Box 8, Folder 20, Document 37

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Box 8, Folder 20, Document 37

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RECIEVED Bebruary 27, 1969

703 Cooper Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
February 26, 1969

Mr. Edward Moody, President
Model Neighborhood, Inc.
700 McDaniel Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Dear Mr. Moody:

In reply to your letter received February 25, 1969, the Mechanicsville
Neighborhood Advisory Council has not approved any expense that was
made by Mr. Lewis Peters for the January Mass Convention. We, the
Mechanicsville Neighborhood Advisory Council, have not paid any debts
since the October Mass Convention.

As Vice Chairman of the Mechanicsville Model Cities Program, I am

sending you copies of all the debts that have been paid since I was
elected Vice Chairman. Please feel free to check out this important |
information. |

The Neighborhood Council representatives were elected by ballots at
polling places in each Area Block, except the Area known as Area Block
three. How they were elected you will have to get that information
from the Area Block three representative. You will find the used
ballots and records of the election at Model Cities Headquarters,

637 Capitol Avenue, S. W.

As far as the purpose of the Neighborhood Advisory Council, you should
be more familiar with this than I, because this Council was supposed to
have been set up by you when you held the office as Vice Chairman.

If you disagree with the system that is used for the disbursement of the
Mechanicsville Neighborhood funds, please feel free to submit a plan and
I will be glad as your representative to present it to the Steering Com-

Respectfully yours,

(Mrs.) Alyce Nixon, Vice Chairman
N.A.C., Mechanicsville Community

cc: Mrs. Xernona Clayton
Mr. Johnny Johnson
Model Cities Executive Board
H. U. D. Regional Office
Mr. Lewis Peters
Miss Rosa M. Stewart


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