Box 9, Folder 2, Document 28

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Box 9, Folder 2, Document 28

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November 5, 1969

Mr. Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
501 City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Charles:

I am attaching a copy of the Atlanta Urban Corps Budget and Program
Proposal for 1970. This proposal has been prepared by the staff of
the Urban Corps.

As lL understand the document, it proposes programs of 60 Interns in
the Spring: 500 Interns in the Summer; and 100 Interns in the Fall.
The gross program cost will be $650,623 of which $510,930 will be
met by contractual agreements with colleges and agencies leaving a
net cost of $139,693. For this amount, the City will receive the
services of 30 Interns in the Spring; 150 Interns in the Summer; and
40 Interns in the Fall. This is a total of 220 Interns for twelve week
terms which work out to 52 man years which in turn work out to about
$2,690 per man year.

It would be appreciated if you would present this proposal to the Finance
Gommittee for possible inclusion in the 1970 Budget. I would hope that
we could give the Urban Corps Staff some indication as early as possible
so that they can make their plans accordingly.

My own thought is that the Urban Corps concept has proven itself and is
worthy of support if city finances will allow it.

Sincerely yours,

Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer

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ec: Ken Millwood


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