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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 39
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August 4, 1969
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charles:
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Mr. Donald H. Gareis, Vice President of
the Sears-Roebuck Foundation committing to a grant of $1, 000 to the Atlanta
Urban Corps. This grant was not anticipated by the earlier resolution by the
Finance Committee and Budget Commission establishing the Urban Corps budget.
The Urban Corps proposes to utilize these funds to enter into a personal
services agreement with a Mr. Arthur Pellman for technical and supervisory
services connected with the interns that have been assigned to the Street Theater.
Attached is a draft of a resolutian authorizing the Mayor to execute this agree-
ment as well as anticipating and appropriating the grant.
It would be appreciated if you would present this paper to the Finance Committee
and advise if there are any further questions.
Very truly yours,
orge J. Berry
Administrative Coordinator
cc: Mr. Sam Williams
bec: Urban Corps File”
Finance Department File