Box 9, Folder 5, Document 17

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Box 9, Folder 5, Document 17

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Edition I, May 5, 1969 30 Courtland Street, S. E., Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 Phone - 524-8091


To those of you who have worked closely with the progran
this is welcome news, and in the following summary several
areas of the program will be outlined to date. We hope by
way of a regular newsletter we can keep you informed of pro-=
gress made in the program as it develops throughout these
next months and on into the summer. The Public Relations staff
will be publishing the newsletter, and we will attempt to cover
all areas of interest within the Urban Corps program,


Located on the second floor of the old city auditoriun,
50 Courtland Street, is the new office of the Atlanta Urban
Corps. With the generous help of the City the office is begin-
ning to be equipped more adequately with desks, typewriters,
filing cabinets and general office supplies. Full-time staff
now includes four: Sam Williams, Dianne Wilson, Sue Zander and
Arlene Bird, Melvin McCray and Stephen Mwamba of Georgia State
College also have been employed part time to develop payroll
and finance prodedures. Volunteers have been in the office
to help with the volumes of mail and applications, etc, which
have begun to come in,


Qur student recruitment effort, so vital to the quality
of our summer program, was begun two weeks ago on the campuses
of the participating colleges here in Atlanta. Recruitment is
being handled by the College Relations Board, chaired by
Marc Dash. The College Relations Board has been working quite
effectively on the campuses and is to be commended for repre=
senting the A, U. C, well, A report submitted by Mare on
April 29 showed the following figures:

Page 2

Approx. No. With

College One Week Remaining Date
Georgia State College 30 4/24/69
Emory University 25 L./28/69
Agnes Scott College 70 5/ 1/69
Clark College 120 4/29/69
Morris Brown College 115 4/29/69
Morehouse College 100 5/ 1/69
Spelman College 110 4/29/69
Georgia Tech 20 4/28/69
DeKalb Junior College a 4/29/69

Total 5

Formal recruitment closed on the campuses Friday, May 2.
Marc Dash predicts that an overall figure of 1000 applications
will be in hand to be reviewed for student placement.


Bill Adams, Private Fund Raising Chairman, has submitted
the following report on efforts being made in this area of
the A. U. C.

In the initial conception of the Atlanta Urban Corps, the
idea of soliciting the business community for financial assist-
ance was considered to be absolutely necessary in order to make
the A. U. C. a representative student program, Without financial
assistance from the business sector only students who could
qualify for college work study money would be able to serve as
interns in the A, U. CG. unless they volunteered their time,
Business support will enable the Atlanta Urban Corps to involve
students from all levels of income in the program and also will
allow interns to work in agencies that cannot afford the cost,

Presently we are in the process of contacting the major
businesses in the Atlanta area, We feel the A. U. C. provides
business the opportunity to contribute to a worthwhile urban
project as well as to provide them an excellent avenue for
public relations,

Money available to date can be broken down as follows:
College Work Study Grants (approx. 220 interns) $195, 000

Southern Regional Education Board 20,000
City Finance Department Grant 9, 000
Fulton County Health pene bint 5,500
Stern Foundation Grant 1,000

Total $230, 500

Beh nai nae

ago 3
Our goal is 300 interns, half in city agencies and half in
non-city agencies such as Y MC A, DeKalb County Government,
etc, At present in our administrative department we need
twenty-four interns, If private businesses contribute
$40,000 we will be able to operate at planned capacity.

Our financial effort has been greatly enhanced by the
assistance of Mr, Dave Houser of Arthur J, Anderson and Co.
Mr. Houser has been very beneficial in directing our approach
to the business sector,


The Board of Trustees of the Atlanta Urban Corps met
officially for the first time April 17, 1969 in the Wilby Room
of the Georgia Tech Library. Mr. Bill Ramsay of the Southern
Regional Education Board presided, Rich Speer, Student Director,
spoke to the Board on the A, U. C. overall concept, followed
by an organization report given by Sam Williams, Staff Director.
RepOr ss were made by David Whelan, Internship Development
Director and by Sam Williams and Bill Adams who both reported
on the financial aspect of the program. Tara Swartsel, Secretary
of the College Relations Board, gave a short report on the work
being done on the campuses by our College Relations Board
representatives, and Marc Dash, Director of the College Relations
Board described the actual program of student recruitment,
Mr, Dennis Webb of Nall, Miller, Kadenhead, and Dennis reported
on the legal status of the A. U. C,, explaining to the Board
that our charter has been approved by the State of Georgia and
is being presented to the Internal Revenue Service for tax-
exempt status as a non-profit organization,


On Tuesday, April 29 at 9:00 a.m. a breakfast was given
in the tea room of Rich's downtown, made possible by
Mr, Harold Brocke of Rich's and hosted by Mr, Kavanagh of Ric's
personel department. Forty leading Atlanta businessmen were
invited to become personally adquainted with the A. U, C.
program, Good attendance and obvious interest proved our belief

Page lL

that the Atlanta business community will play a vital role

in the success of our program. Mayor Ivan Allen and Georgia
Tech's past president Edwin Harrison each made opening comments
on the Urban Corps, and Sam Williams, Rich Speer and Bill Adams
made reports on specific areas of the Urban Corps concept.

The businessmen were invited to commit themselves to the concept
of the A, U. C. and if possible to make a financial commitment
as well. Bill Adams is to make personal appointments to talk
with individual businessmen from the group soon.

In order that the students who work with our program this
summer serve in relevant positions, the A. U. C. is utilizing
students in the field to develop the job slots, or internships,
in which students rill be placed. Twanty-five students are
now working on this development procedure, including students
from Agnes Scott College, Georgia Tech, and the Atlanta
University Complex; Dianne Wilson and Marlene Rounds are both
working out of the A. U, C. office on this same development
program, Contacts are being made at twenty city departments
and forty extra-city agencies ranging from the local school
boards to the Economic Opportunity Atlmta program, To date
some fifty developed internships are in hand with an expected
figure of over three hundred, Wally Bloom, Extra-City Coordinator
and David Whelan, City Coordinator both are quite optimistic
about the success of this particular aspect of the A, U. C,

Mr. Dan Sweat
Government Liason
Mayor*s Office
City Hall
Atlanta, Ga,


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