Dublin Core
Box 9, Folder 3, Document 45
Text Item Type Metadata
August 7, 1969
To: Sam Williams
From: George Berry Qn
Subject; Telephone Bill -- Atlanta Urban Corps
During the period of May 13 to June 13, 1969 the Urban Corps made over
160 long distance telephone calls at a cost of over $200, Please see
to it that this extremely high rate of long distance calls is reduced. Are
you keeping some justification for each long distance cail as we require
in other departments of the city?
To: Sam Williams
From: George Berry Qn
Subject; Telephone Bill -- Atlanta Urban Corps
During the period of May 13 to June 13, 1969 the Urban Corps made over
160 long distance telephone calls at a cost of over $200, Please see
to it that this extremely high rate of long distance calls is reduced. Are
you keeping some justification for each long distance cail as we require
in other departments of the city?