Box 9, Folder 5, Document 23

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Box 9, Folder 5, Document 23

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July 15, 1969

Mr. Charles L. Davis

Department of Finance
City of Atlanta

Dear Charles:

I have your letter of July 10, 1969 in which you indicate that you have disbursed
$250 to Mr. Mark Dash through the regular payroll procedure. As you know,
this disbursement was requested to be in the form of an educational stipend.

It is our request that the remaining three payments of $250 each be disbursed
directly from the remaining funds of the Stern Family Grant, which is now
deposited in Account TA-25-62-310. You have one miscellaneous request in

hand, and you are requested to make this disbursement from this appropriation.

Soon the Urban Corps Project Director will forward to us the remaining two
payments to be made from the TA-25-62-310 account.

Many thanks for your assistance and cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Dan Sweat



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