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Box 9, Folder 5, Document 20
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30 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. / PHONE [404] 525-2662 / ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303
April 25, 1969
Mr. Dan Sweat
Director of Government Liason
Mayor's Office
Atlanta, Georgia 303503
Enclosed are our Internship Development Forms for the Mayor's’
office internship positions this summer. Since you are so
well acquainted with the program, I see no need to discuss the
internships per sewith you. If you will see that a development
form is completely filled out for each internship in the Mayor's
office (xerox a copy if two are the same.) with a detailed
description of the purposes, objectives, etc. of the position,
it will be appreciated,
We would like you to return these forms to us at the A.U. C.
office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please
call the office and leave a message for me.
Thank you for your help.
_ Sincerely,
( /
David Whelan
30 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. / PHONE [404] 525-2662 / ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303
April 25, 1969
Mr. Dan Sweat
Director of Government Liason
Mayor's Office
Atlanta, Georgia 303503
Enclosed are our Internship Development Forms for the Mayor's’
office internship positions this summer. Since you are so
well acquainted with the program, I see no need to discuss the
internships per sewith you. If you will see that a development
form is completely filled out for each internship in the Mayor's
office (xerox a copy if two are the same.) with a detailed
description of the purposes, objectives, etc. of the position,
it will be appreciated,
We would like you to return these forms to us at the A.U. C.
office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please
call the office and leave a message for me.
Thank you for your help.
_ Sincerely,
( /
David Whelan