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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 42
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Uhan Corger
August 8, 1969
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charles:
Iam enclosing check no. 504541 of the First National Bank in the amount
of $1,000 payable to the Atlanta Urban Corps. These funds were not
anticipated when the budget of the Urban Corps Project was established
earlier this year.
The Atlanta Service Learning Conference of the Southern Regional Education
Board was instrumental in organizing the recent successful In Service
Learning Conference at the White House Motor Inn. It is the desire of the
Urban Corps Director and his staff that these funds be used to reimbutse
the Southern Regional Education Board for the some $l, 300 expenses that
were incurred in setting up the conference. You will find a miscellaneous
requisition enclosed for this purpose.
It would be appreciated if you would present the necessary papers to the
Finance Committee which would authorize the desired results.
. Very truly yours,
George J. Berry
August 8, 1969
Mr. Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charles:
Iam enclosing check no. 504541 of the First National Bank in the amount
of $1,000 payable to the Atlanta Urban Corps. These funds were not
anticipated when the budget of the Urban Corps Project was established
earlier this year.
The Atlanta Service Learning Conference of the Southern Regional Education
Board was instrumental in organizing the recent successful In Service
Learning Conference at the White House Motor Inn. It is the desire of the
Urban Corps Director and his staff that these funds be used to reimbutse
the Southern Regional Education Board for the some $l, 300 expenses that
were incurred in setting up the conference. You will find a miscellaneous
requisition enclosed for this purpose.
It would be appreciated if you would present the necessary papers to the
Finance Committee which would authorize the desired results.
. Very truly yours,
George J. Berry