Box 9, Folder 4, Document 2

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Box 9, Folder 4, Document 2

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August ll, 1969
Georgia State College - 8:30 P.M.

PURPOSE OF MEETING: To present to the interns the non-city agency and
city department views cf what an intern can and


should do.


Walter L., Bloom, Jr.


Mayor's Office

2. Careatha Daniels Grady M. & I Froject

3. Inmond Deen Atlanta Urban Corps Staff
4, Mattie Dimrmmeny Morris Brown College

5. Maggie Gerber Urban Corps staff

6. Rose Haywood EOA Health

7. Janice Herring Atl, Public Library

8, Freddye Hill Emmaus House

9. John Hotard Sanitation Dept.

10. Toramy Isaac Mayor's Office

ll. Babs Kalvelage Service-Learning Conf,
12, Michael Kemp Water Department

13. Melinda Lawrence Service-Learning Conf.
14, S, Ralph Martin National Welfare Rights
15, Alan Miller Kennesaw Mt. Nat'l, Park
16, Ken Millwood Urban Corps Staff

17. ‘Ronald Nash
18, Rick Padgett

Traffic Engineering Dept
Atlanta Youth Council

19, Karl Faul Wheat Street Baptist Church
20, Susan Pickard Kennesaw Mt. .Nat'l Battle. Pe.
21, Bill Ramsay SREB

22, Tim Rogers Atlanta Urban Corps Staff

23, Barbara Rudisill Atlanta Urban Corps Staff

24, Christime Smith Economic Opportunity Atlanta
25. Kendra Smith Kirkwood Christian Center

26, Dan Sweat City Department Admin.

27, Sally Tucker Kennesaw Mt, Nat'l Battle Pk.
28. Eettye Underwood Atlanta Urban Corps Staff

29, J@bhn Waggener Finance Department

30, Dave Whelan Atlanta Urban Corps Staff

31, Sam Williams Atlanta Urban Corps Director
32, Gary Wood (Rent-A-Kid) tlanta Youth C.
33, Sue Zander Atlanta Urban Corps Staff

The meeting was opened by Mr, Dan Sweat, City Deputy Administrator, giving
his opinion of why the city departments need interns, He pointed out that the city
needs the new ideas of college interns, He feels the strength and weaknesses of the
Urban Corps eguld be (1) strength - Service-Learning Concept , Southern Regional
Educational Board and that the Urban Corps is student run. (2) Weakasss; The Drban
Corps is not yet a year round operation.

Sam Williams asked Mr, Sweat to explain his feelings og how far an Urban Corps
typs program ¢an go in change city government.

Mr, Sweat stated that students should go in and expand the systerm to the breaking
point, then loosen-up, otherwise there’s no mors system: to work on.

Bill Kemp, an Urban Corps intern in the Water Department, suggested that the
city set up permanent administrative positions in city departments for interns, He
felt this could be a unifying fores for city government, i.e., interns come together
and take problems to the Board of Alderman.


Mr. Sweat, when asked about the possible effectiveness of the intern reports
being written, stressed the importance of being thorough in the reports and that .
they would all be read by someone in his department. Some would be sent to the
Mayor, but he assured the group that the Mayor could not read all reports.

A discussion of city government followed and Mr. Sweat encouraged the interns
to seek careers in city government.

An the absence of Father Ford, Emmaus House, who was to discuss the intern as
seen by the private-agency, the discussion was opened by Mr. Bill Ransey, of the

Gary Wood, an Urban Corps intern with the Rent-a-Kid Agency, said that ©
the Urban Corps was vital in keeping private agency going.

Freddye Hill, of Emmaus House, stated that although interns were needed in
the agency, ''could we all possibly be do gooders and doing more harm in starting
programs that we must have in the fall."’ She stated that an Urban Corps intern
should go into a prjvate agencies and determine their needs and work within them.

Rick Padgett of the Atlanta Youth Council asked why should there be a difference
of purpose between going into a city department anda private agency? In other
words, was it more important as an intern having a personal relationship to a
group of kids or an intern in the city department where you're affecting the system
of mass media. :

John Hotard, Sanitation Department, concluded that we should attempt to do

Monday, August 18, 1969
City Hall - Committee Room #2
3:00 p.m.

