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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 19
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September 9, 1969
Mr. Arthur R. Swanson
Senate Municipal Corporations Committee
General Assembly
State of Dlinois
Room 1620
160 No. LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Dear Mr. Swanson:
Ihave referred your letter of September 3, 1969 requesting
information on the Atlanta Urban Corps to Mr. Ken Millwood
who is currently. serving as Director of the Urban Corps.
I believe that Mr. Millwood will be able to answer your
questions in detail. For my purpose, 1 would like to say that .
the Urban Corps has been an unequivocal success and should
be encouraged and supported at all levels of government and
community activity.
I hope that we can supply yourwith whatever information
necessary to help you make a decision on any plans you might
have for establishing an Urban Corps type program.
Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
cc: Mr. Ken Millwood
i ee ee as ee ee Pe ee ee a ee
Mr. Arthur R. Swanson
Senate Municipal Corporations Committee
General Assembly
State of Dlinois
Room 1620
160 No. LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Dear Mr. Swanson:
Ihave referred your letter of September 3, 1969 requesting
information on the Atlanta Urban Corps to Mr. Ken Millwood
who is currently. serving as Director of the Urban Corps.
I believe that Mr. Millwood will be able to answer your
questions in detail. For my purpose, 1 would like to say that .
the Urban Corps has been an unequivocal success and should
be encouraged and supported at all levels of government and
community activity.
I hope that we can supply yourwith whatever information
necessary to help you make a decision on any plans you might
have for establishing an Urban Corps type program.
Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
cc: Mr. Ken Millwood
i ee ee as ee ee Pe ee ee a ee