Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 21, Document 26
Text Item Type Metadata
September 18, 1969
To: Mr. Johnny Johnson
From: Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Subject: Administrative Procedures
We have had several discussions in the past concerning the exact admini-
strative relationship that the Model Cities organization should have in
relationship to the Mayor's Office and the balance of the City organization.
This whole discussion is, of course, complicated by the special organization
required by the federal government such as the Executive Board and the
other citizen participation organizations.
There seems to be no doubt on the federal level and in the mind of the
general public however, that the administration of the Model Cities Program
is a responsibility of the Mayor's Office of the various cities, To date,
we have tacitly recognized this and, technically, the administrative
procedures have established the organization as a division of the Mayor's
Office. In actual practice, however, you have functioned as a department
head and your organization has, in effect, been treated as a separate
department of the City,
We have been fortunate and your staff is to be commended in that we have
had relatively good communications and cooperation even though our lines
of administrative authority have not always been explicit, Even so, some
confusion has existed among the various agencies and departments of the
Mayor Allen has discussed this overall question with me several times and
most recently has directed me to meet with you and develop procedures
which will have the effect of bringing Model Cities inte the direct admini-
strative line of authority of the Mayor's Office. This will, of course,
Memo to Johnny Johnson
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September 18, 1969
include establishing the Model Cities organization under the administrative
supervision of the Staff of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen in practice
as well as technically. This will necessarily involve some changes in your
day to day operations as far as your relationships with the service departments
of the City. In addition, it will involve a greater participation of the
Mayor's Office in the planning and operation of the Model Cities Program.
Iam sure thatyyou, like me, will welcome a more definitive clarification
of our respective duties and responsibilities as far ae the Model Cities
Program is concerned and will be able to work together harmoniously
te accomplish even more for the program.
When you have had an opportunity to — this, please contact me for
a meeting so that we can proceed on this.
To: Mr. Johnny Johnson
From: Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Subject: Administrative Procedures
We have had several discussions in the past concerning the exact admini-
strative relationship that the Model Cities organization should have in
relationship to the Mayor's Office and the balance of the City organization.
This whole discussion is, of course, complicated by the special organization
required by the federal government such as the Executive Board and the
other citizen participation organizations.
There seems to be no doubt on the federal level and in the mind of the
general public however, that the administration of the Model Cities Program
is a responsibility of the Mayor's Office of the various cities, To date,
we have tacitly recognized this and, technically, the administrative
procedures have established the organization as a division of the Mayor's
Office. In actual practice, however, you have functioned as a department
head and your organization has, in effect, been treated as a separate
department of the City,
We have been fortunate and your staff is to be commended in that we have
had relatively good communications and cooperation even though our lines
of administrative authority have not always been explicit, Even so, some
confusion has existed among the various agencies and departments of the
Mayor Allen has discussed this overall question with me several times and
most recently has directed me to meet with you and develop procedures
which will have the effect of bringing Model Cities inte the direct admini-
strative line of authority of the Mayor's Office. This will, of course,
Memo to Johnny Johnson
Page Two
September 18, 1969
include establishing the Model Cities organization under the administrative
supervision of the Staff of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen in practice
as well as technically. This will necessarily involve some changes in your
day to day operations as far as your relationships with the service departments
of the City. In addition, it will involve a greater participation of the
Mayor's Office in the planning and operation of the Model Cities Program.
Iam sure thatyyou, like me, will welcome a more definitive clarification
of our respective duties and responsibilities as far ae the Model Cities
Program is concerned and will be able to work together harmoniously
te accomplish even more for the program.
When you have had an opportunity to — this, please contact me for
a meeting so that we can proceed on this.