Box 9, Folder 3, Document 76

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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 76

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U clon Songs

August 21, 1969

Mr. Jay Fountain

Deputy Director of Finance
City of Atlanta, City Hall
68 Mitchell Street, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Re: Atlanta Urban Corps Accounts
Dear Jay:

Please make the following deposits:

Revenue Account Number: Drawn by: Amount?
G-16+7645 Georgia State College $1, 946. 88
G-16-7645 Brown University $ 218.88

The Georgia State payment is 80% of Two Thousand, Four Hundred Thirty-
Three and Sixty One Hundredths Dollars ($2,433.60). We billed them for
80% of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifth and Forty One Hundredths Dol-
lars ($2,750.40). The discrepancy is due to the fact that Susie Lindsey has
not been certified for College Work-Study Program funding, Consequently,
we will not receive 80% of the Three Hundred Sixteen andiKighty One Hun-
dredths Dollars (316,80) she has been paid.

Acknowledgement of receipt will be appreciated.


nmond L. Deen, Jr.

Enclosures: Two bank drafts

ce: Mr. George Berry


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