The final meeting of the ''Top 40" interns was held Monday, August 18, 1969, in
Committee Room #2, City Hall, 3:00 p.m. , with Dave Whelan, Director of
Development, Urban Corps staff, presiding.

The purpose of the meeting was to inform the intern of what action can be taken on
campus, what resources are available on the campus and the present status of
academic credit, and what problems are present in the campus and community.

Dave Whelan pointed out the following examples of PROGRAM POSSIBILITIES:
(1) Emory University

a. The school of Nursing at Emory University is negotiating
to place junior nursing students in a community action
agency using the Urban Corps to assit them. The Dean
of the Nursing School at Emory, Mrs. Ada Fort, in her
explanation as to why the Nursing School is very much in
favor of this plan, stated that nursing students are taught
all medical subjects and that the faculty now is pushing to
give the students expose on a "real life'' basis to the types
of people and situations they could be exposed to and this
in turn, would possibly develop a more aware type of person.

The Political Science department at Emory (Dr. Bowen
and Dr. Main) are backing the idea of students enrolling
in certain courses and having the option of coming to
class or working through the Urban Corps and receiving

credit for their intership providing they meet all other
criteria set. (example: readings, reports, etc.)

(2} Clark College

a Dr. Harris, Chairman of the ''Committee on Non-Traditional
Curriculm" agrees that if a student wishes to participate in

the Urban Corps for credit (3 to 9 hours) then he can appear
before the committee.

Mrs. Edith Ross-Associate Professor, Atlanta University

Schocl of Social Work, interjected the plan of the AU

Center Schools combining all Atlanta University schools

in a program of SOCIAL WELFARE-which will include
undergraduates in 4 courses of social work. She suggested
this was a possible way to link the AUC with the Atlanta

University Complex. (Dr. Garth is chairman of the program,
Mrs. Ross is Coordinator)

(3) Georgia Tech

Social Science course-'"'Problems in Urban Society,"

is a course when there is a possibility of the student

enrolling and having an internship through the Urban
Corps part of his course.

(4) Transfering Credit

Dave Whelan suggested that there might be a possibility of a
transient student enrolling in other school's course that might
have an internship, and trasferring the course back to the

partent institution. Students were told to check with their
department head,

Mr. Bill Ramsey, of the Southern Regional Education Board,
stated that although he is not against the idea of credit being
given, he felt students should not approach their respective
departments heads immediately with the idea of getting credit

for their internship, (either summer or fall) this is not the way
to approach the faculty, as they are probably not aware of

Urban Corps and will want to know immediately the important
things such as the Educational Aspects, value and techniques.

In order to present this adequately, the students must be prepared

to back this up and give concrete examples of ''what was learned
from their internship this summer."

Some student suggestions given at the meeting pertaining to the

overall Urban Corps program and specifically campus partici-
pation are as follows:


Charlie Brown, Georgia Tech, suggested that the
difficulty as far as Tech would be in convincing the
faculty that the program is important. He suggested
that an example of an internship to be suggested to

the faculty would be the idea of engineering students
surveying part of the Model Cities area where surveying
is needed rather than surveying Peters Park which is
surveyed because of lack of other suggestions.

Susan Pickard, Agnes Scott, suggested the possibility of using
an "ENDOWMENT" fund Agnes Scott for Urban Corps interns
from Scott since they do not receive CWSP funds.

Loyd Sanders, Morehouse, suggested that a faculty members from
each school be asked to work with the Urban Corps so that trans-
ferring credit would be more easily handled.

Ken Milwood, University of Georgia, suggested to have both student
and faculty representative from each school as the "official"
Urban Corps Representatives,

Sam Williams made the following suggestions for the intern to do
in the fall:

l. Meet as a group again sometime in October
or November,

2. Go see financial aid officer and find out what
is the school's allocation for CWSP and how
much they are requesting next year and how
much is being spent off-campus.

3. Keep in touch with the Urban Corps office with
names, etc,, of people to contact.


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