Box 9, Folder 3, Document 89

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Box 9, Folder 3, Document 89

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126 Carnegie Way, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Carlton C. Rochell, Director - Mary Louise Rheay, Assistant Director

August 13, 1969

Mr. Sam A. Williams, Director
Atlanta Urban Corps

30 Courtland Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Williams:

As we near the end of the first summer of Urban Corps, I would like
to take this opportunity to express enthusiasm for the program.

Not only were we fortunate in the degree of commitment and enthusiasm
of the Corps members assigned to the library but we also are finding
a likely ground for recruitment to the profession. With a crisis
manpower problem (50,000 vacancies) this could be no small part of
the total impact.

I hope there will be ways found for continuing the program as we have
barely tapped the potential for enrichment of programs which these
youngsters offer.

Very truly yours,



Carlton C. Rochell

CCR: mm


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