Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 21, Document 18
Text Item Type Metadata
Jamuaey 2, 1969
VYihoace Coumittere of the Board of Aldexmen
Henerable Milkten G. Parris, Chairman
Hotexebie Cheries i. beavis, Director of Finance
Atieita, veorgie
fhe tity of Ademts Personne) Boord ut its meeting today
approved the following recemeendationa tex the bepor twent
of Mayor:
txeete the following «leases:
Aseletomt wixector for Progrem Manegexent, dzlary Range 60,
3466~9574 biveukly ()1,009-31, 243 wonthly).
Progxem Coordineter, Salary Aemge 68, §429-¢576 biweekly
(#929~-$1,144 monthiy).
Program Specdalist, dalary Range $2, §333.30-9411.50 biweekly
(9722-9891 monthiy).
pirecter ef Plane snd Evaluation, salary Raage 66, $460~ 9574
piweekly (¥1,009~91,743 monthly).
preheenis ———- i Range $7, §411.50-$9506.50 biveekly,
Resegrch specialist, Uslary * mye 52, §333.50-9411.50 biveskly,
(§742—§891 monthly).
Finances Comaittce of the
Board of Aldexrnen 7m January 2, 1969
Director of Physical Development, Salary Range 60, $453-$574
biweekly ($1,009-61, 243 monthly).
phrectox Of Sovdal Development, Salary Mange 66, $4646-$574
biveckly ()1,009-91,243 monthly).
Birector of Kcommmic Development, Sealery Range 59, eae? -00~
$550.50 biveekly ($968-91,192 monthly}.
eate one (1) position of assistent Hirector of Progra
» Selary Range GO, §$446-§574 biweekly (£1, 009-
$i, 243 nenthiy? .
C¥eate one (1) position of Program Cooxdinater, Salary Kenge
56, §4279~$528 biweekly ($929-$1,144 monthly).
Create one (1) pesition of Program Sspecieliat, Salary Range
SZ, $333.00~9411.50 biweckiy ($722-$891 monthly).
treate tye (2) positions of Contaa:t Administrater, galery
henge $23, $333.56-9411.50 biweekly ($722-9691 monthhy).
Create one (1) position of Director of Plane and Bvalvation,
éalary Range 60, $466-9574 biweekly ($1,069-61, 243 monthly).
C£eate ome (1) position of Evaluation Amalyst, salary Range
87, $411.50-9506.50 biveckly (§6@91-$1097 monthly).
Cx¥eante one (1) position of senior system: Anelyst, Selery Range
35, $370.50-9465.00 biveekly {$920-51,00¢ moathiy).
txeate one (h} position of Research ope-islist, Selary Range $2,
§323.50-$411.50 biweekiy ($722-9894 menthiy).
Create one (1) position of wire: ter ef Physical Dew
Salary Renge 60, peso $574 biweekly (91,009-¢1, 243 ).
Cxeate one {1) position of bixector of Social Development,
Belary Range 66, §400-§574 biweekly (91,009-$1,243 monthly).
cxente one (1) position ef Plenaer il, selery Range 546,
$394. 50~9486.00 biveskly (j654-§1,053 monthly).
txente one (1) pouitioan ef bixector of E-onomi. evelopment,
Selexy Kenge 59, §447-6330,50 biweekly (>90d-F1,192 monthly).
aniline te ‘ e o eee eel _—— oil ee nasil is
Finance Committee of tha
Beare of Alcexmen -i- Jamuety 24, 1969
treate three (3) pocitioss of stenographer, Sahary Range 37,
$178.50-$220.00 biweekly ($305-3476 monthly).
mr) Create one (1) poultion of Principsl stemegragher, Selary
Range 43, $229.50-$262.50 biveskly (9497-9612 monthly).
change title ef position Bo. 12, community affisies Coordiaater,
Salary Renge 59, $447-9550.50 biweekly (9966-$1,192 nenthiy),
te Bixestex of community Affeirs, Salexy Range 59, $447~$550.56
biweekly (£968-91,192 monthly).
duinge guektiins 96 enn 3}, Sambecege RéthiveNk, Gabece tame
Si, $320-$394.50 biueckly ($69%~7)34 senthly), ixam teaporary
to permanent.
the Hodel Cities’ staf? hax been . om exned with the planning and
-gerdingtion of the Model Cities Plan. ‘these additional poecitions
will be requized to supervise the implementation and womiterin, of
the Model Cities Pro urtom.
