Box 9, Folder 2, Document 24

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Box 9, Folder 2, Document 24

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Mr. Milton Farris
November 18, 1969
Page 2

people into city government has been a
major problen.

These are only the quantifiable potentials of an effective
Urban Corps program. The very real potentials of community
benefit, educational enrichment, a counter-measure to student
radicalization, and the benefit to the individual student are
also deeply rooted into the Urban Corps concept.

As further clarification, let me say that the budget asks for
$75,349 to finance the administration of the Urban Corps for

one year. An additional $64,344 (making a total of $139,693)

is needed to meet the City's share of the salaries of interns
working in city departments. (This cost represents 34% of these
interns total stipend which is comparable to the 30% paid by
non-city agencies.)

Thank you for your consideration of this summary and to the
Urban Corps proposal. We welcome your Committee's evaluation
of the benefits of our Program to the City, and hope you will
discuss its value with interns working both in City Hall and
in non-city agencies.



Ken Millwood

KM: sz

cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.€&.
Mr. Charles Davis
Mr. EB. Gregory Griggs
Mr. William T. Knight
Mr. Charles Leftwich
Mr. Sam Massell
Mr. G. Everrett Millican


30 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. / PHONE [404] 524-8091 / ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303

November 17, 1969

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta

City Hall

68 Mitchell Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mayor Allen:

On behalf of the Southern Regional Education Board, the Urban
Corps National Development Office, and the Atlanta Urban Corps,
let me extend to you appreciation for the welcoming remarks you
made to our Conference on November 14. The endorsement of the
South's leading urban administrator lent invaluable credibility
to our efforts.

More important to us locally, I personally thank you for the
expression of support you gave me in the budget hearing the
afternoon of that same day. I was unaware that I was to make
the presentation until I was introduced at the meeting. Your
assistance in clarifying some important points to the other
gentlemen present was extremely helpful.

I believe you are well aware of the success of the Atlanta Urban
Corps so far, and of the benefits it can offer this City in the
future. However, sometimes men dealing with the gruesome task
of mapping a great city's financial future can see only dollars
and cents. They sometimes overlook the benefits of student in-
volvement potential and the manpower resources potential of a
small but effective program such as ours. Hopefully, you will
be able to continue your support of the Urban Corps during the
very exhaustive decision making tasks the Budget Committee must
soon perform.

Again, my thanks for your support in both last Friday's meetings
and for all future support you may give the Atlanta Urban Corps.


Xe; WX GQsods )
Ken Millwood ;



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