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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 52
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tame Tks
fugust 13, 1969
As you know, the Atlanta Urban Corps is legally a division of the
Offiee of the Mayor, City Of Atlanta, jointly administered by the
Mayor's Office and the Southern Regional Edaueation Board and will be
1969 ~ June, 1970. ‘This of course does not exlude additional fimding
3 the Urban Life grant, which we desperately need since we had
many requests for interns over what we could supply this sumer,
due to & lack of funds. However, I must emphatically state that if
$30,000 is allocated to the Atlanta Urban Corps, it would in no way
effet the séuiniotrative Line of euthayity Ges preseatiy Gxiste fren
tr. Alex Lacy
August 13. 1969
Page 2
be cancelled, otherwise, it would be included. 1 desire for the grant
to be ineluded only if you agree with administrative stipuletions stated
above, and that the Atlanta Urban Corps in no way be part of the Urban
Life Center and would remain an agency of the Mayor's Office and the
Southern Regional Education Board.
Tf you ‘6 not agree with this statenent. ‘please cance). the grant
request of $30,000 from the Department of Health, Edueation and Welfare.
We thank you for thinking shout the Atlenta Urben Corps in writing
Se er es eet etait cite taamane ee thar 3
areas of educational input of Urban iife students. We look forward to
oo oe oF as well as other colleges in future intern
Mr. Michael National UC Development Office