Re ape. efubiy «
Deputy Directer of Pexrsoumel
CP 22Be
| es Menhers = versonneh eh voor
Usggor Even
tg =
Jamuaey 2, 1969
VYihoace Coumittere of the Board of Aldexmen
Henerable Milkten G. Parris, Chairman
Hotexebie Cheries i. beavis, Director of Finance
Atieita, veorgie
fhe tity of Ademts Personne) Boord ut its meeting today
approved the following recemeendationa tex the bepor twent
of Mayor:
txeete the following «leases:
Aseletomt wixector for Progrem Manegexent, dzlary Range 60,
3466~9574 biveukly ()1,009-31, 243 wonthly).
Progxem Coordineter, Salary Aemge 68, §429-¢576 biweekly
(#929~-$1,144 monthiy).
Program Specdalist, dalary Range $2, §333.30-9411.50 biweekly
(9722-9891 monthiy).
pirecter ef Plane snd Evaluation, salary Raage 66, $460~ 9574
piweekly (¥1,009~91,743 monthly).
preheenis ———- i Range $7, §411.50-$9506.50 biveekly,
Resegrch specialist, Uslary * mye 52, §333.50-9411.50 biveskly,
(§742—§891 monthly).
Finances Comaittce of the
Board of Aldexrnen 7m January 2, 1969
Director of Physical Development, Salary Range 60, $453-$574
biweekly ($1,009-61, 243 monthly).
phrectox Of Sovdal Development, Salary Mange 66, $4646-$574
biveckly ()1,009-91,243 monthly).
Birector of Kcommmic Development, Sealery Range 59, eae? -00~
$550.50 biveekly ($968-91,192 monthly}.
eate one (1) position of assistent Hirector of Progra
» Selary Range GO, §$446-§574 biweekly (£1, 009-
$i, 243 nenthiy? .
C¥eate one (1) position of Program Cooxdinater, Salary Kenge
56, §4279~$528 biweekly ($929-$1,144 monthly).
Create one (1) pesition of Program Sspecieliat, Salary Range
SZ, $333.00~9411.50 biweckiy ($722-$891 monthly).
treate tye (2) positions of Contaa:t Administrater, galery
henge $23, $333.56-9411.50 biweekly ($722-9691 monthhy).
Create one (1) position of Director of Plane and Bvalvation,
éalary Range 60, $466-9574 biweekly ($1,069-61, 243 monthly).
C£eate ome (1) position of Evaluation Amalyst, salary Range
87, $411.50-9506.50 biveckly (§6@91-$1097 monthly).
Cx¥eante one (1) position of senior system: Anelyst, Selery Range
35, $370.50-9465.00 biveekly {$920-51,00¢ moathiy).
txeate one (h} position of Research ope-islist, Selary Range $2,
§323.50-$411.50 biweekiy ($722-9894 menthiy).
Create one (1) position of wire: ter ef Physical Dew
Salary Renge 60, peso $574 biweekly (91,009-¢1, 243 ).
Cxeate one {1) position of bixector of Social Development,
Belary Range 66, §400-§574 biweekly (91,009-$1,243 monthly).
cxente one (1) position ef Plenaer il, selery Range 546,
$394. 50~9486.00 biveskly (j654-§1,053 monthly).
txente one (1) pouitioan ef bixector of E-onomi. evelopment,
Selexy Kenge 59, §447-6330,50 biweekly (>90d-F1,192 monthly).
aniline te ‘ e o eee eel _—— oil ee nasil is
Finance Committee of tha
Beare of Alcexmen -i- Jamuety 24, 1969
treate three (3) pocitioss of stenographer, Sahary Range 37,
$178.50-$220.00 biweekly ($305-3476 monthly).
mr) Create one (1) poultion of Principsl stemegragher, Selary
Range 43, $229.50-$262.50 biveskly (9497-9612 monthly).
change title ef position Bo. 12, community affisies Coordiaater,
Salary Renge 59, $447-9550.50 biweekly (9966-$1,192 nenthiy),
te Bixestex of community Affeirs, Salexy Range 59, $447~$550.56
biweekly (£968-91,192 monthly).
duinge guektiins 96 enn 3}, Sambecege RéthiveNk, Gabece tame
Si, $320-$394.50 biueckly ($69%~7)34 senthly), ixam teaporary
to permanent.
the Hodel Cities’ staf? hax been . om exned with the planning and
-gerdingtion of the Model Cities Plan. ‘these additional poecitions
will be requized to supervise the implementation and womiterin, of
the Model Cities Pro urtom.
Re ape. efubiy «
Deputy Directer of Pexrsoumel
CP 22Be
| es Menhers = versonneh eh voor
Usggor Even
tg =