Box 8, Folder 25, Document 2

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Box 8, Folder 25, Document 2

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10:00 A.M., JANUARY 4, 1966

Present were:

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. : George Ivey, Jr. Sandy Springs

Earl Landers, Administrative Frank Love, Sandy Springs
Assistant to Mayor

Rep. Jack Etheridge, Chairman,
Fulton County delegation

Milton Farris, Atlanta Board

Hollis Cobb, Sandy Springs .
F. M. (Buddy) Griffin, Sandy Springs
George Vandernort, Sandy Springs

of Aldermen Curtis H. Driskell, Atlanta
Ferrin Y. Matthews, Office of Chamber. of Commerce
City Attorney

Introductory remarks by Mayor Allen opened the meeting. He commented
on the land area, population density, urban services, special problems and other
factors involved in the possible inclusion of the three areas of Sandy Springs -- A,

B, and C -- as part of the city. He cited the lower density of population in Areas B
and C and said extending certain services to Area C would be particularly expensive
to the city.

Sandy Springs representatives expressed the unanimous feeling that the
entire area defined as Sandy Springs should be included in any annexation effort if it
is to be successful. Inclusion of any less would be short-sighted, they said, for
several reasons:

1. About 75 per cent of the area not now developed is already planned
for development, and more planning is being done all the time.

2. Population is increasing in Areas B and C ata rate equal to, or ahead
of, Area A. Some of the finest new homes are being built in Areas B and C.

3. The Chattahoochee River, which bounds Sandy Springs on the west and
north, would serve as a natural boundary and better than an arbitrary line set on
another basis.

4. Psychologically, taking part of the area and leaving the rest outside
the city would create a "no-man's land" and possibly would damage the community
closeness presently felt by Sandy Springs residents. It was brought out that Sandy
Springs residents would feel less harmonious with Roswell, where some Sandy
Springs children would go to school if only part of the area joined the city.

Discussion of taxes and service charges followed. Mr. Farris suggested
that the applicable information on several hundred homes be run through computer
machines to arrive at the exact taxes and service charges for these homes if located
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Minutes of Meeting on Sandy Springs,
January 4, 1966

in Sandy Springs or if located inside the city limits. He said enough representative
examples should be prepared that any Sandy Springs resident could find a case closely
similar to his own situation. The idea met enthusiastic approval, and Mr. Farris
said he would proceed with it.


Mr. Ivey brought up a number of points of interest or concern to Sandy
Springs residents, which he said were the main issues about which citizens nad
approached him, Each point was discussed in turn, as follows:

-- Tax assessors board -- Could Sandy Springs be offered a representative
on the Joint City-County Board of Tax Assessors?

It was agreed that the area, it a part of the city, would actually be better
represented on the board, since the board presently has two members from the city
and one from the county. Mayor Allen said he didn't think it feasible or possible to
name a new member from a specific area.

-- Library board; If Sandy Springs joined the city as a new ward, would
the area automatically geta representative on the Library Board?

If a new ward, this would be automatic for one library board member, one
school board member and two aldermen. Mayor Allen pointed out, though, that Sandy
Springs has only about 24, 000 residents, whereas some 500, 000 people make up the
present eight city wards, an average of about 62,000 per ward. He said some ward
realignment probably would be necessary. Mr. Matthews said a proposed annexation
act already drawn, at the request of Rep.-elect Rodney Cook, defines Sandy Springs
as a new ward and specifically calls for a special election to name two aldermen and
one school board member for the ward, to be voted on only by the residents of the
area concerned.

-- Zoning and licenses: What would be the effect of the transition to city
zoning requirements, and could Sandy Springs be assured representation on the Joint

Zoning Board ?

se Mayor Allen said the city would carry out a Een gun" position; Phat
. is, it-would- not-attempt to alfer-zoning already appyewed=o imoss=licenses=rireak

approved or business licenses already issued. A business idenas in effect would
continue and would come up for renewal as usual, unless the licensee should lose
the privilege for cause. Mr. Farris said naming an alderman from a specific area
to the Aldermanic Zoning Committee is not done. It was agreed, though, that
possibly an understanding could be reached about the appointment of a Sandy Springs
resident to the Joint Zoning Board.

-- Police protection and precinct stations: Would the city assure Sandy
Springs of a precinct station?

