Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 20, Document 32
Text Item Type Metadata
= Model Neighborhood, Inc.
700 McDaniel Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
March 4, 1969
Dear Board Member:
Model Cities Board will meet Tuesday, March 11, 1969. The
meeting will be held in Committee room #2, City Hall.
Please plan to accompany the Chairman of Model Neighborhood, Ince
Details are as follows:
Steering Committee
Model Cities Non-Profit
Organized Corporations
Employment Practices of Model Cities
Cc. D. A-y assist in ‘reducing cost of Shopping Center site
Mass Convention
Mis-approtiation of Community funds
N. A. C., \Nevgndornood Advisory Council)
approve. requisitions for the Communities
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 11, at 10:00 A. M.
Zi Mewes THerelin
Edward }& Gay, ey
EM /mf