Box 9, Folder 4, Document 39

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Box 9, Folder 4, Document 39

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Southern Redlonal Education Bourd L830 Strath Street, NO + Tanita. Georsia AUS 1S © 404 872-8878


July Ts 1969 fob Meteludumen® frien

Atlanta Seminar Participants

FROM: Robert L. Sigmon


: Preparation for Seminar

Over 20 interns from 12 states representing both undergraduate and graduate
institutions and from a variety of projects and agencies will be attending.

As a technique for each intern to present the nature and substance of his
internship assignment, you are requested to prepare and bring with you to
the seminar a symbolic expression, some tangible evidence, of your project

As an example, last year an intern working with Mexican-American Consumer
Co-op in Texas brought a paper bag containing a can of beans and some
tortillas to symbolize the basic diet of the people and products for the
co-op. Another intern working with community organizations in North
Carolina used a cigarette to discuss the tobacco economy of that area and
its relationship to organizing in rural North Carolina.

Each intern will be offered the opportunity to discuss his or her project.
To facilitate early discussions on the nature of development, you are
requested to develop an outline of what you think the developmental process
includes in the carrying out of your project or in any other area that

you are familiar with.

We will attempt during the seminar to examine the developmental process
as it relates to you and your project.

To focus the educational question, would you be thinking about the question
of how we became autonomous learners?

On Monday morning, a public official and a representative of a higher
education institution in Atlanta will attend the seminar to dialogue

with us on the role of youth in both the meeting of public needs and
discovering better ways of encouraging learning in the context of meeting
those needs.

See you Sunday, July 13 in Atlanta.

Patt Sy Wissen

Robert L. Sigmon



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