Box 9, Folder 4, Document 7

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Box 9, Folder 4, Document 7

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Present position


Background and
past positions


_ Education

Urban experience

ministry, 1968
to the present

Vocational goals


dmre Kovacs

19 Orchard Place
New Haveh, Conn. 06511


Youth and Urban Ninister
North Haven Congregational Church

Grew up in New York City. . . Father, minister of the First
Hungarian Reformed Church, New York . . . Secretary of the
Nattonal Youth Cabinet of the United Church of Christ, 1961-62
e e e Delegate to the North American and Furopean Ecumenical
Youth Assemblies, 1961,1962 . . . Vice-president, Yale Divinity
School Student Assoctation, 1968 . . . Resident Director,

Yale Summer Programs, 1968, 1969 °

Rudolf Steiner School, New York, 1953-1961 . « «

Yale University, B.A., 1965, majored in Chinese Studies and
religion « « « Yale Divinity School, B.D., 1968,. + « Yate
School of Art and Architecture, courses in the history of
ctty planning and urban structure while at the divinity school

Secretary of Dwight Hall, undergraduate organization at

Yale responstble for student involvement in the New Haben
inner city. Responsibility for developing new prograns witen ns
YMCA group worker with inner city boys « « «

Executive Secretary of Hill-Dwight Ninisterial Alliance.
Community organization work with black mission churches in
New Haven inner city, field work while in divinity school.
Organized day care center. Edited Alliance newspaper which
was distributed to the churches. Worked with New Haven
Redevelopment to relocate churches in renewal area. Assisted
in comprehensive analysis of Hill area, Co-ordinated
Alliance programs with Community Progress, Ince, New Haven's
ariti-poverty agency

Grant from the Connecticut Conference of the United Church of
Christ to discover ways of relating the North Haven church to
an inner city target area in New Haven, Nebhallville. Planned,
with the assistance of Christian Community Actton, a day long
educational program on the interrelatitonship of the city and
suburb, Worked with the black ministers in the Ministers
Assoctattion of Newhallville. Secured and supervised divinity
school student to work with Association, Developing a group
within the North Haven church to take responsibility for —
continuing the ministry. Final report to the Conference to
be "Manual for Developing an Urban-Suburban Ministry"

To understand the dynamics of urban change... To enable
the structures to be more responsive to the needs of people
e « e To change the structures to create a more human urban
environment .


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