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Box 9, Folder 7, Document 6
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July 9, 1969
Mra. Joanna McKeever
Room 808
101 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30307
Dear Mra. McKeevar:
As agreed to in our conversation of thie morning, I am forwarding to
1. A contract and one copy that will constitute the
agreement as reached between Mr. Harold Barrett,
£.0.A., and Mr. Dave Whelan, Urban Corps, regard-
ing E.0.A. payment for two interns at the rate of
$880 each.
2. A contract and one copy that will constitute the
’ agreemant ag reached between the forementioned
parties regarding E.0.A. payment for two interns
at the rate of $250 each.
If you will please have someone authorized to contract for B.0.A. sign
and return the four documents it will be appreciated.
Bank drafte should be made payable to the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban
I thank you fn anticipation of your cooperation in this matter.
Inmond L. Deen, Jr.
Finanelal Diractor
ILD: peh
Mra. Joanna McKeever
Room 808
101 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30307
Dear Mra. McKeevar:
As agreed to in our conversation of thie morning, I am forwarding to
1. A contract and one copy that will constitute the
agreement as reached between Mr. Harold Barrett,
£.0.A., and Mr. Dave Whelan, Urban Corps, regard-
ing E.0.A. payment for two interns at the rate of
$880 each.
2. A contract and one copy that will constitute the
’ agreemant ag reached between the forementioned
parties regarding E.0.A. payment for two interns
at the rate of $250 each.
If you will please have someone authorized to contract for B.0.A. sign
and return the four documents it will be appreciated.
Bank drafte should be made payable to the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban
I thank you fn anticipation of your cooperation in this matter.
Inmond L. Deen, Jr.
Finanelal Diractor
ILD: peh