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Box 9, Folder 6, Document 32
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x 4 Cc
To: Sam Williams
From: George J. Berry yy
Subject: Contracts with Educational Advisors
Attached are copies of a letter to Charles Davis, draft of a
resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute these agreements,
and a draft of the agreement itself.
Please look this agreement over and if you approve, prepare
25 final copies (five each for each contractor) and sign as
approved by the Urban Corps Project Director. Then forward
to each Advisor for signature. Then forward to me in City
Hall for the Attorney's signature and then the Mayor's signature.
I will retain the City's copy for the Finance Department and send
the other executed copies back to you for distribution.
Because of the time factor, you might want to la ve someone
walk these around to the various Advisors so that there will
be no chance of them getting lost on someone's dest.
Very truly yours,
George J. Berry
ce: Mr. Charles L. Davis
Mr. Horace Ward
eee in aac i Nai ie a ii a Naar ae eel
x 4 Cc
To: Sam Williams
From: George J. Berry yy
Subject: Contracts with Educational Advisors
Attached are copies of a letter to Charles Davis, draft of a
resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute these agreements,
and a draft of the agreement itself.
Please look this agreement over and if you approve, prepare
25 final copies (five each for each contractor) and sign as
approved by the Urban Corps Project Director. Then forward
to each Advisor for signature. Then forward to me in City
Hall for the Attorney's signature and then the Mayor's signature.
I will retain the City's copy for the Finance Department and send
the other executed copies back to you for distribution.
Because of the time factor, you might want to la ve someone
walk these around to the various Advisors so that there will
be no chance of them getting lost on someone's dest.
Very truly yours,
George J. Berry
ce: Mr. Charles L. Davis
Mr. Horace Ward
eee in aac i Nai ie a ii a Naar ae eel