Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 25, Document 4
Text Item Type Metadata
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
A 110 MI. 9 MI. 119 MI.| 15,446 24 19,036 5,908
B 17 7 24 4,679 7 2,380 738
Cc 25 9 34 4,449 - 7 2,380 © 738
TOTAL 152 25 177 24,574 38 23,796 7,384
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Schools - Dr. Darwin Womack.....Atlanta School System
Existing Facilities -
The area is presently served by the Fulton County School Board
which is having its financial problems. Both the City School |
System and the County School System have some shortage of high
school facilities on the north side.
Needs -
If Sandy Springs is annexed, the annexation should extend far
enough north to include the North Springs High School and the Morgan
Falls Hisihentady School. To do this, a suitable boundary would be
the power line running east and west along the north side of Land
Lots 21, 31, 75 and 85. The Atlanta School Department favors the
annexation of Sandy Springs.
te 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Parks Department - A. P. Brindley
Existing Facilities -
Needs -
One community park between twelve (12) and thirty (30) acres.
Estimated cost nf land, $250,000 (25 acres at $10,000 an acre).
Development of this park would cost from $200,000 to $300,000. It
is possible that federal funds may be available up to 50% for both
acquisition and development. No estimate is made at this time of
the need for neighborhood parks and playgrounds.
If the Community park is acquired and developed some additional
personnel will be necessary to carry on the recreation program.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sanitary Service - Mr. Roy Wood - Sanitary Department
Existing Service -
Garbage sollestion is presently performed by the City under contract
with the County for residence in the area north to Abernathy Road.
This area is designated as a sanitary district and homeowners are
taxed by Fulton County for this service. Businesses are charged
on a sliding scale up to $1,000 for collection.
Needs -
If the area is annexed, some improvement would be necessary over
the present level of sanitary service. A sanitary landfill andia bulldozer would
have to be acquired and a balidoser operator provided. There would
be two additional garbage trucks needed with crews if the area
north of Dalryrne Road (Area B and C) is included. To serve Area A
two street sweepers and six trash trucks with crews will be needed.
Areas B and C will require one sweeper and three trash trucks.
An additional animal truck will be needed in the event of any annexa~
tion in the area. f
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sewer Division, Construction Department - Bob Morriss
Existing Facilities -
Area A -
The basic system of trunks and treatment plants are in existence
as this area is served within the Nancy Creek drainage basin.
Area B -
Developed areas are served by the Marsh Creek treatment plant
and trunk. Undeveloped areas presently do not have sewers
or treatment available.
Consists of many small drainage basins of 500 acres or less.
Served only by septic tanks.
Needed Facilities <-
The problem here is the development of laterals and outfalls,
however, very little difficulty or excessive expense is antici-
pated in the long run.
For the developed areas, the need for outfalls and laterals
exists to some extent but does not present a major difficulty.
No treatment facilities are available at present for undeveloped
areas, however, it is anticipated that when necessary sewage
Shirt hs 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sewer Division, Continued
could be pumped to a Fulton County plant on the north side
of the Chattahoochee River.
Area C -
The treatment of sewage in this area presents nothing but
problems due to the rough topography.- The only probable
solution is a low density of development with septic tanks.
General Comment -
The annexation of Areas A and B would facilitate a comprehensive
approach by the City to the sewer problems of the area and the
surrounding metropolitan area also.
at (
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Police Department - Chief Jenkins
Existing Facilities -
The Atlanta Police Department under contract with Fulton County now
serves the entire area in question enforcing State laws,
Needs -
In the event of annexation, City Ordinances would come into effect,
which might require additional personnel.
If the shebtace system were to be established, this area would need
a precinct station, otherwise, existing facilities would suffice.
Distance from City Hall and Police Station to center of Sandy
Springs is approximately 13 miles; to the Chattahoochee, 19 miles.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Fire Department ~ Chief Hildebrand
Existing Facilities -
One station--substandard--which is not well located. Two existing
engines which need replacement. Service now provided by City under
Needs (Approximate) -
3 new stations--one of which would be a replacement for existing
1 new engine and ladder truck.
Replace two existing engines.
Hire 28 additional men, 3 supervisors and 1 batallion chief.