Mr. Farris said two-way radio communications and other modern facilities
are doing away with the precinct station concept instead of creating new stations. It

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Minutes of Meeting on Sandy Springs,
January 4, 1966

was brought out that Sandy Springs people seem to think a precinct station would
increase their protection, and it was agreed that the question is one which should
be answered in publicity about the proposed referendum. About six hours of the
24, there are no policemen on duty in Sandy Springs under present arrangements,
the mayor was told. Mayor Allen commented on the overall need for additional
police protection throughout the city. The city presently has about 1.5 policemen
for every 1,000 population, he said, and the rest of the metropolitan area has a
much lower ratio.

-- Fire protection: What would happen when Sandy Springs joined the
city in the way of new fire stations, etc. ?

Mayor Allen said the Southeastern Underwriters would conduct a survey
to determine the needs in Sandy Springs, and their recommendations would have to
be followed for Atlanta to maintain its Class Il rating. Sandy Springs presently has
a Class Vi rating. Preliminary investigation by the city shows the need for three new
fire stations, one of which would replace the existing station, Mayor Allen said.
However, the survey by the Southeastern Underwriters would be controlling. He
assured Sandy Springs representatives that the city would not risk loss of its Class
Ill rating. ?

-- School transportation: Sandy Springs would gain kindergartens in its
public schools, but how many school children would lose their school bus trans-

Mr. Farris commented that it is apparent the city and county school systems
will be consolidated. But he said the Atlanta Transit System could work out a program
of bus transportation for the students affected, the same as the company conducts for
the City of Atlanta system. Pupils pay to ride these buses.

-- Teacher benefits: Sandy Springs teachers are wondering where they
would stand on their retirement programs, etc., if annexation occurs.

Mr. Landers said the Plan of Improvement spells out beyond a doubt that
benefits, including retirement, follow an employee from one system to another. It
was agreed, however, that this question should be answered for the teachers and that
Mr. A. D. Jones of the local school teachers organization would be the logical man to
handle that issue.

-- School desegregation: Is any appreciable school desegregation likely
to follow annexation?

About 30 Negro children from Sandy Springs are presently being transported
to one school, and there has been no desegregation. All the children live in a rundown
section, and most probably would attend the Guy Webb Elementary School, if desegregation

Mayor Allen said the city system has faced up to its responsibilities and
that its policies, already in practice, would be continued throughout the city system.

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Minutes of Meeting on Sandy Springs
January 4, 1966

He said he hoped the matter would not be an issue, but that if it became one, it
would be met forthrightly.

-- Sewerage, water and garbage: Sewer service, in particular, is
limited at present, Is there any way those residents without sewers, and where
no sewers are immediately planned, could be relieved of sewer charges? What
would happen with water service and sanitation service ?

Mayor Allen said there would definitely be no sewer charges for anyone
not using sewers, and there would be none until the service is used. He and Mr.
Farris explained the city's revolving fund for sewers, which is used to construct
sewers and then replenished by assessments on residents who tap on to the line.
Those who don't tap on don't pay a dime.

Water charges (minimum bill) would be cut in half for Sandy Springs
residents. This would be mosily a "plus" factor favoring the residents.

Garbage pickup schedules would be improved, rubbish collections added
and sanitation charges reduced. It was agreed that the schedule of pickups should
be stressed in publicity and particulars spelled out for the homeowner and the
commercial user.

~- Streets, sidewalks and street lights: What changes would occur in
these areas, particularly sidewalks near schools?

Property owners can petition for sidewalks and be assessed by front
footage, the Mayor and Mr. Landers explained, but the city can move in without
petition to construct sidewalks and assess property owners, if necessary for safety.
The city builds sidewalks in front of schools at city expense.

To meet city standards, about 1, 350 lights would be needed on arterial
streets and about 2, 800 in residential neighborhoods, Mayor Allen said. Some
$9, 000 annually is being spent in Sandy Springs now for street lighting; addition
of those improvements would jump the cost to about $181, 000 annually after five

-- Liquor stores: Sandy Springs presently has only three liquor stores,
the maximum possible under county requirements, What would happen because of
the difference in county and city requirements ?

Mayor Allen said this is a point which should be met with purely business
arguments, After some discussion, it was agreed this probably would not be a serious
issue in the referendum.

The Mayor asked Mr. Driskell to serve as temporary secretary of the
group and to work with Mr. Farris in compiling memoranda on (a) all available data
regarding the boundary question and (b) answers to all questions brought up at this
meeting, plus others that arise.

So gg ee

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Minutes of Meeting on Sandy Springs
January 4, 1966

Mayor Allen said he did not want to rush into the boundary question until
further study. He said he didn't know whether he could, in good conscience, commit
the city to the financial burden attached to including the entire area and requested

several days to consider the matter.
After further brief discussion, the meeting was adjourned.

Respecifully submitted,

Curtis H. Driskell
Acting Secretary


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