the
Model Cities Multi-Purpose Center is no longer needed. Mr. Johnson
stated that additional studies and considerations must be made before
determinations can be made as to further use of the land, but for
thepresent it is the ideal location for the Model Cities Program's
multi-purpose canter. Mr. Millican suggested that the parcel of land
be bought so that is will not hinder the closing out of the Rawson-
Washington Urban Renewal Program. He suggested that some of the
city's credits be used. After further discussion on whether to buy
or lease the land, the Chairman referred the matter to Mr. Griggs'
committee to investigate whether the Board should recommend purchase
or lease of the land to the Board of Aldermen.


Mr. Millican read the resolution from the City Attorney establishing
the Executive Board for the Model Cities Program implementation phase.
The resolution also outlined the duties and scope of authority of

the Board. Mr. Wainwright moved that the resolution be approved and
sent back to the City Attorney for preparation for submittal to

the Board of Aldermen. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved
by the Board. (Copy of resolution attached to file copy)

Mr. Millican also read a reply from the City Attorney to Mr. Edward
Moody of Model Neighborhood, Inc. concerning his request for a ruling
regarding the circumstances surrounding the election of Deacon Peters
as Chairman of the Mass Convention. The City Attorney indicated in
the reply that the City Attorney office did not have the authority

to give rulings or opinions concerning City business to the general
public. As a result of the discussion on this matter, Mr. Griggs
suggested that the Board request the City Attorney to rule on whether
the Executive Board has the authority to decide such matters.

Mr. Moody also questioned the use of funds allocated for citizen
participation in his letter to the City Attorney. After discussion
on the proper use of these funds, Mr. Whitley requested that the
Budget Analyst of the Model Cities Program supply the Board with

true copies of the total amount of money each community has received
for citizen participation in order to clearly define the use of these



Mr. Moody asked to speak to the Board concerning the relationship
between the CDA and Model Neighborhood, Inc. He stated that it was
difficult for him to relate to the program for fear that he would

not get cooperation. Mr. Johnson responded by citing several instances
where cooperation was given to Model Neighborhood, Inc., specifically
the fact that his organization had been funded during the planning

year in the amount of $6,000. Mr. Johnson further indicated that

he is somewhat reluctant to give further cooperation in the absence

of the same type of cooperation from Mr. Moody's organization.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.


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so Director
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Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman
Model Neighborhood Executive Board


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