General -
In the final analysis, a survey would have to be made by the South-
eastern Fire Underwriters. We would have to follow their recommen-
dations to maintain our Class III rating; therefore, the above is
subject to revision. The Underwriters would not undertake this study
until annexation became a reality.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Building Inspectors Department - Mr. Moon >
Existing Service -
Fulton County presently administers construction codes in the area
and issues building permits. i
Needs -
Upon annexation by the City, the Building Inspectors Department
estimates and two and perhaps three new building inspectors would
be necessary because of the large area (approximately 40 square
miles) and distance from the City Hall. An additional plumbing’
and electrical inspector would also be required.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Library - Mrs. Soul.....Extension Service
Existing Facilities -
The City of Atlanta operates a branch library for Fulton County
in Sandy Springs. There are also two bookmobiles that serve the
area. Service now provided by City under contract.
Needs -
The area is adequately served and there would be no immediate need
to increase the level of service.
« 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Street Lights - George Timbert - Traffic Engineers Department
Existing Facilities -
Fulton County presently provides ninety high level illumination street
lights on portions of the twenty-seven miles of arterial strects.
One hundred and twelve lights are provided on residential streets.
All are of the meecacy vapor type. Cost to the county is approximately
$9,000 annually. There are eight traffic signals now in operation.
To bring the area up to the desirable standard which is being strived
for, but not yet reached in the present City, would cost approximately
$181,000 annually at the end of five years. On this basis, approximately
1350 street light units suitable for arterials or 2800 units suitable for
residential streets would be installed.
Street signs and marking would cost approxinetely $12,000 annually. The
need for additional traffic signals has not been determined.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Hospitals - Mr. Taylor.....Community Council of Atlanta Area, Inc.
Existing Facilities -
Needs -
A hospital is needed to serve this area and North DeKalb, Western
Gwinnett and all of north Fulton County as well. The hospital
should have a minimum of 150 beds and 200 is the recommended figure.
Northside Hospital Association has acquired a very convenient site —
at the intersection of I[-285 and Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, however,
money appears to be a problem. The development of the old V. A.
Hospital site on Peachtree Road for a hospital is a possibility and
such a facility could serve Sandy Springs fairly well.
by 12-7-65
A 110 MI. 9 MI. 119 MI.| 15,446 24 19,036 5,908
B 17 7 24 4,679 7 2,380 738
Cc 25 9 34 4,449 - 7 2,380 © 738
TOTAL 152 25 177 24,574 38 23,796 7,384
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Schools - Dr. Darwin Womack.....Atlanta School System
Existing Facilities -
The area is presently served by the Fulton County School Board
which is having its financial problems. Both the City School |
System and the County School System have some shortage of high
school facilities on the north side.
Needs -
If Sandy Springs is annexed, the annexation should extend far
enough north to include the North Springs High School and the Morgan
Falls Hisihentady School. To do this, a suitable boundary would be
the power line running east and west along the north side of Land
Lots 21, 31, 75 and 85. The Atlanta School Department favors the
annexation of Sandy Springs.
te 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Parks Department - A. P. Brindley
Existing Facilities -
Needs -
One community park between twelve (12) and thirty (30) acres.
Estimated cost nf land, $250,000 (25 acres at $10,000 an acre).
Development of this park would cost from $200,000 to $300,000. It
is possible that federal funds may be available up to 50% for both
acquisition and development. No estimate is made at this time of
the need for neighborhood parks and playgrounds.
If the Community park is acquired and developed some additional
personnel will be necessary to carry on the recreation program.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sanitary Service - Mr. Roy Wood - Sanitary Department
Existing Service -
Garbage sollestion is presently performed by the City under contract
with the County for residence in the area north to Abernathy Road.
This area is designated as a sanitary district and homeowners are
taxed by Fulton County for this service. Businesses are charged
on a sliding scale up to $1,000 for collection.
Needs -
If the area is annexed, some improvement would be necessary over
the present level of sanitary service. A sanitary landfill andia bulldozer would
have to be acquired and a balidoser operator provided. There would
be two additional garbage trucks needed with crews if the area
north of Dalryrne Road (Area B and C) is included. To serve Area A
two street sweepers and six trash trucks with crews will be needed.
Areas B and C will require one sweeper and three trash trucks.
