Dublin Core
Box 9, Folder 3, Document 69
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August 26, 1969
Mr. Jay Fountain
| Deputy Director of Finance
City Hall
68 Mitchell Street, S. W.
| Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Jay:
Please make the following deposits:
Revenue Account Number: Drawn by: A mount:
G-16-7640 Economic Opportunity, $1,760.00
Atlanta, Inc.
G-16-7640 Economic Opportunity, $500. 00
Atlante, Inc.
G-16-7645 Southwestern at $593.28
Acknowledgement of receipt would be appreciated.
Hugh H. Saxon, Jr.
Diréetor of Finance
Atlanta Urban Corps
HHS: pch
Enclosures: Three bank drafts
ec: Mr. George Berry
Mr. Jay Fountain
| Deputy Director of Finance
City Hall
68 Mitchell Street, S. W.
| Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Jay:
Please make the following deposits:
Revenue Account Number: Drawn by: A mount:
G-16-7640 Economic Opportunity, $1,760.00
Atlanta, Inc.
G-16-7640 Economic Opportunity, $500. 00
Atlante, Inc.
G-16-7645 Southwestern at $593.28
Acknowledgement of receipt would be appreciated.
Hugh H. Saxon, Jr.
Diréetor of Finance
Atlanta Urban Corps
HHS: pch
Enclosures: Three bank drafts
ec: Mr. George Berry