An additional animal truck will be needed in the event of any annexa~
tion in the area. f
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sewer Division, Construction Department - Bob Morriss
Existing Facilities -
Area A -
The basic system of trunks and treatment plants are in existence
as this area is served within the Nancy Creek drainage basin.
Area B -
Developed areas are served by the Marsh Creek treatment plant
and trunk. Undeveloped areas presently do not have sewers
or treatment available.
Consists of many small drainage basins of 500 acres or less.
Served only by septic tanks.
Needed Facilities <-
The problem here is the development of laterals and outfalls,
however, very little difficulty or excessive expense is antici-
pated in the long run.
For the developed areas, the need for outfalls and laterals
exists to some extent but does not present a major difficulty.
No treatment facilities are available at present for undeveloped
areas, however, it is anticipated that when necessary sewage
Shirt hs 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Sewer Division, Continued
could be pumped to a Fulton County plant on the north side
of the Chattahoochee River.
Area C -
The treatment of sewage in this area presents nothing but
problems due to the rough topography.- The only probable
solution is a low density of development with septic tanks.
General Comment -
The annexation of Areas A and B would facilitate a comprehensive
approach by the City to the sewer problems of the area and the
surrounding metropolitan area also.
at (
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Police Department - Chief Jenkins
Existing Facilities -
The Atlanta Police Department under contract with Fulton County now
serves the entire area in question enforcing State laws,
Needs -
In the event of annexation, City Ordinances would come into effect,
which might require additional personnel.
If the shebtace system were to be established, this area would need
a precinct station, otherwise, existing facilities would suffice.
Distance from City Hall and Police Station to center of Sandy
Springs is approximately 13 miles; to the Chattahoochee, 19 miles.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Fire Department ~ Chief Hildebrand
Existing Facilities -
One station--substandard--which is not well located. Two existing
engines which need replacement. Service now provided by City under
Needs (Approximate) -
3 new stations--one of which would be a replacement for existing
1 new engine and ladder truck.
Replace two existing engines.
Hire 28 additional men, 3 supervisors and 1 batallion chief.
General -
In the final analysis, a survey would have to be made by the South-
eastern Fire Underwriters. We would have to follow their recommen-
dations to maintain our Class III rating; therefore, the above is
subject to revision. The Underwriters would not undertake this study
until annexation became a reality.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Building Inspectors Department - Mr. Moon >
Existing Service -
Fulton County presently administers construction codes in the area
and issues building permits. i
Needs -
Upon annexation by the City, the Building Inspectors Department
estimates and two and perhaps three new building inspectors would
be necessary because of the large area (approximately 40 square
miles) and distance from the City Hall. An additional plumbing’
and electrical inspector would also be required.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Library - Mrs. Soul.....Extension Service
Existing Facilities -
The City of Atlanta operates a branch library for Fulton County
in Sandy Springs. There are also two bookmobiles that serve the
area. Service now provided by City under contract.
Needs -
The area is adequately served and there would be no immediate need
to increase the level of service.
« 12-7-65
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Street Lights - George Timbert - Traffic Engineers Department
Existing Facilities -
Fulton County presently provides ninety high level illumination street
lights on portions of the twenty-seven miles of arterial strects.
One hundred and twelve lights are provided on residential streets.
All are of the meecacy vapor type. Cost to the county is approximately
$9,000 annually. There are eight traffic signals now in operation.
To bring the area up to the desirable standard which is being strived
for, but not yet reached in the present City, would cost approximately
$181,000 annually at the end of five years. On this basis, approximately
1350 street light units suitable for arterials or 2800 units suitable for
residential streets would be installed.
Street signs and marking would cost approxinetely $12,000 annually. The
need for additional traffic signals has not been determined.
Sandy Springs Area Annexation
Hospitals - Mr. Taylor.....Community Council of Atlanta Area, Inc.
Existing Facilities -
Needs -
A hospital is needed to serve this area and North DeKalb, Western
Gwinnett and all of north Fulton County as well. The hospital
should have a minimum of 150 beds and 200 is the recommended figure.
Northside Hospital Association has acquired a very convenient site —
at the intersection of I[-285 and Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, however,
money appears to be a problem. The development of the old V. A.
Hospital site on Peachtree Road for a hospital is a possibility and
such a facility could serve Sandy Springs fairly well.
by 12-7-65